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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Stan was named after a guy I worked with years ago who loved greyhounds.Maddie's name was Skye when she came to me which was half of her racing name.Skye to me was a peaceful sort of name and there's nothing peaceful about my girl,she is M.A.D so Maddie it is. :)
  2. How cute! :laugh: @ the random goat.
  3. Yes that is exactly what my vet told me.I have used this product for the first time last week and had no adverse reactions to my greys.
  4. Look M2S I have to agree with Oso and Telida Whippets you need to rehome Missy for her own good.You have been told time and time again what to do with Missy and Rascal and Shelley and you choose to ignore all the advice you are given.I have been following this for a year and you were told countless times NOT to get another dog and you went ahead and did it Take TW's offer to rehome Missy through rescue and concentrate on the dogs you already have
  5. Both of my greyhounds are Klepto's.They will steal anything if I forget to put it away.Most days I am walking around the house with one shoe on pleading with them to tell me where the other one is :laugh: Maddie has a thing with bra's.Many a time I've found a bra in the backyard
  6. Advantix for mine.I live on the Central Coast of NSW in a high tick area.I still do daily checks though.
  7. That is one well trained owner! 'I'll call you and if you don't come I'll call you again or else!! I'll call you again. Exactly, whilst i can see how this vid can be funny, it is also a classic example of being walked all over The comand 'come' obv means nothing to the dog, come to this dog means yep i can sit on the couch and back chat. Then when the dog finally did come over she is going reward the naughty behaviour? Sorry to sound like a stick in the mud, i have never owned a Husky and have heard they are hard to train but i would still not put up with that. I just saw it for what it was.....funny
  8. I agree muttrus :) I want to thank my rescue as well.I too have met wonderful people and beautiful dogs.Whilst greyhound rescue is certainly my passion I put everything I can into saving all dogs from the littles to the giants and I have sort of improved my computer skills Since being diagnosed with a disability rescue has helped me put things into perspective I think.I too have shed many a tear of sadness and joy but every save makes my heart sing.My mum would be smiling down from heaven.I too have a new lease on life and I am thankful :)
  9. That just about covers it Mags although my two have yet to stash a whole pumpkin in their treasures :laugh:
  10. I have no legal advice but I hope your dear girl is ok.What a frightening thing to happen.It's always my biggest fear when walking my two greys.
  11. Aidan surely you are just saying this to get a bite....pardon the pun. Nope. Your dog, your responsibility. Assume everyone else in the world knows less about your dog than you do, unless you have a very good reason to trust them. To do anything else is naive, and could cost your dog's life. Obviously people can still do things that are beyond your control or responsibility, but this is not the case here. I don't know the full circumstances but there are a number of questions raised when a dog has been chasing wildlife, without mandatory vaccinations, then gets paraded around the media in a studio filled with bright lights and pointed cameras, while a complete stranger is allowed to molest the dog, the whole time the owner has a nervous death-grip on the leash... Yep fair call you are right.
  12. Aidan surely you are just saying this to get a bite....pardon the pun.As others have said I thought from the start she was way too close to the dogs face and then when she went in for the kiss she got one alright of the liverpool variety.Stupid woman.
  13. My six cats also have a great life, rolling around in my garden and sharpening their claws on the tree. They pester the geckos and chomp grasshoppers. They stalk the birds but are unsuccessful because there is only one tree, the birds stay in the uppermost branches and the mynah birds sound the alert every time the cats move. They have the wind in their fur and the sun on their wee faces. And because of a combination of oscillot fence-proofing plus inclined bird netting with cheap L-brackets, they will hopefully never die from being laminated across the tarmac by a car, or torn apart by someone's dog. They'll never get kicked or punched by a passing stranger, or pick up poison bait on their travels. They'll also never scratch my neighbours' cars, piss and crap in their flower beds, spray piss on their front or back doors, wind their dogs up, fight and scream in the small hours of the morning or contract FIV, FeLV, herpes, chlamydia or any of the other wandering-cat diseases. It's not a hard mindset shift to make, but I find it usually needs the death of, or injury to, a pet to give some people the kick in the ass they need to make the shift. Oh dear Chubbsie you persist in being disrespectful.SpotTheDog put forward some great advice and all you can come up with is The advice I've been given in the short time I have been on this forum has been invaluable so why are you here?
  14. They look great My two greyhounds have more beds than a backpackers hostel but I think they may need two more
  15. Hollie is one special girl :) She has been to my house many times and played with my greys.
  16. Friends Of The Hound are based in northern NSW but have greys in foster care from Brisbane to Sydney.I don't know what area your friend lives in but if she goes to the website she can have a look at the available hounds.Sounds to me a grey would be perfect for them but they can also foster with the view to adopt just to see if it works for them.They will match a dog to their needs.Sorry I'm a dumbo and can't post links so just go to Friends of The Hound
  17. What about sunglasses?A friend of mine has "doggles" for her staffy.They look like swimming goggles I know a bit weird but just an idea.
  18. I am with you chubbsie, however I can see both sides of the debate... Pros and cons Cats which go outside Letting a cat control its own movements in and out gives it freedom but lays it open to the dangers of the great outdoors. The main risks are outlined below. Injury - Road traffic accidents account for many cats' lives every year. If you live in a town or near a busy road then the risks are probably greater. Dogs, other cats and humans are also the cause of cat injuries. Poisoning - Cats can become poisoned by chemicals used in the garden or by eating poisoned prey Disease - Contact with other cats (especially fighting) and the environment can lead to infections with, for example, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukaemia virus, cat flu or enteritis viruses. Infestation - Fleas and other parasites can be picked up from prey and the environment. Loss - Cats can sometimes get shut in garages or are driven away in cars or vans they have climbed into. They may even move in with someone else. However, there are also many benefits to letting your cat go out: Rodent control - Cats help to keep the rodent population around your home at bay. Social contact - Outdoor cats can have social stimulation if they want to interact with other cats in the area. Regular exercise - Outdoor cats are well exercised through hunting and generally being out and about, and are less likely to become overweight. Outlet for behavioural needs - less stress for the cat and therefore improved welfare. Good behaviour - Outdoor cats are less likely to develop behavioural problems such as inappropriate urination in the house, clawing furniture or stalking humans or other household companions. They are less likely to become bored or frustrated. I do not see the benefits of letting your cat out.If your cat was generally being out and about it would less likely to become overweight but in my backyard it would be less likely to come home as I have greyhounds.It would break my heart to know my dogs had killed your cat but NOTHING can outrun a determined greyhound.
  19. That is beautiful thanks for sharing the story amazing :)
  20. Things that make you go...hhmmmm.
  21. Yes definately.I don't have children so my dogs are my babies.Although I am a single mum they have many Aunty's and Uncle's much to the horror of some unwilling Aunty's and Uncle's :laugh:
  22. :laugh: love Fawlty Towers. My two are Stan and Maddie.I always wanted two boys and Reg would have been my second boy,Stan and Reg but I fell in love with Miss Madeleine.My friend has dachshund's and have all had human names.She has had Raymond,Ralph and Doug and now has Leroy,Chanel and Lola (the showgirl).Another friend's two dogs are called Graham and Neil.
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