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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I know a card won't ever bring a pet back but I think it's such a lovely and kind hearted thing to do :) My vet did the same when my 16 year old ridgyX was given his wings there. Michael(vet)signed it as did each of the vet nurses, all hand written.
  2. I have been going to my vet for many years. He has been at this practice for 32 years. Luckily he is only in the next suburb so 5 min drive. If you ask any locals what vet they use it's always " MJ...can't go past him, he's brilliant". We have a vet in our suburb but it's very expensive. I trust my vet 100%. He has three other vets working for him but unless it's urgent I will only see him. He is not overly friendly(reminds me of a strict headmaster :laugh: )but I'm not there to be his friend I'm there for the best possible vet care for my dogs and that's what he provides.
  3. RIP dear sweet Penny. Hugs to you Esky, I'm glad you got to bring your baby home
  4. :laugh: Thanks for the back licks Jarrah. I know there is a greyhound vet at Belmont, I was there a couple of weeks ago. I'll make some calls and get back to you asap. Give "the love sponge" a cuddle for me :)
  5. Agree with Kirislin and megan a greyhound vet may be something to consider. I can try and find out if there is a recommended one in our area if you like Wobbly just let me know.
  6. gorgeous Renae. Love the photo's Jules, that cake looks yummo :)
  7. Wow seriously? I have never ever heard of an agressive cocker, they are so sweet and gorgeous! Same here. I had a cocker when I was younger and he was just beautiful. I have never heard of cocker rage.
  8. Beautiful photos of your beautiful babies. Sending lots of positive vibes from me and the hounds
  9. She is gorgeous Wendy I love the photo, are they waiting for their cinnimon donuts in that pic? :laugh: Their weight can be deceiving as they are generally quite muscular. Maddie is 25 kilos now and stays at that weight but to look at her you would think she weighs a lot less. She is very ribby but very muscular in her hind quarters. Stan is almost 10 kilos heavier than her but he is a lot taller than her and as he rarely gets off the lounge is not as fit :laugh: Enjoy your time with Star, good to see your already hooked on greys...oh and would love more pics :)
  10. at the Lab, did he find something to eat? Maddie is terrible at nipping when she runs. She can be a bossy little cow When I used to take Stan to the slipping track he would do one run up and back then he would need a bex and a good lie down. Can't understand why he was a failed racer :laugh: ETA all our greys at the slipping track were muzzled as well.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss Run free beautiful Charlotte
  12. Viewed full screen...fantastic shots. Love pic 5 & 6 airborne whippy
  13. Supercoat. Stan is on Supercoat as it's the only kibble that doesn't give him the runs
  14. Hi Wendles, would love to see some pics of Star :) I started fostering greyhounds almost two years ago after seeing an article in my local paper about greyhounds as pets. I had lost my old ridgyX boy at age 16 and had never thought about a greyhound as a pet. My first foster boy came to me and I was instantly smitten. Foster fail number 1...see Stan in my sig :)I had 7 more fosters,all girls as my rescue group knew I wanted to adopt another and I wanted another boy. Miss Maddie came along 4 months later. A tiny little girl(she weighed 23kg)and Stan and I fell in love. Foster fail number 2. I am now addicted to greys and sing their praises to anyone who wants to listen, and those that don't :laugh: Good on you for giving a grey a foster home, they really are wonderful and loving dogs.
  15. The pups are gorgeous Clyde. Neville reminds me of a nightclub bouncer :laugh:
  16. Hi Kezzi and welcome to DOL. Condolences to your family on the loss of your mum As you are open to suggestions on all breeds have you considered a greyhound? Greyhounds make wonderful pets and may suit your dads lifestyle. They are low shedding (minimal grooming) Have virtually no odour (great for being inside) Love a walk/run on the beach but are happy to lay on the lounge or lay in the sun in the yard GAP WA (Greyhounds As Pets WA) are a reputable rescue group that would match a greyhound to your family's needs. Fostering is another way to see if a grey is for you. They also offer continued support.Two years ago I would never have thought of a greyhound as a dog for me, now I'm hooked on these divine creatures. Good luck with whatever doggie companion your dad chooses. :)
  17. Gus is gorgeous As Stan and Maddie are rescues and came to me at 2 years of age sadly I have no before's. I look forward to seeing everyone's pics though :)
  18. Completely off topic but it's lovely to see you on DOL Jules, so many nice people don't post anymore. Sorry but I'm going OT as well hello Jules...it's good to see you :)
  19. That's great news Emma. Huge thanks to you and all involved.
  20. With greyhounds it's all about the muzzle. With greyhounds as pets becoming more common kids are always asking their parents "what's that metal thing on the dog's mouth". 99% of people say "because they bite" For the people that are willing to listen I explain. One of the most annoying times was when I was walking my two greys(muzzled) and a foster greyhound cross not muzzled as being a cross he was not required to wear one, near my local boat ramp. A guy with a little boy around 5/6 years old were sitting on the breakwall and as I stopped to pick up a poo I had enough time to hear the following conversation. Child: What's on those dogs face dad? Dad:It's a muzzle Child: Why are they wearing it? Dad: Because they are savage dogs that kill things and they will bite people Child: Why isn't that one wearing one? (pointing to my unmuzzled greyX) Dad: Because that one hasn't bitten anyone yet!!!!! Me: SIGH
  21. OMG Matt she is divine My friend has three Daccy's (she has had them all her life)and they are really gorgeous little dogs.
  22. Emma sure is a beautiful girl and a real fighter through the health challenges she has faced. I have no advice but just wanted to send all the positive vibes I can to you and your girl.
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