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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. OMG, I'm in lurve!! Will share her on the Iggy Rescue Fzcebook page She's divine isn't she Thanks Dogmad, always have a good success rate at finding homes on your FB page
  2. Yay great news Sars! Todays senior is Nessy. She is an 11 and a half year old blue and white greyhound who has already lived as a pet for 2 years, sadly she has found herself up for adoption again as her owner is relocating overseas for work. Nessy is available from Greyhound Safety Net in Victoria. http://www.greyhoundsafetynet.org/greyhounds-for-adoption-in-victoria.html Nessie found her forever couch
  3. That's because they are made of the softest, silkiest, substance known to nature :laugh: Oh they are!! I do love a wonky ear too, Stan's are either back or stuck out in what I call the "seagull" position lol Maddie's are....well....they just do whatever they want :laugh:
  4. My two have been on the VIP grain free from Woolies/Coles since it came out and it's pretty much the only kibble Maddie likes. I get the duck one but there is a roo one as well, you could get a 1.5kg bag to try Kirty and it won't cost you an arm and a leg. I think it's about $7 for that size I'm not sure as I buy the 7kg bags.
  5. Oh I missed this! Benny boy, good luck with your green collar
  6. Ooooo look at Frida's cute little spotty ear in that second pic....I have a slight obsession with greyhound ears
  7. Kitt are you on facebook or know someone who is? Post on this FB site it's Australia wide but run by a QLDer with a big QLD following. I have everything crossed you find your boy https://www.facebook.com/EveryGreyhound
  8. HazyWal

    Lost Dogs Home

    See ya.....wouldn't wanna be ya....
  9. are they actually going to ensure the welfare of these dogs now that they're not racing, if so, how are they going to do that?It's good that some action has been taken and that people have had action taken against them, and I agree that these dogs should not be allowed to race under the circumstances...but what comes next for them? Has anyone actually put any thought into what happens to the dogs after they're barred from racing and are therefore effectively useless within the industry? One would hope that the owners would step in and take the dogs home. In the event that does not happen, GAP programs which are mainly funded by the instry could step in. In the event that even that doesn't happen, there are community based Greyhound rescues that can help. Ultimately, I hope each and every dog finds a wonderful forever home. Nooooo not ONE would hope, there are 28 dogs in NSW that have been suspended, that's JUST NSW. What about the trainers that have just thought "sh*t this is too hard I'm out"? What happens to their dogs? I was on a FB page today where an owner had just refused to pick up their dog, they'd disappeared into the eather and this trainer was wondering what the hell to do with this dog, seeing as they can't legally give it away. People are walking around in circles wondering WTF they do with dogs they don't own. One would HOPE just doesn't cut it, got room at your house Greyt?
  10. are they actually going to ensure the welfare of these dogs now that they're not racing, if so, how are they going to do that?It's good that some action has been taken and that people have had action taken against them, and I agree that these dogs should not be allowed to race under the circumstances...but what comes next for them? Has anyone actually put any thought into what happens to the dogs after they're barred from racing and are therefore effectively useless within the industry? Geez don't ask that question Lillynix! I asked it about 20 pages back, I've been asking that question from the anti extremists for years but no one can really answer it. They're on a mission and they are not thinking that far ahead.
  11. Fish Twist Chews from Loyalty Pet Treats...I just bought another kilo. They were really long ones this time, so I cut them in half with the secators :) That was them thank you!
  12. Lillynix she is soooo beautiful. She reminds me of Crazy Cresties Frida who you can see in this thread. Kirty Sam is gorgeous, another lucky creature to come to the house of Kirsten :)
  13. Sheena what was the name of those dried fish treats you posted a while ago please? I was sure I saved the link but I obviously didn't :/
  14. Is anyone in this thread except you discussing a ban on lure coursing, alcohol, other drugs, tennis balls, flirt poles, chasing the hose etc. Just a reminder, this thread is about the extremely challenging footage seen on 4 corners and the community reaction to that. When the media does an exposé on dogs and tennis balls that results in the current level of community outrage we are seeing here, I'm sure there will be a separate thread for you to comment on. You don't own the thread Greyt, this is a discussion forum and MrsRB makes some valid points...if you had bothered to read.
  15. I hope so valbitz, the love of an old dog is something so special to me. The idea came to me after an 11 year old whippet cross was posted in my local lost and found FB page, I listed her here, Dogmad listed her on Iggy Rescue FB page and within 24 hours she had the most wonderful home. I've seen it happen many times here so I'm hoping this thread will help. Wow look at these beautiful faces! Don't forget to share if you can on FB. Sometimes people just don't know these gorgeous souls are out there and waiting for a forever home.
  16. I agree with you totally except for the "many" greyhounds that won't be afforded the same care unless they are of some value. I know a trainer who spent 10k on his retired, desexed bitch at SASH last year only to have to have her PTS when nothing more could be done for her. Broke his heart, I know this guy personally. He has two other retired dogs that now live on his lounge, swim at the beach every day with him and are loved and adored. He is a small time hobby trainer but has been lumped in with all the rest of the bad eggs. People are quick to tar with the same brush without some of them ever having met a trainer or been to a facility and that annoys me no end.
  17. ^ This! If greyhound racing is banned it will be the end of the breed. How many show pups are bred each year? Very few, I suspect, though Rebanne would know for sure . The dogs love to chase, it is what they have been bred for over centuries. Of course there are injuries in racing - there are injuries to dogs outside of racing too. My Shep x broke a toe doing zoomies in a paddock, one of my Belgians broke a shoulder jumping a fence, tipping the top bar & landing awkwardly. Do you not think agility dogs & racing sled dogs sustain injuries? Hey let's ban them too! I applaud the work that AA & Animal Lib have done in exposing the dark side of greyhound racing, but nowhere in the general media has there been a mention of the ethical trainers. I listened to a greyhound trainer on Sky Racing Radio recently. He lamented the fact that no-one has mentioned that in the Eastern States (or so I presume - it could have been just NSW) 10 tracks were under camera surveillance, 4 showed evidence of live baiting, the other 6 were clean. Let's get rid of the rogue element so that the public can enjoy fit dogs doing what they do best. Brilliant post!
  18. First up is Bill. Bill has been at the shelter for quite a while now Bill is 13 years old, a little incontinent, his hearing and vision are going so he gets a bit cranky with other dogs...sounds like me lol....but he is an affectionate, dear old man. Bill is available from SADS in Victoria, he is not at risk he will stay at SADS until he finds a home :) http://saveadog.org.au/animals-adoptions/601/medium-large-dogs/8/
  19. Hi all, This thread is for anyone to list a senior pet. It can be a dog, cat, rabbit whatever it may be feel free to list them here so they get more exposure. They can be from a rescue, maybe someone has a senior in foster care or maybe you've spotted a senior in a pound or shelter. You don't have to be involved in rescue at all this is for everyone. Please NO Gumtree ads as they will be deleted. So post away, share on Facebook and lets get some oldies in to loving homes in their twilight years
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