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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Ahhh see you've already been bitten by the greyhound bug and it's an itch that has been unscratched for too long ;) Greyhound is next on my list as well :laugh: :laugh: me too....surprise!
  2. Brilliant!!! Ooops I edited as I used a Facebook emoticon...I forget where I am sometimes :laugh:
  3. ...and here we have the "rare" blue of the species in his prefered habitat, the loungeroom. Ears pinned back carefully watching the white female slink past as an attack could happen at any moment
  4. Ahhh see you've already been bitten by the greyhound bug and it's an itch that has been unscratched for too long ;)
  5. Yep can't say I'm missing them *shudder*
  6. Love the excavation work! Maddie is the hole digger from hell. You could plant an 80 foot gum tree in her current project
  7. Perfume you do realise this is a public forum? Word spreads quickly throughout the dog world be it breeder or rescue, I feel you are now not doing yourself any favours.
  8. Oh VM I'm sorry I just saw this RIP Tibor you were so very loved Take care VM
  9. Really? If someone was checking me out via my Facebook page they wouldn't entrust me with a pot plant :laugh: Perfume I have never bought a dog from a breeder but in rescue when I do a house check I am pretty over the top with my questions and checking out the house and yard. I also take photos (with permission) of possible trouble spots that I will forward to whatever rescue I'm doing the check for along with a war and peace sized email on what I think of the prospective home, the person and anyone else that lives there. I've never had anyone complain that I was too thorough. Can't say I've ever taken a photo of a person but if I wanted that dog and that's what they wanted then I'd do it. Yes I agree it's a bit odd but it's no biggie really IMO.
  10. Don't say where it is publicly! Greyhounds, even GAP ones, are not supposed to be off lead in Vic, unless private property. Yonjuro is in Western Australia.
  11. Aaaaww they love each other! Tigger is one very lucky greyhound by the looks. Is he a rescue Yonjuro?
  12. Foster Failures are the best. :) Oh yeah I've got two! I had quite a few in between though :)
  13. Moi? never ;) you missed the magic word......"foster" :)
  14. Oh wow it looks great and I just googled it only 40 mins from me Not sure if I would take the greys, still not keen on risking a random off lead attacker I'm afraid but I might just come and have a look myself. I wonder if there is a greyhound stand there? :/
  15. Oooo good! Don't forget the camera :) I've been thinking Ronin might be wanting his very own greyhound Yonjuro, he'd make an excellent foster buddy
  16. He could probably do with a fly veil Mrs RB he hates any sort of flying insect
  17. Yes I'm with you!! He actually had to cancel the jump as the wind was wrong. The guy in the hat that was part of his team came over after they started packing up, to pat the dogs of course and he used to race greys many years ago, and he said that particular spot is only for advanced flyers. Every time the sail went up my heart was in my mouth
  18. He's an absolute nutter but he makes me laugh every day :D BCC I have a throw rug over my huge coffee table because it's ugly but I love the size of it and he had his head under there. I was watching TV and next minute the head comes up like the Loch Ness monster or something and he just stayed like that, even when I said "Stan WTF are you doing?" he just sat there :laugh:
  19. ...aaaaand I've finally caught up! 48/52 Parasailing at Flinders Beach lookout.
  20. 47/52 Flinders Pier from the lookout.
  21. He stared at me like this for 5 minutes
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