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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Is watching TV a greyhound 'thing'? Our neighbour who owns racing greys & loves them, tells us how every greyhound he gets in, loves to lie on the sofa watching TV. Fingers crossed for Raymondo. Sounds like his prospective owners have discovered that greyhounds make wonderful pets. I don't know if watching TV is a greyhound thing but I do remember when I first fostered Stan and I have one of those electric heaters that have the flame effect.I swithched it on and Stan leapt over the lounge and bolted His head poked around the corner and I could almost hear him say "Have you not noticed the house is on fire?" :laugh: Bless him now he looks at me and says "I'm cold can you put the heater on...please?"
  2. Well a bit of exciting news Raymondo (affectionately known to his Dol and Facebook friends as Way Way)is finally going to meet a lovely retired couple tomorrow.They sound so lovely and only lost their greyhoundX Harry in December at age 13.Best of all they are only 15 mins from where I live so I still may see him down at the beach :) Fingers crossed it's third time lucky for my gorgeous boy
  3. No that is not on I would have been peeved as well.Although not many people approach us and try to squash some treats thru their muzzles.
  4. Yes you are right Donatella he is a spokesperson for GAP if I remember rightly.He has adopted two greys.
  5. :mad + 1. Must be very disheartening to see that kind of response when you are genuinely trying to help a needy dog. Agreed. It's gratuitous and unfunny. Beyond unfunny a very poor attempt at humour Good luck Jess with the beautiful Jessie.I too know how much you are putting into this girl having the wonderful life she deserves and you too Trishm.I second dogmad's suggestion of the media.Charlie Pickering from the show The Panel is a massive dog lover and has had not only greyhound stories on the show but all sorts of dog stories.Maybe a long shot but hey they can only say no.All the best.
  6. Aww thank you Flashy and Ons. everyone for wishing my, as Midniara calls him "spethal boy"a happy birthday.He is the reason I got into rescue and he is the reason I want to keep trying to help the poundies when I can :)
  7. Happy 4th birthday Stanley !!!!! From Hawksbury Pound to living by the seaside.You make me smile everyday especially the day I came home to find you wearing my pj's top :laugh: Yes you have a meat pie for lunch and you don't have to share with Maddie this year she has her own :) Love ya fatty.
  8. Another just checking in and glad he's doing well :) Hope today went ok.
  9. I don't know much about Akita's but I do know you and hubby's dedication to Kyojin.I also know you would not consider this lightly so good on you for asking the questions Minxy.I have always only had one dog and when I adopted Stan I just thought that would be it but half a dozen foster greys later along came Miss Madeline.I love having two now and would never go back to one.They have very different personalities and yes there are some trying times but they are really a joy and they love each others company.Good luck and if you do take the plunge it will be another lucky doggie in the Minxy household :)
  10. Oh my that is wonderful.What a great pair of guys.Makes me a little teary but I am a sook
  11. Stan wouldn't wee on anyone as he doesn't cock his leg.He just wees on his own leg *sigh*
  12. She is beautiful :) All the very best for your special girl.
  13. I know I love those ears.When he is concentrating on something that's how they sit.In that pic he is watching telly,he's obsessed with it.Don't think he's seen a 42 inch flatscreen before :laugh:
  14. You can't You just need a bigger crate :laugh:
  15. Skyesblue.I love the one of the boys hangin on the deck this morning in the sun and those ears....what's doin with the ears Ray :laugh:
  16. I am also the only human in this household and have often come home to find the loungeroom a mess and my two sprawled over a lounge each in front of the telly.I always say to them "are either of you going to get a job and move out soon?" :)
  17. Poor Ray didn't get a look in today.The lady rang me and said she can't convince her hubby he just doesn't like greyhounds although he's never met one Oh well the gorgeous Raymondo will find a loving home I'm sure
  18. Raymondo has a family coming to meet him on Sunday.It would be wonderful for him as they have acres for him to zoom around and another puppy for him to play with. they fall in love with my special boy.I'm sad but excited at the same time.
  19. DR that is great news from the oncologist.Hope the big fella keeps the drugs down and the side effects are minimal.Lots of positive thoughts headed your way from me and the hounds :)
  20. No advice just so sorry for you and your girl.
  21. WOW I took Maddie to my vet today to look at something I was worried about ( turned out to be nothing....again ) and cost me $47 standard consultation.
  22. I also use baby sunscreen on my white greyhound.I found the Vetbasix was way too thick and hard to spread so my vet suggested kiddy sunscreen and it's great.
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