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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Nope Yonjuro it's never gunna happen I'm hopeless. It took me 2 years to work out how to post a photo on DOL and even now I can only attach it as a thumbnail :laugh: This video is my favourite from a rescue point of view. Great song choice I think just posting it to maybe give you some different ideas, not that you need them I love your vids :D
  2. oh the visual! Yeah I must say it's a little bit hilarious, especially when my neighbour saw it once and from then on called him the "hero in a half shell" from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles :laugh:
  3. Well I loved the vid and the song choice but I'm a huge James Taylor fan I don't think the song always has to be humorous, I think this one showed that they are friends. I wish I knew how to make a youtube vid I've got heaps of song ideas for my two but alas...I'm a techno numpty Stan is quite a bit bigger than Maddie and a lot heavier but she uses the shoulder charge a lot. I've seen her knock poor old fatty off his feet and she runs off with glee while Stan is flapping his legs around like a turtle on his back :laugh:
  4. There is no way I will ever be bored with this thread Yonjuro I love it. I look for any new adventures when I log in and it never fails to make me smile. I think the title should be changed to something like " A year in the life of Ronin and Tigger" or " Ronin and Tigger's Excellent Adventures" Ok so The Spotted Devil used the last one but I'm sure she wouldn't mind :D
  5. O..M..G I love council pick ups! or hard rubbish as you call them. Half my house is from rummaging through the council pick ups, I have a gorgeous old trunk that has an address inside the lid from the UK, I love it. An old school desk that my computer sits on and a life bouy that are quite expensive to buy, too many treasures to list here. We don't have them here on the Peninsula so no bargains to be had. You'd be amazed the stuff I've shoved in the back of the Getz back home.
  6. Well I don't think ringing trainers and threatening to harm their children is normal behaviour do you? Calling a trainer in the middle of the night because they have a greyhound on Gumtree FTGH and saying nothing but "watch your back scum" and hanging up. I have spoken to several trainers who have had threats made to them by these faceless heroes. I myself have had my name slandered on the AA pages labelling me a dog killer because I not only have friends that are trainers but work with decent ones to help home their greys. So yeah I stand by my branding of nutter.
  7. Because it's a billion dollar industry...simple. I'm not anti-racing, the "you bet-they die" nutters do nothing for the cause of greyhound rescue, if anything they cost the lives of more greyhounds through their blatent stupidity. You can chain yourself to the boxes at Dapto all you like all that does is encourage trainers to euth rather than surrender dogs to fanatical nutbags that threaten trainers and their families. It's the over breeding of racing greys that has to stop IMO, trying to stop racing of any kind is like pissing into the wind...it'll never happen.
  8. Yeah someone was giving away two greyhounds yesterday (must be gone by Tuesday) on a local site which is rare, you don't see greyhounds on there very often and I posted a few links to greyhound rescue groups here and then of course someone said how it's a disgusting industry and off they went! All in caps "HOW DARE YOU!!!! MY FATHER IS A RESPECTED TRAINER...." blah blah blah then a girl pipes up and says "I have been around greyhounds my whole life, I'll take the gold one" Hmmm if you knew so much about greys you'd know there is no such colour as gold, the dog was fawn *rolls eyes*. It was that moment I decided to log off and watch My Kitchen Rules :laugh:
  9. one of your best! Tigger is a bit over the paparazzi :laugh:
  10. My vet would whole heartedly disagree with you - we had this discussion, among others, regarding what's an appropriate level of risk vs the advantages of socialising last year when we got our latest pup. The beach was high on her list of places not to take puppies not fully covered by vaccination when I wanted to get my pup out and about. Her advice was that there are plenty of places to socialise puppies where the advantages don't present an unacceptable level of risk to puppy's health. The tide doesn't come all the way up the sand cleaning the whole beach in every beach. I'm not having a go at you; just addressing your POV in comparison to what my vet recommended. I don't really care what your vet thinks. Myself, I would not take a litter of pups I bred to the beach but I can understand the benefits of getting them out and about early. What right do we have to tell them they are right or wrong? Just because your vet said so? Why so angry?
  11. I'm on a lot of buy/sell/swap sites and as soon as a dog is posted FTGH it goes down the shitter in 3....2....1 :laugh: I rarely bother commenting anymore it always gets out of control and seriously abusive. I couldn't count the amount of times someone says GET A LIFE!!!!!!! always in capslock :p
  12. gapvic your inbox is full and I can't message you. Check out the greyhound statue in my thread in Gen I got and see if these suit what you're after? Sorry all....gorgeous photos everyone
  13. You can just buy a can of oil removal stuff from SuperCheap auto that will remove it. I did it when my old VW beetle leaked on the concrete in the carport and it worked a treat.
  14. Will do IM, I thought of you when I bought it! I'm so pleased with it and the price, couldn't believe my luck when I walked past the stand
  15. Maybe send Nicole a msg on facebook GB? If she can't help I'm sure she'll point you in the right direction.
  16. Thanks CBL I love it too. My dear old neighbour gave me $100 for Xmas and I've had it tucked away to buy something special. Maddie cautiously walked over and sniffed it's nose but I was too slow with the camera. I don't think Stan's even noticed it yet :laugh:
  17. I just bought this at Rosebud markets!! He sells them for $120 but I got it for $100 as he was packing up. It's almost a metre high and is ceramic, I was looking at them on Gumtree for $150 to $170 but I like mine better as it has different ears. If anyone wants one let me know, he'll be back at Rosebud markets in 2 weeks. Link to the Gumtree ones. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/brunswick-west/other-soft-furnishings/-reduced-2-clear-art-deco-vintage-greyhound-statue/1069023517
  18. Oh, I have seem some little ones fly across the park in chase of Tigger even a spunky little french bulldog :D If one person sees the vids and gets some interest in adopting a grey or it changes their perception then I will be happy that I have done my little bit for this magnificent breed :) And we in greyhound rescue appreciate it Yonjuro Ronin needs his own FB page me thinks :D Stan has friends from all over the world believe it or not :laugh: Westimum you neeeeeed a greyhound!
  19. Stan waits until I go out to destroy things and then gives himself up by hiding in my bed when I open the front door, he'll be 7 in April and showing no signs of growing up. If they're doing something they shouldn't be letting loose with my Shazza from Bogan Hunters voice has them ducking for cover.
  20. Loved it It played perfectly for me, I have no idea what buffering is :laugh: Typical greyhound having a little nap in the middle of a play session.
  21. Ooops sorry I'm a slow typer, thanks ElleAus.
  22. Royal Park is near the city. That is the nearest train station to Melbourne Zoo. Close suburbs would be Parkville, etc. Ahhh thanks RP! As you know I've pounded the pavement to help in the search of many a lost dog but this area is a long way from me. Hope this one is found soon, thanks for posting ElleAus.
  23. Yes but where is it? Is it a suburb or just a station? What are some suburbs near the area you spotted the dog? Sorry I have just moved down here and I'm not familiar with suburbs.
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