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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Mine always get pressies and cake for their birthdays and presents wrapped up under the Xmas tree.This year on Stan's 3rd birthday we had the sinking of The Adelaide here where I live and there were thousands of people and media all trying to park in my street.Stan was watching out the glass door and I was telling him all these people were here for his birthday!
  2. Yep same Mags.My two greys both had a name change.Flash(who is now Stan)and Skye(who is now Maddie).Neither of mine responded to their old names either but I can say their names now only once and they look straight at me. I'm finding this with Maggie too who's been here a week now. Dont the greyhound trainers ever call them by name I guess not....... I'm surprised the guy who owned the four you all saved even took the time to name them!I'd change it now probably brings back bad memories for her when she hears her name called.
  3. Good on you for helping him find his way home.
  4. Yep same Mags.My two greys both had a name change.Flash(who is now Stan)and Skye(who is now Maddie).Neither of mine responded to their old names either but I can say their names now only once and they look straight at me.
  5. Both my greys sleep on the bed.Stan goes to bed early he loves my bed.He has his own boomerang pillow which he loves.Maddie usually sleeps down the end against the foot board.She fell out of bed a few times when I first got her so I think she feels safer as my bed is quite high and hitting the floor boards wasn't pleasant.They occasionally swap around in the middle of the night.I've gone to sleep with my arm over Stan and woken up with arm over Maddie.
  6. Handsome is definately the word to describe him!Happy birthday Kyojin.Where did his name come from,I love it.
  7. FFS do we need another update!Firstly don't throw water at the dog because it won't listen(it's obviously not the only one).Secondly why am I here?Thirdly(is that a word)MOVE OUT.
  8. I loathe people who do not pick up after their dog.I live in a beachside suburb where the offleash area is in a beautiful spot where there are walkways along the cliffs and whale watching platforms and it is covered in dog shit.I mean covered!There was a wedding up there the other day and I was watching the bride and groom walking up to the lookout with her dress dragging along the ground.Would've been a hundred different DNA's under that dress by the time she got to the top.It's bloody disgraceful.These people who don't pick up their dog shit would be the first to scream blue murder if the offleash was taken away.
  9. To me this sounds like she has gone from having a few family pets to hoarding.I'm sorry for me it does pose a health risk not only to the people but to the animals.As an invalid pensioner how would she afford even the most basic of food and medical costs.Ok she may have plenty of money saved in the bank but if she does why ask the public to cover boarding fees,and what sort of life is that for the animals?Sorry but the whole thing stinks to me.
  10. There is a chardonnay called Fifth Leg.I think the dog on the label is cocking it's leg.
  11. There are lots of breeds I love and admire but I'm addicted to Greyhounds.Doubt I'll ever own another breed.
  12. Thank you for posting this.When I read this this morning in the Sydney Telegraph it told of the poor man dying but said nothing about the dog.So at least his actions wern't in vain.
  13. I love the characters in the world both human AND canine who live their lives just a bit left of centre and have the courage and joy in life to be the slightly 'different' individuals that they are destined to be.....just because someone or something doesn't fit into the 'box' as it were, means they are not to be celebrated.....But that's just me. I agree with you darlingdog,I like to describe my two as "special". ;)
  14. I'm hearin ya Whitka My dogs are never off leash and the amount of people who's dogs rush up to mine and the owners say"He's alright he just wants to say hello "sh*t's me to tears.My dogs are greyhounds so muzzled in NSW.They couldn't defend themselves even if they wanted to.I had a labrador recently tried to mount my poor little Maddie and she snapped at it(as best you can with a muzzle on)and the pathetic sack of sh*t owner had the gall to say to me "That's why those dogs have to wear muzzles they're so aggressive".Grrrrrrrrrr.
  15. So glad I'm not alone!Hysterical story's please keep em comin'.
  16. I'm so sorry for you Jules do you have any family close by?
  17. Yeah same.Don't care what she's called or how much she weighs I hope your baby makes a full recovery
  18. Geez hard but fair like the romans but here we go.Move out.If your boyfriend wants to live with your parents then let him(find that weird anyway).I know your young and maybe studying and working part-time and can't afford it but make yourself afford it.I can tell by all the posts I've read from you you really love your dogs and this is taking it's toll on them and your own health.It's not good.You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives.Maybe find some dog loving friends and share a place.Please don't think I'm being mean to you,I don't know you and as I said you obviously adore your dogs but it's time to make a change.
  19. I have always only ever had one dog at a time.Now I have two,Stan is very laid back he likes to collect things and stash them but does'nt destroy things.Maddie is so sweet but seriously naughty AND destructive.They arn't left alone for very long periods of time but I swear as soon as I leave the house I can hear Maddie rubbing her paws together saying"OK Stan lets go".Nothing is off limits to Mads,she'll take books off bookshelves and shred them,rip up pillows,drag doonas out on the deck,knock over the dirty clothes basket and drag my washing all over the yard you name it she'll find it.Her latest mission is digging a hole to China next to my neighbours fence.Their daughter was up last weekend with her cat and Maddie is determined to get in their yard.Stan has apparantly been a great help with the excavation work.Wonder when they'll work out the cats gone home and next doors yard is concrete pavers so there's no way up anyway.Maddie has the most innocent look on her face when I get home and if she could talk she'd tell me it was all Stan!The best one was when I got home and she'd got into a gift bag full of presents from my birthday.How did I know it was her?She had her head through the string handle with a bit of the bag flapping around her chest!I know Stan doesn't start this but he's a willing participant.Anyone else have partners in crime?
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