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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Sorry Whipitgood I disagree.I have known greys to run away screaming from a cat and almost poo themselves when they have seen a chook.My own two greys are scared to death of my friends one eyed foxie.Can't speak for other large dogs but there would be plenty of Greys that could happily live with an Iggy, a chi and even rabbits. No it's ok whipitgood I hope I didn't offend.I don't think you are wrong,I'm just too quick sometimes to jump on my greyhound soapbox
  2. I have some concerns about this post. I'm not sure that it is appropriate for a rescue group to refuse someone because of their parents. Perhaps this potential foster carer did not appreciate the pool danger, and may have been prepared to put up a fence. Interestingly he/she had a doggy door so presumably they already had or had had a dog. On a more general note I did not think there was such an oversupply of foster carers for rescue groups to be so choosy. Healthy dogs die because they cannot find rescue. As I read it dogmad didn't refuse the potential foster carer because of their parents as people but the fact that the parents were not keen on fostering at all.I think dogmad was right in her decision....JMO. Yes but presumably the applicant was an adult. His/her parents and their attitudes are his/her concern. He/she makes the judgement and accepts the responsibility. It is not up to an outsider to make decisions for him/her. :) Yes I would presume the applicant was an adult but that makes no difference.As garnali has said ALL family members or flatmates or whoever lives in the home have to agree on taking a foster into the home.It IS up to the rescue group(or as you said outsider)to make that decision.In this case it's dogmads rescue group so it's her dog,her responsibility and her right to say no.
  3. I have some concerns about this post. I'm not sure that it is appropriate for a rescue group to refuse someone because of their parents. Perhaps this potential foster carer did not appreciate the pool danger, and may have been prepared to put up a fence. Interestingly he/she had a doggy door so presumably they already had or had had a dog. On a more general note I did not think there was such an oversupply of foster carers for rescue groups to be so choosy. Healthy dogs die because they cannot find rescue. As I read it dogmad didn't refuse the potential foster carer because of their parents as people but the fact that the parents were not keen on fostering at all.I think dogmad was right in her decision....JMO.
  4. Sorry Whipitgood I disagree.I have known greys to run away screaming from a cat and almost poo themselves when they have seen a chook.My own two greys are scared to death of my friends one eyed foxie.Can't speak for other large dogs but there would be plenty of Greys that could happily live with an Iggy, a chi and even rabbits.
  5. I'd probably cut it off if it were one of his other nails, but this just freaks me out! He is booked in to see the vet tomorrow at 9am. The vet said he will sedate him a bit to cut it off and wrap him up and give him antibiotics. Thanks for the tips everyone! Stan snapped his a few months ago,took him to the vet,sedated him cut it off ,strapped it,no antibiotics,a couple of days later..fine.
  6. I would love to go to that :) Will you be posting info about it here or should I just check your website? I may go to the Gosford one not sure.A friend took Stan to the Paws and Claws walk two years ago as I was working and he had to lay down under a tree half way through for a kip He really is the perfect advertisement for the fact that not all greyhounds need a lot of exercise.
  7. Ams I know what you are saying.I always wanted my two greyhound boys.After FF Stan I was only sent girls from my rescue group then oops...fell in love with Maddie....but as you said I would've been tempted to fail earlier if I had another boy.
  8. I foster failed number 1 and number 7.I hadn't fostered for 14 months but just recently took one in who has now been adopted.I had forgotten how wonderful it was to have a foster in the house :)
  9. Might wanna ask her if she's seen the iPod Perse......just a thought :)
  10. Naughty whippets :laugh: My two are bin raiders so when I go out I have to lock the bin in the bathroom.I also have that feeling of dread when I'm driving somewhere and realise I've forgotten the bin....and they never disappoint me when I get home.
  11. Oh my he is stunning no wonder he was a transport fail.Lovely pics well done to all involved in Buddy's rescue :)
  12. Thanks for the update Mina I remember how sad she looked in the pound and just look at her now :) I bet she's never had a warm coat before.Well done to everyone involved in giving Kelly a wonderful new life.
  13. Annies coats are beautiful :)
  14. Files away 'Scallywags DOGrescue', if ever they have an urgent need... :) +1
  15. OMG ScallyWags rescue that is fantastic Thank you thank you please keep us posted dogmad.
  16. Wise words from your friend NOCTRL. I have no advice lillysmum just hugs to you and Lilly.
  17. Yep my two are the same.They are so excited to see me.......when I come back from the letterbox :laugh:
  18. I hope I read "another good day" each time I check in DR.Lot's more BBQ's to come Bison :)
  19. Thanks! His name is Hamilton. Well welcome to DOL Hamilton and hippie1969 :)
  20. There is something special about the oldies :) No idea on what breed he is but he sure is handsome. What is his name?
  21. Oh what a lovely boy :) I'm sure it won't take long to get the spark back in those sad eyes.Please keep us updated on his progress.
  22. So sorry for the loss of your beautiful smiling girl
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