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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. This would probably push your uncle over the edge. Is that a greyhound? They were not bred to do that!
  2. I'll go out on a limb here and say Darren, and the owner of Hugo are certified nutjobs...at least they have the papper work to back it up though :p Oh and it's "constitiion" Maddy! When you are making a grand statement in capslocks Darren just a little tip...google is your friend :)
  3. Stan is 6 and still squats, I go through quite a lot of baby wipes. Your boy is gorgeous.
  4. Darren Thomson posted this the other day. You can STOP THIS BY LAW. give me a call & l will send you the PAPPER WORK BY THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITIION LAW. Call me Darren on ... Send me the PAPPER work dude!
  5. This guy is all kinds of speshal. From the FB page... I'll move to cairns, take Hugo, we can rename him and reregister him in the Gold Coast under a different name and return him home... Like · Reply · 327 · Yesterday at 4:36pm .. 22 Replies · 4 hours ago
  6. Agree 100%, well done Team Dog.
  7. Last night on the news they said she was away from home 4 days a week as she is a flight attendant :/ Wow just looked at the "don't save Hugo" page...appalling. All these people are M-A-D!
  8. An interesting quote from the FB page... "we save whales that swim into the wrong place, save Hugo who walked into the wrong place" WTF???
  9. Oh Kombi's! my other love Would love some piccies mish13? There are quite a few restored Kombi's around here on the Central Coast, a guy I worked with has the most amazing splitty.
  10. Her reply to you gave me a headache and she's still none the wiser. My dear Mum's saying comes to mind...you can't put brains in statues.
  11. My dogs are basically my only family too so I understand You obviously love him very much and have his best interests at heart, I'm sorry you are going through this. Could you maybe pay a dog walker to walk him or maybe if you are able to drive take him to a doggy day care a couple of times a week?
  12. Gawd it just gets better, she's kidding isn't she?
  13. Nice to see Warrior wander into shot showing us his jatz crackers :laugh:
  14. Saw it on the Sydney news tonight and the news guy, Hugh Rimington, said the dog was impounded after a complaint that the dog was off lead in it's own front yard. We then see the woman walking through a gate, that has a menacing dog sign on it, and walking up the stairs to the house before blubbering something and showing a huge canvas photo of the dog and son. Now I'm assuming she was walking through the back gate as if it was the front why would someone complain about a dog in a fully fenced front yard?
  15. But see I already have serious physical health problems at 50 and it's a disease that's not going to go away...ever. Greyhounds suit my disability and when/if I do get to a good age I'll adopt old greys. Many broody's have still been pumping out litters at 9 and 10, many living in kennels their whole lives so they would welcome the chance to come sit on the couch with me I'm sure. As I said I'd only adopt from reputable rescue so they would be returned and rehomed should the need arise. Winterpaws adopted a 12 year old greyhound last year that ended up in the RSPCA after his owner had been placed in a nursing home. Yes he did pine for his owner for a short time but soon settled in with his new family and he had actually been a pet for many years. Greyhounds are pretty adaptable dogs :)
  16. Yes I was reading the FB page earlier, sorry but the dog was caught wandering many times, another case of stupid owner syndrome. Her comment saying "he rushed the dog and owner because he was saying hello!" shits me to tears. Keep your dog contained, walk in on a lead and it won't end up in this situation.
  17. I'm going in on Friday to pick up an order BCC so I'll ask Ben for you otherwise next time you're down drop in and grab some to try. They are just off Manns Rd at the West Gosford end, really easy to find. http://www.localdirectories.com.au/West-Gosford,NSW/Swaggerbout-Pet-Products/profile/n8Oj
  18. Can't beat Swaggerbout Pet Foods. I've been buying from Ben for 4 years and so do most people I know, including my vet. Stan has the premium roo and Maddie the chicken and spinach and as you say, no preservatives
  19. 92 year old Syd adopted a 10 year old greyhound after losing his wife and old dog, Cheeky has given him a new lease on life I love this quote from the article..."after his wife died he thought about finding a new partner but he decided a dog was better" I'm with you Syd http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/news/yearold-syd-finds-love-again-with-cheeky-the-rescued-greyhound/story-fngr8gwi-1226992143013
  20. OMG the FJ!! I always wanted a EH ute but the closest I got was a station wagon.
  21. I pulled a small tick off Stan's leg last night, the first I have found on either of my greys in the four years I've had them
  22. Oh wow that is gorgeous! HJ? I love utes :)
  23. For me it'll be until I fall off my perch but my breed suits my energy levels. I have osteo and rheumatoid arthritis throughout my whole body, much worse in my knees and feet and there are some days I struggle to walk very far at all. Greyhounds are known to be the 45mph couch potato so a short sniff around the park or a zoomie in the yard can be sufficient for my two on my bad days. I'm 50 and my greys are 6 so I know I will have more but as my body falls apart more and more I'll definitely get older greyhounds, happy to sit in the sun with me or shuffle around the yard in my slippers lol. Adopting my greys from a reputable rescue also gives me peace of mind as if something should happen to me they will be taken back by the rescue group and not end up at the pound like sadly happens with some older peoples pets where family can't or won't take them. I don't have any family so it's good to know I can always have a grey sitting on the couch :)
  24. I have also been thinking about this subject as Maddie has terrible separation anxiety as well As much as she bosses Stan around, bites him, he can't play with a toy as she takes it off him everytime, she adores him. They both have to go everywhere together as well as she would scream the house down, I did it once when dropping Stan at the vet and came home to hear bloody curdling screaming from up the street. Problem we also have is Maddie hates other dogs as well, it was the reason I had to stop fostering. I would love to add another greyhound to our home but I simply do not trust her and while I'm home a lot I can't be here 24/7. If dog forbid something happened to Stan her whole world will cave in she simply cannot be alone. Rock/hard place I'm sorry you are going through this and I wish you all the best.
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