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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Love storm photos but don't like storms myself either CC. My dogs are terribly storm phobic and I'm not much better. I'm usually curled up with all the curtains drawn singing Kumbaya or something waiting for it to roll out to sea
  2. My two would love these, how many do you get in the 500g pack? 30 bucks for a packet of treats might be a bit out of my budget :/
  3. That's so cute, fast as their little legs would take them Although I'm so used to watching greyhounds run it seemed to take ages for them to get around :laugh:
  4. That photo is amazing teekay! I'd be contacting Toyota and see if they want to buy that shot from you.
  5. Yep only greyhounds for me. I do admire other breeds especially in the sighthounds but I have no desire to own anything but greys :)
  6. I gave them to my two once and they both threw them back up. Neither of them are spewers as a rule so I think maybe they were just too fatty or something...not sure.
  7. That's a bit harsh, the OP was simply asking for advice. Well said Gruflife.
  8. I hope so too Jules and I'm sure I will just by reading so many positive experiences here. I really need to get my confidence back when out in public with the dogs not just for me but for Maddie. The gut churning fear I feel before I even leave the house is no good for either of us I hope any Doler's that see us out and about on the MP will come and say hello, we're pretty easy to recognise. I'm the chubby middle aged woman dragging a portly blue greyhound continually saying "Stanley come ooooooon!" while my little white greyhound is trotting along in front of us :laugh: Sorry to go OT Malakita.
  9. Just spent 3 days in Rye and went to the beach everyday. Only had 1 dog approach mine. Every other person kept theirs away when they saw me leash mine. Quite a few stopped and asked why I had hold of mine, :laugh: . This was an off leash area. It would be lovely to take mine to the beach, I rarely take them here way to many idiots which is sad as Maddie loves to have a little lay down to cool off. Stan's not a fan of seaweed touching him :laugh: Thanks for the well wishes Malakita I am so looking forward to it
  10. won't be long now though eh? best bet is the council website as will be more up to date there's a PDF you can download here Two weeks today Annie and we'll be there :D
  11. It's a nightmare here on the Central Coast especially my suburb of Terrigal. We have a large off leash area plus two of our beaches are off leash with no time restrictions but nooooo people just think the whole bloody suburb is off leash, they don't give a crap Oh and speaking of crap apparently they don't have to pick that up either. I have been abused countless times by people for asking them to leash their out of control dogs, after all mine are muzzled by law, I was even spat at once by one charmer. Since my greyhounds were attacked by off lead dogs in April I am petrified every time I take them out, the rangers don't care so I give up. I am moving to the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria in two weeks and I'm really hoping I can find a safe place to walk them. If not I can join in with the greyhound rescue peeps who have regular walks and events, at least I won't feel so frightened all the time with safety in numbers. Ignorant people have taken the simple pleasure of walking my dogs away from me
  12. Maddie hates the camera with a passion. She can be the happiest little greyhound in the world but aim that camera at her and she looks like she gets flogged daily and twice on Sundays.
  13. Another reason I loathe summer RIP Dash
  14. yes Ricketts Point and surrounds - tho there is a greyhound Howl-O-Ween party in that vicinity this coming Saturday arvo :D Wish I was there!
  15. It's that bloody Peanut again, yeah, I'll blame her. :laugh: I did think that myself when I first looked at the photo but then look at that sad whippy face :/ hhhhmmm you'll never know. Stan wouldn't be in that photo as he never returns to the scene of the crime. He hears my car and high tails it to the bedroom, convincing himself that if he sticks his head under the doona it'll all go away....or I'll blame Maddie. Even when I found him in my bed with the tray out of the griller he was still maintaining his innocence *rolls eyes*. Bloody dog :laugh:
  16. Obviously I don't live there yet so don't know first hand but I found this map a while ago. http://www.themorningtonpeninsula.com/DogGuide.aspx
  17. Welcome to my world Although Stan would consider that a pretty poor effort :laugh:
  18. I use an insert from a crock pot or slow cooker, you can buy them from the op-shops for a couple of bucks and they are easy to clean too :)
  19. That's ok! Maddie would probably be quite good at it but if it's raining Stan wouldn't even get out of the car let alone actually run :laugh:
  20. Oh Maddy Lani's photos are just beautiful. What a lovely tribute to Sal and Kiff and although I know how much your heart still aches, your strength and courage to let them go together is something I'll never forget in my life. I'm so proud of you my dear friend, no one could've loved them more RIP Chief PeePaw and Sallyroo...zoomies in heaven
  21. She's quite the adventurer too I enjoy following her page. Must be something about white greyhounds, my Maddie has fur like velvet.
  22. No it's not me I live in Sydney. Mouse has her own FB page that I follow
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