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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Brilliant!I loved the big slide into the lure towards the end.The front on shots of whippets and greys in full flight amazes me.
  2. Aussie3 dont worry I'd had my blow ups but when there are kids involved I do try to take the education path.
  3. I have had some awful things said to me about my greyhounds when out walking.Things like " those things(THINGS)shouldn't be walked during the day with cildren around" to the most common one of kids asking parents what those things are on their face to which 99% of parents reply "because they bite or because they kill things".It is important to me to try to educate people on how wonderful greyhounds are and I've often stopped people for saying the latter and explained the law of muzzling and how it is changing now in NSW and has already changed in other states.A majority have stopped and listened and even thanked me for explaining but I do still get the parents that drag the child away from the kid eating monsters. DLL this woman is just one of the morons that can't be educated.I have visions of her ringing the cops and as they all pile into the paddy wagon to head of to the scene of the crime looking at each other saying "What's a prong collar"
  4. I'd like to add my wonderful neighbours as well.When I was fostering greyhounds they always kept an eye on them when I was out.When I fostered Maddie (now foster failure number 2)I had to go to work the next day.Maddie was crying in the backyard so my beautiful neighbour Renee came over and sat with her.Turns out Renee had sat with her for over an hour until I came home.I was really touched that she was so caring.
  5. My white greyhound will lay on the back deck sunbaking in 40 degree heat.I smother her in sunscreen as she is quite bald on her tummy and bum.My blue greyhound hates the heat.If he walks out onto the deck it takes about 30 seconds before he's doing the "riverdance".He likes to lay in the hallway or in front of the fan.
  6. 1:Great Dane 2:Saluki 3:Ridgeback 4:Doberman 5:Whippet
  7. There was a thread about this a while ago that was really good.How to set up doggie resumes and the like.I don't know how to find old threads but someone may come along and find it for you.
  8. Yes I am the same.Do not walk the greyhounds when it's hot.Stan is so bloody lazy a 20 min walk for him is more than enough and that's in the middle of winter!Maddie on the other hand could run all day.Luckily I have a huge backyard so it doesn't worry them if they don't go for a walk.
  9. My daughter has had her rescue greyhound on BH for about six months now, and he looks just splendid - he's the basic black variety :D and his coat gleams and shines, and he has lost the dandruffy look he came with. So highly recommended I would think Thanks toshman for the reply sounds positive.
  10. Sorry if this has been asked before(82 pages is too much to read)but does anyone own greyhounds and use Black Hawk? I have two and my white girl has a small amount of dematitis on her feet.Currently feeding Pro Plan salmon with great results but would be interested in trying this product as it seems to give good results and a decent price.I see you deliver to the Central Coast how would I go about getting a sample bag and could anyone suggest what type of Black hawk may suit them. Thanks.
  11. I can't fault the Vet's All Natural products, it's doing my dogs well. I dont stick to a single protein though I do give them a mix of beef and chicken (preservative free) Ferrets look great on it too. Thanks for the reply.Was thinking about looking at Blackhawk also.Have been reading the thread in Gen and it seems to get the thumbs up.
  12. Mine do look great on the pro plan but they also get raw.Could you suggest what to feed them so I could cut the kibble out altogether? They get one cup each kibble in the morning then one cup kibble at night with 250g (approx)of raw and a spoon of pumpkin carrot.They have maintained the same weight for 6 months now.Stan is 32kg and Maddie is 25kg.Your help would be much appreciated. Sorry to hyjack thread.
  13. That looks really nice Clyde wouldn't trying that myself
  14. The house backs onto Terrigal lake which has sand around it.Not sure on outside covered area but if you drop her an email I'm sure she would be able to tell you.It is only a short walk around the lake to the beach.It really is a beautiful spot and Kerry just adores dogs of all shapes and sizes.
  15. Ah bugger.It's quite reasonably priced in the off season so somewhere to consider for a weekend getaway as we are only an hour from Sydney.Hope you find something for now though.
  16. OH wow!! thankyou! :D I would love to see your calender Kirislin.Your photos are amazing. This year I got my calender from Greyhound Safety Net.It's gorgeous I love it.
  17. Maybe booked out but you could try Ocean paws here at Terrigal on the Central Coast.We have two offleash beaches with no time restrictions and an offleash park. It's a house and dogs are welcome inside could be expensive this time of year though. www.oceanpaws.com.au Or phone Kerry on 02 43843794.
  18. Hugs and thoughts for you and Zedley
  19. You mums foxie is so cute Snook.Of course so is Justice.
  20. Both sleep on the bed with me.Stan goes to bed before me,always stays on his side of the bed and has his own boomerang pillow.Maddie comes to bed with me and curls up in a ball on the other side.If it's really hot Stan might sleep on the lounge and Maddie gets the pillow.
  21. Bless you and Maggie.No words just
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