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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. They are beautiful photos.Makes my heart sing to see wonderful rescue outcomes like this Chewbacca thanks for sharing.
  2. Go Bob,can't trust those lady bowlers in town.
  3. What a gorgeous dog loved the vid thanks for sharing.
  4. What a lovely story PS.I love when I come home from work and I can hardly open the door because they are pushing against it.Although I do get the same result if I just go to the letterbox. .
  5. Welcome Central Coaster!I lost my old ridgyX almost two years ago to cancer aged 16.Never thought I'd be able to love another dog until greyhounds came into my life.My two fill my life with love and laughter but my boy will always hold that special place in my heart as Kel always will for you.
  6. That's fantastic for Boonie. Stanthorpe middle of winter romantic bbbrrrrr.
  7. I couldn't watch it all.Blatent stupidity.
  8. Stan is scared of thunder but otherwise nothing much worries him.Maddie is pretty much nervy about the outside world.She loves a walk but if there's a lot of people around and I stop to talk to someone her head disappears under Stan.She's not keen on the car either.
  9. Wow they are gorgeous.I love the greyhound one.Have you actually received it yet?
  10. Yes please I'll have one. According to the sign out the front of the church up the road from me God doesn't beleive in Athiests.
  11. Flashsmum I wondered where Harry went then he came back as a Freyhound!Now he's gone again.Can someone please add Stan and Maddie to the greyhounds I have no idea.
  12. I have a fantastic book called,"The Good Food Cookbook For Dogs"by Donna Twichell Roberts.I have made heaps of the bikkies in it and they're easy to make.Last Christmas I made all different shapes and varieties put them in Xmas boxes with a list of ingredients for each flavour and gave them to all my friends with dogs.They were a big hit.There is also a simple liver sauce to put over kibble to encourage dogs to eat if they have no appetite.Nearly made me heave when I took the lid of the blender but did the trick.
  13. Hell yes! Another hell yes here! and another Yep and another.
  14. I have two rescue greyhounds and they are the most beautiful dogs.I had had nothing to do with this breed before until a friend of mine on DOL rang me and asked me if I would foster.My first big blue boy came to me one year ago and I knew in the first 24 hours he was staying for good.I fostered 6 more and then my little Maddie came along and Stan absolutely loved her so I adopted her as well.Not all greys are huge.Stan is of average height for a grey and weighs 34kg.Maddie is a small fine girl weighing in at only 24kg.The have almost zero doggie odour.I rarely bath mine only if they decide to roll in something.They are low shedding,I notice Maddie's fur more only because she is white.If you go through a reputable rescue group they will match a grey to your needs.They do not require a lot of exersise and are the ultimate couch potato.They do require a coat in cold weather as they dont have much body fat and fine coat.I'm glad you are considering a grey,they are so loving and make excellent pets.
  15. The one I use now leaves smears all over the floorboards in the house,I seem to end up with more on the floorboards than on the dog!My back door is always open so they are free to come and go all day.I think I'll buy both and see how I go,will definately give a review.
  16. Thanks for the replies.The plush puppy looks easy to use and it says you don't have to keep re-applying which is handy when I'm at work and she lays out there all day!
  17. Is it a thin cream easy to apply.The stuff I use now is so thick it's hard enough to get out of the tube let alone rub in to her thin skin.
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