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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I'm sorry for your loss of Henry Kirty what a gorgeous boy.
  2. Maddie is great she'll just sleep until whatever time as long as she's close to me that's all that matters. Stanley on the other hand thinks that as soon as the sky starts to lighten he must be fed before he starves to death, lucky I'm an early riser anyway but sometimes I'd just like to lay there for a few minutes. Once piggy has had breakfast he goes back to bed and sleeps for hours while Maddie and I are sitting there like a pair of zombies.
  3. Stan suffers from "night starvation" so he likes to wake me up by barking in my face or gouging me with his kangaroo feet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-Ko4YsdEA0
  4. Why don't you post on some of the local FB sites or put a call out on 2GO or StarFM? I know a lot of people pulled support after the debacle with management, I've moved to Melbourne so I don't follow any of those pages anymore.
  5. RIP Ness you were so very loved
  6. Sensitivity? Like rolling your eyes and calling bullshit because you don't agree with Labadore, BTW that's Labadore without a random R, that kinda sensitivity? If you had actually read my post you would've seen that I said "I" couldn't...me....HazyWal, if you could without a backward step then good for you. This man's story wasn't a cobbled together story it was a heartbreaking account of what happened, to his dog. An account of how he feels it was avoidable because after all, he's the one grieving, he's the one living the nightmare. This is a very emotional subject, people will sit on each side of the fence some will sit on it, that's what a discussion forum is.
  7. I read a heart breaking post from one of the owners of a dog that died, not a second hand story but the actual devastated owner. They called to see if they could come and pick up their dog and were told no, they watched for a few more hours and decided to drive up anyway but were met with a road block. It was too late their beloved boy had perished. Is he angry? damn straight. Does he hold them responsible? yes he does. He raised many of the points Jed just did in her post. I wonder if those saying more compassion should be shown to the kennel owner could stand in front of this man and say those words? A man consumed with grief. I sure as hell couldn't.
  8. Haredown if everyone decided not to board their dogs in the height of an Australian summer, and really that can be anytime in Dec/Jan/Feb, there wouldn't be any boarding kennels. They'd go broke that's their busiest time. Many people can only take their holidays over the Xmas/New Year period when businesses shut down and kids are on holidays. That'd be like people saying they can't get a dog because they are forced to have holidays at that time and they are too scared to board them in case the kennel burns down in a bushfire :/ Aren't most kennels on the urban fringe? I don't know any inner city kennels. I have to board my dogs in the first week of Feb while I return to Sydney on business, I have no choice I am legally required to attend. I'm not wrapt about the idea in the hottest month of the year but seeing I have just moved interstate and don't know anyone it has to be done. One question I will be asking is if the live-in caretaker is a volunteer firefighter because if god forbid something like this happens I don't want my dogs left for any reason. I will be leaving them in a strange place in good faith that they will be protected at all times.
  9. I've been thinking about this and while it would be such a peace of mind if the fire came through (as it did in this case), I've been thinking about how I would feel if it was a false alarm evacuation, and someone had my dog. What if they didn't secure her properly and she got hit by a car. Or someone just decided to keep her. Or was attacked by another dog. I know these are all what if's, but so was the fire. I'm not saying which I prefer, because in all cases I prefer the outcome where my pet is alive. But none of us can see the future, and I can imagine the kennel owners concern with just sending pets off with people. Sorry this is a bit of a ramble, it's something I've been pondering for the last 24 hours. I know which "what if" I'd choose but that's my personal choice.
  10. As I posted in the thread in OT. I was only talking to a friend this morning about when her parents evacuated their boarding kennels in fires in NSW many years ago. It was holiday time and the kennel was full, they were not in a danger zone at the time and were told only to "prepare" for evacuation but they decided not to take the risk and get all animals out. Emergency contacts for boarding pets were contacted and when people came to pick up dogs and cats quite a few people took other peoples pets as well just to get them out and to safety. Whoever were left were loaded into family and friends cars and driven to safety zones that were set up. In the end the fire came no where near them but people were so grateful that they acted immediately to be 100% sure. Yes random people took others pets but they were out and that's all that mattered at the time. I for one would rather be looking for whoever had my greyhounds than knowing they had died in that horrific way. I worked at this boarding kennel for 5 years, two years as live in manager and as the owner always said "if in doubt GET THEM OUT!"
  11. My dogs are always the first thing out, whatever else is in the car can wait.
  12. Same with Stan! Try being late with his 11am chicken wing :laugh:
  13. I feed at all times of the day, I don't like the 'expectation' of being fed at a certain time. After reading this thread I feel like a right bitch! My dog gets a once a day feed, and if she starts looking like she is putting on weight I skip a day. We had working dogs when I was growing up in the 70's and they were fed every second day, and were fed a combination of raw and PAL dog biscuits (one or the other). When an animal was butchered, they had a feast! Why wouldn't you just feed smaller portions every day instead of completely skipping a day? That's what I do with Stan much to his disgust. Mine are fed twice a day and a chicken wing at lunch.
  14. I have the clam shell filled and sitting under a shady tree but where do I just find Maddie? Sunbaking in the middle of the yard she is clearly insane.
  15. Stan and Maddie wish everyone a safe and happy 2015
  16. Maddie doesn't but Stan always brings me a stuffed toy when I come home. Last week he bought me half a container of laundry liquid that I was using as a door stop, it must have been the first thing he saw as he bolted through the house :laugh:
  17. The weeks are in post #2 first week is now.
  18. Now that's just not fair! :laugh: Wadja mean not fair I did 52 weeks of Cowboy then 52 weeks of Phoebe then took 2 years off - so I iz back. And will do 52 weeks of greyhounds, so Stan & Maddie will likely make a few appearances this year :D Just jokin' :D I love your photos as I do every one else's I think I'll bow out though gapvic. I'll be enjoying watching the thread.
  19. HO did not see her regular vet at the clinic, no need to be driving to Sydney when Michael Jones is the best vet on the coast. I know this as I've been going to Michael for 20 years. HO go back and see Michael or maybe Antony, I think you usually see Antony anyway don't you? and make sure Michael knows you were not impressed with who you saw and why. Hope you get it sorted.
  20. Now that's just not fair! :laugh: I'll have another go if everyone can put up with my dodgy phone pics attached as a thumbnail?
  21. I think your neighbour is telling porkies. My vet is as subtle as a sledgehammer and he would never say that.
  22. I was only thinking about him the other day! He looks so happy thanks for the gorgeous photos and the update BnW
  23. Yay I made it! Just scraped in on the last day. Thanks for putting up with my dodgy photos, I've loved seeing everyone's beautiful pics. 52/52 Soaking up the afternoon sun :)
  24. A bit early in the morning for Stanley to be spreading the joy :laugh:
  25. Merry Christmas Canetoad, hope you had a great day!
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