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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. That would be a red flag for me... There's your answer. I hate to say it but I know of one "rescue groups" out there deliberately making puppies to sell .... there was another but they stopped. If you want a very open and honest rescue group to help - that really does need help - I could recommend PAWS, Greyhound Rescue and Save Our Strays. All have absolutely enormous vet bills and/or overheads which the adoption fees don't make up for. They are all registered charities that get audited etc. VIC has it's own share of equally fantastic groups. Greyhound rescue have money thrown at them left right and centre, there are plenty of other rescues that struggle.
  2. I haven't been on line much in the last few days but as soon as I am my newsfeed on FB is flooded with panicked greyhound rescues screaming for foster carers and money. These are the same rescues that have been campaigning for the end of greyhound racing and now dogs are starting to come in they are crapping themselves at the enormity of what they have been demanding. They didn't think that far ahead, they didn't think about where dogs will go if the industry was shut down completely they still have NFI. Gone Are The Dogs posted this morning "what happens to the dogs now?" Should've thought about that earlier hey?
  3. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/major-sponsor-pulls-support-for-greyhound-racing-in-wake-of-live-baiting-scandal-20150218-13hz14.html Major sponsor Macro Meats pulls sponsership.
  4. That's fantastic! I have been enjoying the flood of fabulous greyhound pics on your FB page I added my two in support of GAPVIC.
  5. I had two things happen this morning on our walk that could've seen me end up being abused but the exact opposite happened. Firstly a cat came flying out from under a gate to attack my two...yes to attack. It was hissing and running at us while my two went absolutely mental and a man sitting at the bus stop right in front of us jumped up and started shooing it away. When it finally went back under the gate he turned to me and said "bloody cats, I wish people would lock them up" The other was a lady with a Jack Russell who came out of the bushes on the bay trail, scared the crap out of me and as Maddie in not small dog friendly she went off her nut lunging and growling as she does but the lady apologised for scaring us and said what beautiful dogs I have. So no I haven't copped any abuse so far in relation to this report but I was expecting it in both instances this morning.
  6. Why are we even talking about the US? We need to concentrate on the shitfight that's happening here and WTF we will do with 1000's of greyhounds discarded if the extremists get their wish because god knows not one of them will put their hand up....they'll just move on to the next cause.
  7. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual Yes, but this time there are names attached to those who are doing this and indisputable evidence available. It is up to every one of us to make sure it isn't just business as usual - now we all know the truth. Well said Do your research there are plenty of names of trainers all over this country that take greys in to be euthed at greyhound vets every single day. Not one or two half a dozen at a time, that's how got my Maddie. So what's your plan of attack? I'm not being smart it's a genuine question to both of you. Hazy you're right. About 20,000 greyhound puppies are born each year in Australia. A fraction of those are racing, and less than 500 make it into greyhound rescue and overall about 2000 end their lives in loving homes. No prizes for guessing what happens to the rest. Your question is a good one I need to think about... adopting a grey and promoting their adoption after Mac falls off his twig would be a start... Thank you for the reply. Yes I'm well aware of the statistics, I have been involved in greyhound rescue for a while now. In actual fact GAPVIC rehomed 538 greys last year alone so add to that the many other groups and there were far more than 500 rehomed. The rehoming stats have been steadily increasing each year as more people become aware of what wonderful pets they do make. Hazy they do make wonderful pets as we talked about in another thread. And yes one day when I can do one of these beautiful dogs justice I'll have one here. Thanks for the rehoming stats - thats magnificent - I must have old information. I was also highlighting the stats gap. All good re the stats, It's nice to have a civil conversation with someone who has taken the time to even look at any stats as far as greyhound rescue goes. I'm still battling on on a major Sydney radio station's FB page, so far scum has been the nicest thing said to me all day....care factor of zero.
  8. This has been my point all day yet only one person actually had the guts to say "I don't know" It's all well and good to throw your hands in the air screaming BAN IT NOW yet those hands would be straight under their arses if someone turned up on their doorstep tomorrow with a couple of homeless greys.
  9. Depends how evolved you are I think. Oh good god. That's as good as the comment in the OT thread that anyone who saw why it was funny because it's a parody! is obviously having sex with animals. Much more offensive than anything in the spoofs. Yep one of the many WTF moments I have daily these days O.o
  10. In answer to point 3 - I have been receiving, on average, between 4 and 10 applications to adopt per day. Today? NONE. This is the affect the story has had on the public's willingness to adopt a greyhound. And see while the likes of GRDBOT and G2K are rubbing there equally grubby little hands together behind their keyboards the fallout doesn't actually interest them, it's all about adding more disciples to the cult
  11. I think your friend's idea is a good one, someone who has actually thought about it sensibly instead of the usual screaming in capslock I've seen all day BAN IT NOW!!
  12. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual Yes, but this time there are names attached to those who are doing this and indisputable evidence available. It is up to every one of us to make sure it isn't just business as usual - now we all know the truth. Well said Do your research there are plenty of names of trainers all over this country that take greys in to be euthed at greyhound vets every single day. Not one or two half a dozen at a time, that's how got my Maddie. So what's your plan of attack? I'm not being smart it's a genuine question to both of you. Hazy you're right. About 20,000 greyhound puppies are born each year in Australia. A fraction of those are racing, and less than 500 make it into greyhound rescue and overall about 2000 end their lives in loving homes. No prizes for guessing what happens to the rest. Your question is a good one I need to think about... adopting a grey and promoting their adoption after Mac falls off his twig would be a start... Thank you for the reply. Yes I'm well aware of the statistics, I have been involved in greyhound rescue for a while now. In actual fact GAPVIC rehomed 538 greys last year alone so add to that the many other groups and there were far more than 500 rehomed. The rehoming stats have been steadily increasing each year as more people become aware of what wonderful pets they do make.
  13. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual Yes, but this time there are names attached to those who are doing this and indisputable evidence available. It is up to every one of us to make sure it isn't just business as usual - now we all know the truth. Well said Do your research there are plenty of names of trainers all over this country that take greys in to be euthed at greyhound vets every single day. Not one or two half a dozen at a time, that's how got my Maddie. So what's your plan of attack? I'm not being smart it's a genuine question to both of you.
  14. The ABC did do a story last year on greyhound wastage, people were outraged at the death of thousands of greyhounds for about 5 minutes and then it was business as usual
  15. Same here but I bet they won't. Life bans are a joke as well, no such thing when you're that high profile you only have to look at the Waterhouse's.
  16. Yep, that's what it sounds like to me I think I will suck out whatever remaining braincells I have by watching MKR instead :laugh: I'm with ya dude :)
  17. How did this thread get bumped after 5 years?
  18. That's wonderful news SG Enjoy your new adventure
  19. I just read on the Iggy Rescue FB page that Sadie has been adopted by a lady that saw her on your page Thank you so much Dogmad, this sweet girl has a home thanks to you sharing her.
  20. LOVED IT!!! Although I did sing the Carlton beer ad all the way through :laugh:
  21. HazyWal


    A beautiful tribute to your much loved boy juice, I'm so sorry for your loss Chasing those bunnies in heaven now, run free Appollo
  22. Someone from a local Lost & Found FB site I'm on is at the shelter today and took some pics, she said she is just gorgeous. She came in with her sister but she has been adopted.
  23. This dear old girl is listed as a whippetX, 11 years of age and is FREE to adopt from the Peninsula RSPCA at Pearcedale Vic. It would be wonderful if she could find a home http://www.rspcavic.org/adoption/animal-detail/Whippet/Sadie/24729
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