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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Oh no poor Dave is he going to be ok? I thought it would've been a GAPVIC dog
  2. Thanks for the link SB, I've never heard of the show but I'll be watching it again...classic. The grey looked a lot like GAPVIC's office dog Dave and it's filmed in Melbourne too. Skyesblue your greyhound Skye is exactly like this one, she could be a star!! She doesn't need any training that's just the way she is :laugh:
  3. I can pick him, he's that unit in the middle laughing :laugh: Love the new photos and never boring! Keep posting them I always check this thread for a smile
  4. They'll be big shoes to fill GB. Not only do you take great photos but your knowledge with rescue dogs, temp caring, transports and much more will be sorely missed by the team at Somersby. Good luck in the new job, you might be able to turn Rutherford around ;)
  5. She's such a beautiful girl Kirty Wouldn't happen in this house
  6. So sorry for your loss MM I love the last photo of Indy, I do love an old dog RIP Indy
  7. I wouldn't feel bad for dobbing them in Jules. If they knew the dogs were barkers why did they leave the collars off? for months? I do feel for people who's dogs bark when they're out as unless someone tells them how are they to know but these people knew and yours got the blame.
  8. perhaps because Bon is now adult , and has lost any 'puppy license' ? Just watched that video - that ain't fighting - that is one dog attacking a submissive dog - = NASTY . Yeah agree here that's just full on nasty Until you can try and sort it out I'd be locking them in seperate rooms especially as you do long work hours and Bon is obviously petrified. Good luck.
  9. Stan doesn't do rain full stop, he wouldn't even go out for a wee for the whole of winter if it was physically possible. Maddie would go out in a cyclone it doesn't worry her. Luckily I don't need to entertain my two as being greyhounds they just sleep....a lot.
  10. :laugh: Maddie's long lost twin, I don't call her the beady eyed assassin for nothing. That's why I named her Maddie as she's M-A-D! She is very cuddly to me but she's a cunning little piece of work. I'm the same Steph I just love my boys, I've always had them and I've never really thought about their penis. Balls on the other hand nup...they aren't attractive on any species O.o Just get a fluffy dog, then you can't see them. Unless they flash them at you, which I swear is sometimes done on purpose. Nope short haired and no balls.... hmmmm sounds a bit like my ex :laugh:
  11. :laugh: Maddie's long lost twin, I don't call her the beady eyed assassin for nothing. That's why I named her Maddie as she's M-A-D! She is very cuddly to me but she's a cunning little piece of work I'm the same Steph I just love my boys, I've always had them and I've never really thought about their penis. Balls on the other hand nup...they aren't attractive on any species O.o
  12. I know BCC! it's like being on a desert island compared to Terrigal :laugh: 46/52 Cooooooooo Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  13. Love the undies Ronin :laugh: A few years ago I came home to find Stan running around the backyard with my pajama top on, I'd been out for hours so I have no idea how long he'd been wearing it or how he even got it on!
  14. You are both gorgeous! Thank you for sharing ETA you won't be able to change your name again for 12 months Alex.
  15. Thanks Weibritty, we didn't walk all the way to the end because if Stan decides he's walked far enough we'd be stuck up there for dog knows how long :laugh: 45/52 Walking the dogs on Dromana Beach this morning with not a soul in sight...priceless :)
  16. Raising one litter at a time does not take all day unless we're talking about multiple litters which, in my opinion, is wrong. If a breeder can't be arsed keeping her website up to date, don't have one and more importantly don't lead people up the mulberry bush. Wow! Talk about rude! I'm not a breeder but I'm pretty darned sure that raising even one healthy litter can take all day -- especially if things like premature, singleton or caesarians occur. I'd personally prefer a breeder who takes the time out to look after her pups rather than have an awesome website; after all, not everyone can be amazing web designers. :/ Also, I'd be willing to bet that some of these breeders have quite possibly forgotten they've even got a website. Really? Rude? I didn't see it that way but "ring or email and if you don't hear from them move on" I find a tad rude. People wait years sometimes for particular breeds, they try to do the right thing like joining a purebred dog forum, asking questions, researching breeders that they hope are reputable and are going to give them the best shot at a healthy pup. Some people bust their butts to do the right thing and if a breeder as the OP put it "can't be arsed" then yes some peeps WILL move on...to Gumtree, BYB's etc.
  17. aw, dont let Stan read this. He thinks he's Stan The Man. In the words of Monty Python...he's not the messiah he's just a naughty boy :laugh: No forgetting the camera Yonjuro, just when you think it's the same old same old they do something that makes you think "damn I wish I had the camera!"
  18. Oh wow that's amazing The daughter of a dear friend of mine who passed away almost 12 months ago at age just 56 lived in Japan and taught English to Japanese kids. She taught us " beeru kudasai ima" totally wrong spelling I know but apparently it means "beer please now"??? lol Ronin's name has a lot more meaning than my dear Stan who I named after a barman I worked with for years that only ever bet on the dishlickers :p Sorry to go a bit OT there
  19. Thanks Denali! :) Only a true dog enthusiast would call these hooligans 'cute' I needed his name on the harness so people didn't think I had named him after Ronan Keating :D Yeah that'd be embarrassing :laugh: Where did his name come from Yonjuro?
  20. Thank you greyt pics and I love the video! Good try at catching Tigger Ronin but all you've got to remember dude is that they may be the fastest dog on the planet but they're sprinters not stayers, you'll catch him eventually :laugh:
  21. 44/52 A loverly day for a walk on Rosebud Pier :)
  22. 43/52 My pretty Miss Madeleine.
  23. Maddie plays rough, she has taken so many bits out of poor Stan I couldn't count. Besides the fact she's a nasty biatch it's pretty easy to do. I'm sure for Ronin if there was the occassion that there was broken skin it would not be malicious, greyhounds can give as good as they get until there's an ouchy and then you may experience the "greyhound scream of death"...Stan's very good at that and Maddie craps herself :laugh: I'd love to see more pics of these besties so I hope you can add more to this thread. Makes me smile to see greys have fun :D
  24. Me thinks Neko needs her own Facebook page Kirislin Stan Greyhound will be one of her devoted followers
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