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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. :laugh: @ the hide and seek puppies. I forgot the candle Ray ate and he carefully chose a book of the bookshelf and ate that.He also helped Maddie dig a hole in the backyard big enough to bury a small car!
  2. Just wondering if anyone has some funny stories about their fosters.Ok I'll start,cyclone Raymond came into my life(and my heart) three weeks ago and totally trashed my house!He chewed thru an extension cord and tripped my safety switch.Wondered why my internet just went blah.He chewed the plug off the fan and destroyed the dog beds(as my two looked on in horror).He ate every toy in the house and ate a hole in my deck.Yep he chewed down to the floorboards.He ate the cord to start my lawnmower and he chewed through the back seatbelt in my new car!He is now at his new home and has not chewed a thing!!!!They sent me an email yesterday and he is perfect!!Funny thing is before I started rescue those things would've annoyed me but now I don't give a rats.They have taught me...meh it aint that important :)
  3. No you are right.It is an offence in any council area and I beleive the fine is quite high.Problem is people don't give a rats and you are very polite to question people............I don't I wave a plastic bag in their face and make sure everyone in hearing range can hear me saying "Hey are you going to pick that up?!!!!!".Not picking up after your dogs is one of my pet hates
  4. I used to feed my old boy stewed apple and yoghurt for brekkie,he loved it.
  5. Yep Jessie has her own thread in Rescue with all the info.
  6. Had a wonderful email from Ray/Charlies new mum and dad today.It was like it was written from him.It started with " Dear Special Mum" and then ended with " lots of love and licks I miss you".Lots of happy tears from me kinda makes up for discovering Ray had eaten through the cord to start my lawnmower and eaten through the back seatbelt in my new car Oh well if that's the worst that can happen in my life I'm a happy camper :)
  7. Wish I was closer me and the hounds would be there with bells on.Hope it goes well Trish.
  8. They are ssssooooo cute!! You are amazing T :)
  9. Great shots Why didn't she pick up Mitzi :D
  10. I think a T-Shirt I purchased from GAP NSW sums it up pretty well. About my greyhound Yes he used to race No he doesn't bite Yes he is big No he isn't underweight Yes he loves to sleep No one is never enough Yes he is the perfect pet :)
  11. Glad the surgery went well.Hope your gorgeous girl is feeling better today.
  12. Had a lovely call from Ray's new mum and they are absolutely smitten with him The grandkids adore him and all the neighbours had to come over to meet him :) Lily(their old staffy cross) is putting him in his place but luckily Ray doesn't have a mean bone in his body so he is ok with that.He is on a two week trial but his new owners are so dedicated to working through Ray's puppy antics that I feel confident this will be his forever home.All their dogs have been rescues so they know that it takes love and time.I can't tell you how wonderful these people are. BTW they changed his name to Charlie as his new mums father's name is Raymond but he'll always be Way Way to me. :)
  13. Oh wow she has grown.She is a beautiful girl Staffyluv well done :)
  14. Sorry I don't but just bumping this up hoping someone will respond.I can help with a leg of transport if needed.
  15. Yes please! It may be a bit far, but I don't think it's as far as Carlisle. Have PMed you :)
  16. HazyWal


    I'm so sorry for your loss ellz Endless zoomies in the sun dear boy.
  17. Glad Bison is going well.Keep powering on big fella :)
  18. Don't know if it's too far for you but my friend is a groomer at Scarborough.When she lived over here she had a huge clientel and was highly respected by owners and loved by all her dogs :) Can let you know details if you like.
  19. Yep my two go mental.Picture greyhound zoomies X 100 I stand up on the safety of the deck and watch them otherwise they could take me out :laugh:
  20. HazyWal

    Vale Dante

    I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome man Rest easy big fella.
  21. Thinking of you both today Sending lots of positive vibes your way from me and the hounds.
  22. Ray is spending his first night with his new family They fell in love with him at first sight.They are the most wonderful people,I could not have asked for a better home for Way Way.He has a gorgeous happy staffy cross to play with,a beautiful home and get this an inground pool that he can swim in with them if he likes it! Lots of mixed emotions from me and I got a big hug from his new mum as I blubbered my way out the door Anyway lets hope Ray finally has the love he deserves.The country boy has come to the city and I think he's gunna be ok. :)
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