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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you too Alex from Me, Stan and Maddie
  2. Which is why people without dogs get upset - and justifiably so. I can see both sides. If we as dog owners want off leash areas, then we need to play by the rules. Unfortunately, there is a multitude of d@$kheads who reckon it's ok to exercise their dogs anywhere they please. They also tend to be the ones without poo bags. I think I don't like people very much. I'm hearin' ya sista
  3. Yes it does but do you think people can stick to those areas? NOPE. That's why so many dogs on the Central Coast are attacked and killed ETA those 40 are only in Gosford Shire, the southern end of the Coast. The Wyong Shire, northern end of the Coast also has many areas. http://www.wyong.nsw.gov.au/my-property/animals-pet-ownership/dogs-%281%29/off-the-leash-areas-%281%29
  4. She is stunning Terri I love seeing photos of her Happy Gotcha Day Didi!
  5. Aw... My little suburb is lovely. :p Point Clare isn't on the Peninsula and yes it was lovely 40 years ago when I went to Point Clare Public School :) You realise this means I have to stalk you. I'll be looking at everyone with a certain type of dog (HAH). I live two streets behind the school on the cliff top. My oldest went to the scho but at the time they had an idiot principal so we left. And yes, back on topic. I have a terrible temper but during what I refer to as the 'cancer years', I've learned to control it - life's too short. But it amazes me the sense of entitlement this group of women showed. I get my dog was in the wrong, but the level of abuse shown was breathtaking. I wasn't even given a chance to apologise. I can only assume that they were, in fact, drunk. And I didn't realise. I would hate for that to be that woman's normal reaction. What if I had 13 items in front of her in the express checkout lane? I still feel very sorry for the woman that Ernie scared. And I don't like the thought that she assumes I didn't care. We lived in Hughes St when I was a kid but spent the last 30 years in Terrigal or "Feralgal" as the handful of locals left refer to it now. I moved to Victoria last month, after my dogs were attacked that was the straw that broke the camels back
  6. Aw... My little suburb is lovely. :p Point Clare isn't on the Peninsula and yes it was lovely 40 years ago when I went to Point Clare Public School :)
  7. Before anyone else says ring the police it's pointless, especially on the Peninsula. They are too busy busting a meth house, attending a glassing at the OB Hotel, a home invasion of an elderly pensioner or someone holding up a bank. A bunch of abusive ferals drinking on the beach would be waaaaay down the list.
  8. If I were you I'd drive over the hill to Pearl Beach or Patonga, it's too far for the ferals to drive. Parking will be hard this time of year and the Rangers will be deadly so you'll have to watch for that. This is a good link to show you all areas on the Coast, if the scroll to the bottom and click on list of beaches it tells you exactly where each area is. http://www.gosford.nsw.gov.au/arts-culture-and-recreation/parks-playgrounds-reserves/dog-exercise-areas
  9. Let me guess Umina off leash? They sound like locals to me with the offensive language and drinking on the beach, all beaches on the Central Coast are alcohol free and have been for years. The only advice I have is don't go there, council are threatening to stop off leash at Umina Beach because of the constant dramas. A few of the "real locals" started a facebook page "save Umina off leash beach" but I know council and police have had enough.
  10. I've been single since I've had the greyhounds and it'll stay that way because a)I love being single and b)with two greyhounds in my bed at night there just aint no room at the inn. My ex was terribly jealous of my old boy, which just goes to show how pathetic he really was, and whilst he liked dogs he certainly didn't have the passion for them like I do. One day when we were going out I said to my old dog "love ya" which was always the last thing I said to him when leaving the house, still do it with the greys and he said "you never say that to me when you go out" I realised then it was time to venture out into the world alone and become the crazy dog lady...it's worked out well :D
  11. Yes she really gets into it doesn't she with the head wobble :laugh: then Stan has a go at her like he owns the hole he didn't even dig! It's really sandy soil here, that's up the side of the house where all the grass is pretty dead anyway as it gets no sun. I rake over it every few days but not to be deterred she attacks it again :laugh: Oh well she loves it :)
  12. Hey Yonjuro I thought you might like to see a video of Maddie's hole digging skills :laugh: Stan is just standing there like a weirdo having the occasional sniff of Maddie's butt then boom!...tag team! Sorry I don't know how to do youtube videos so this is just from my phone on Stan's FB page, I hope you're on FB Scroll down to the second post. https://www.facebook.com/madstangreyhound
  13. That's lovely Yonjuro and yes your daughter is gorgeous :)
  14. Alyce is gorgeous, I love the old hounds but yes they sadly get overlooked Greys4pets in QLD have 5 pages of greys and most of them are seniors. http://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10272
  15. There are always older greyhounds looking for homes A quick look in your area shows me Ava from Friends Of The Hound http://www.friendsofthehound.org.au/available/ava/ or Cheeky from Greyhounds New Beginnings http://greyhoundsnewbeginnings.org.au/?page_id=115 Gumtree Greys have Alyce who is almost 10. http://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/273997
  16. Thank you trifecta we love it here :) 51/52 Merry Christmas from Stan and Maddie
  17. Nah she just hates the camera for some reason she always has. Unlike Stan who would take selfies all day if he could :laugh:
  18. This is the photo I chose for our Xmas cards, best of a bad bunch this year
  19. I didn't even know it was Grumpette No photos sadly as we were on our way out, it was getting too hot for my two especially Stan with his seizures so we had to do the bolt. It was an amazing day though, I saw so many breeds I've never seen IRL. Lot's of Greyhounds wandering around too which was wonderful to see
  20. I'll be going tomorrow, still not sure if I'll bring the dogs. We were going to go to Altona for a greyhound walk but it's going to be way too hot and it doesn't start until 2pm. If I have the dogs with me they'll be wearing their "naughty or nice" Xmas shirts and I'm the chubby one in the Greyhound Haven Tasmania t-shirt :laugh: Hope to meet some Dolers
  21. Santa's little helper and the blurry grinch that stole Christmas :laugh:
  22. Thanks everyone :) She's been to the beach for a swim, she's become quite the beach lover since we moved here she hated it back home. I think it's because there are no waves here, she just goes straight in! She had a chicken frame for lunch and now she's having a little nursing home nap :p Bit of a plug here for AnnieK's photos, she has some gorgeous greyhound calenders for sale in the Members Marketplace. I love her photography and she is a huge supporter of many different greyhound rescue groups, I buy one of her calenders every year http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/259996-greyhound-2015-calendars/
  23. They are all gorgeous! Love the photo bombing greyhound :laugh:
  24. Four years ago today this skinny little foster walked in my front door and stole a piece of my heart. Love you my crazy girl AnnieK took these gorgeous photos last weekend at the beach, aint she purdy? :)
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