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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I don't go to dog parks simply because I have greyhounds (muzzled in NSW)and a playful nip to my dogs can result in a gash and stitches.I don't let my dogs offlead anyway as they have pretty much no recall and there is no point upsetting everyone in the offleash park.I'm lucky I have a huge backyard and they can romp around with friends dogs.I think a small dog park or area would be great for smaller dogs although most small dogs I know have the heart of a lion.I have a friend who has a one eyed foxie and she puts the fear of God into my two greyhounds every time she walks in my front door.
  2. Sorry for your loss Ltiger773. Run free Eva girl.
  3. A friend of mine had a mobile grooming business for many years.She was definately no shrinking violet when it came to unruly dogs or owners but still had the biggest clientele here on the coast.She sold up and moved to WA and now grooms in a vet clinic which she loves.After years of running her own business she now goes to work grooms her booked in dogs and goes home.No more 5pm phone calls on Xmas eve from people who have been far too busy to get their dog clipped.Oh and I'm from the wooden spoon era and no emotional scarring from me either.Apoligised to mum years later for being such a s**t of a kid.
  4. These sound like a good idea kathq.I would like to try something herbal for my greyhound girl as she gets terribly car sick.
  5. Just wanted to pop back and say a huge thanks for this! We saw him, and he is a lovely man, was very thorough with her, and whilst he didn't promise anything, or give us any false hope, we strongly believe she can make some kind of recovery now, he was brilliant with her and after the session she is now able to stand up and walk for very short amounts of time, so we live in hope that futher sessions and further time to heal might well lead to a recovery of sorts! Thanks again That's great news hope she improves every day Kori.
  6. Great news keep getting better China.
  7. Yeah I know what you mean.My RidgyX had never had a sick day in his life until he had a stroke aged 14.He was still a happy boy after he recovered but was never the same.He aged overnight.Everything slowed down his arthritis was punishing but he always battled on.He was the light of my life until cancer took him 2 years later.So how old is old?I don't know just love em for every day you wake.
  8. Wow Sandra if I know anyone looking for a Stafford I would show them your excellent and informative post.
  9. I loathe retractable leads for any breed of dog they are unsafe.When I used to walk my DA RidgyX the amount of people with SWF on retractable leads chatting away to each other whilst Muffy and Miffy are 3klm from their non attentive owners was unbeleivable. .Glad it worked out ok for you and Missy.
  10. I really liked your shirt it's in your face.If I didn't know what BSL meant that would make me ask.
  11. I love human names.Most of my friends have dogs with human names.2 dacshunds called Graeme and Neil.Another friend 3 dacshunds Douglas,Ray and Ralph.I have Stan.Most people don't like it I love it.Stan the Man and of course whan I'm serious it's SSTTTAAANNLLLYYYY!Although he's not the sharpest tool in the shed so I could call him fruitbowl and he'd still come running.Then I have Maddie.Mads,Miss Maddie,Madeleine the divine,The divine Miss M,Maggi chicken stock cube.
  12. How wonderful that Jake was the happiest he'd ever been with your family.Run free beautiful boy. to you Michelleva.
  13. $1400 is too cheap stans. Try selling it on eBay. Do you think RL1?It really is in perfect cond personal use only.It's on wheels has a davey pump and stainless steel check plate removable floor oh and it's a stunning aqua blue colour with a fleck through it.What do you think I should ask?Sorry to hyjack your thread Skitch.
  14. Bill Wright at Point Clare Vet for acupuncture wonderful man.
  15. What a shame you don't live near me mines for sale.Mine is a twin tank heated in almost brand new condition.I got it 4 years ago and have used it once in the last 18 months.I paid $2400 brand new from The Barf shop in QLD and I wouldn't take under $1400 for it so that is the sort of price you would be looking at. PossumCorner hydrobaths are excellent for water economy.
  16. That is so funny and to leave you the parting gift of a fart.
  17. dogmad and Purdie how sad but true in both cases.
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