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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. That is soooo gorgeous. Next time someone feels the need to comment on how much weight I've put on I'll just tell them I've got an Iggy down my jumper and walk away :laugh:
  2. That makes sense. See I never get this :/ We're talking about domesticated dogs recognising their own kind.
  3. With racing greyhounds that's often the only other dogs they ever see are other greyhounds. Maddie doesn't like other dogs at all except greys.
  4. That's OK we're happy to wait :D Yes, Hazy, that's Ned. You may have met in a past life on a racetrack perhaps? :laugh: Leah, I like the pic of cool Collie! Love the bubbles, teekay, I see you have some more awesome shots on your Flickr photostream, & Weibritty, orchids can be cantankerous, but so pleased yours is finally flowering & honouring the memory of your father-in-law. Probably Trifecta :laugh: the racing world is much smaller than people think.
  5. Greyhounds are the same when they see other greyhounds, they love their own kind.
  6. Broken toes happen quite a bit with racing greyhounds, they usually amputate but I guess that's to get them back on the track quicker. I've seen a few with amputated toes and there hasn't been any issues.
  7. Tibor you gorgeous old man. There is something so special about the love of an old dog
  8. That poor bloody greyhound What a piece of shit she is Greyhound Angels obviously didn't do a house check for foster care, it happens way too often in greyhound rescue. They are so busy "saving them all" that they don't even bother to check if the foster home is suitable.
  9. The owners have a "history of non compliance"...dickheads.
  10. Happy gotcha day gorgeous girl Can't wait to meet you and kiss that little face!
  11. Yes I saw this on the news last night and though what arsewipes. The way the real estate agent talked about it made me sick although they're not known for their morals when it comes to the almighty dollar. My dogs are priceless.
  12. We do exactly the same thing hankdog. We go to the " lolly cupboard" after dinner every night & we get out a choice of 3 or 4 treats & Sonny gets first choice of which one he'd like. Then Stella gets to choose which one she'd like. Then off they trot both happy as larks to the loungeroom to lay down & devour it. So funny when they deciding which one. Makes me laugh. They smell each one first. Then it's like hmmm which one will I have. They have a little think about it first. Then finally take the one they want. LOL. The favourite desert atm is 1 strawberry & a couple of blueberries dipped in plain yoghurt. I put it on a saucer for them. They get so excited. Stella gets really vocal. Shes always been a little chatterbox :) Stan's packed his bags and he's on his way up to Aunty BC's place :D
  13. Looks fabulous well done Very lucky doggies :)
  14. 40/52 ...and heading out over the ocean.
  15. Great pics trifecta, is that your hubby? He looks familiar :/ 39/52 Yesterdays storm rolling in over Terrigal.
  16. Righto. Demo called upon please. Is Devon mild? Just good old devon slices from the deli DD, the ones my mum used put on a sandwich with tomato sauce everyday for my entire primary school life :laugh: It's mild, it's pretty tasteless really gawd knows what's in it but Stan would do a cartwheel for a slice with his monthly heartworm tablet in it.
  17. Devon. I could wrap a phone book in a slice of devon and Stan would swallow it whole.
  18. The sunbaking chicken in the second pic
  19. I expect a lot of things from my two but it never happens :laugh: Picking up some stuffing doesn't really take much time out of my busy schedule and the fun she has is priceless anyway. Now if Stan could just leave the whitegoods and the furniture alone I'd be happy.
  20. Nope couldn't care less. Maddie is the de-stuffer here, she loves it. Nothing makes her happier than ripping the leg of a stuffed animal and manically pulling all the stuffing out lol. I just buy stuffed toys from the op-shop so cheap as chips anyway.
  21. I have many "what the" moments with Stan but this morning's effort was rather special and made me think of this thread as I actually said "what the" out loud. Stanley waking up on my bed, stands up and goes for the big forward morning stretch and headbutts the wall so hard the neighbours probably heard it and then looks at me like "hmmmm how long has that wall been there?" Ah Stan, you've done it again :laugh:
  22. I think you have what it takes to do this successfully. And while I would never sell you a greyhound puppy or youngster, an older greyhound would be very happy as long as it was walked twice a day. I also think you should go an older dog whatever the breed. They are more settled usually and you know what you are getting. I agree with Rebanne. You could also try fostering with a reputable greyhound rescue group to see how you go. I know GAPVIC have homed greys to inner city Melbourne apartments. Greyhounds have no smell so make great inside pets, most ex racing greys are used to set toilet breaks and they sleep....a lot :p
  23. What other dogs have you got? Could you take the Coolie for a week or so and just see how she goes?
  24. See he does nothing for me but I'm sure he'd say the same if he saw me :laugh: That pic of Neko on the table looking at you just makes me melt Kirislin It's rather like judging at shows isn't it? What appeals to one judge does nothing for another. Well I definitely don't meet the standard that's for sure, I'd give Judge Judy a run for her money though :laugh:
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