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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Positive vibes to Earl come home soon buddy.
  2. I am single also and live on my own and it's funny how many people say to me gee your lucky to have two big dogs for security.PPfft they're greyhounds they would happily jump in the getaway car along with the tv and whatever else they managed to rob before getting licked to death.
  3. to you Kirty.Nessie will now run free.
  4. Just gorgeous RL you have two beautiful dogs.
  5. Nothing boring about a greyhound. My boy is the ultimate couch potato and after a 40 min walk he'll spread out on the lounge for a kip.My girl has endless energy and could run all day.Two totally different dogs but both a constant source of entertainment.I fostered 7 greys and not one of them was alike and not one of them just layed around and pooed and weed.As I'm typing this my two are chasing each other around the backyard in the rain.Agree maybe not the breed for you. PS:Love the pic Alyosha.
  6. I have a friend going through PRA with his rescue greyhound.Absolutley devastating for them.
  7. I have only noticed this myself in the last couple of days.I thought it was just me but I've never seen so many bindis in my life.We usually walk around the perimeter of the rugby oval but today my two struggled and we ended up walking on the edge of the road.Mine love romping around the oval but by the time summer hits and they crisp up there is no way we'll be able to walk there it is as you said literally a carpet of bindis.
  8. Yep you stuck to your guns and built the deck you wanted in the first place.Well done Kirislin and I love the photos of the whips enjoying the deck that mum built.
  9. Nice deck did you build that yourself. ;) Happy Birthday to all the whippets.
  10. So sorry for the loss of your old mate.
  11. Yep I agree although I have the larger version of the whippet mowing the lawn today was like walking on the moon,craters everywhere!
  12. Stan was my first foster(and failure)and is a stunning blue boy.Whilst I love the blue I adopted him for being the quirky dumbo he is and I mean that in the nicest possible way.My second foster failure Maddie is white with a brindle patch on her bum.Definately not a colour I would have chosen but I didn't have a choice she chose me.Like you I love the brindles so many variations.I know how much you have put in to finding the right dog for your family so hopefully(I think it's Sophie you are looking at)will be the grey for you. Good luck.
  13. I don't think Stan has hind leg awareness he doesn't even lift one to wee.
  14. I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss Benshiva. Run free gorgeous boy.
  15. My two get fish once a week.Either sardines in olive oil and tomato sauce or tuna in sunflower oil.I buy mine from Aldi and they go berko when they get fish they love it.
  16. GAP or Friends Of The Hound.Both very good.
  17. That's lovely Aztec thanks for sharing.
  18. I did read your posts and so happy Rover is with your parents again and all went well.
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