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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I admit to thinking the same but not a puppy, can't raise a greyhound puppy properly in an apartment. Agree! An ex-racer would be the go. Plus the OP said she wanted to rescue but didn't want the unknown of the risk - that way she could rescue but still have a very predictable purebred that would suit her circumstances perfectly! Yep :) friends of mine have a greyhound in a townhouse as he is a very happy hound. The no odour of a grey is a big plus for indoor living as well.
  2. I woke up one night to hear Maddie lapping away at my large glass of water on my bedside table. I could just imagine her thinking...hhmmm gee it's cold ..I'm thirsty but I don't want to get out of bed...ooo looky here water, sweeeet! Nope I don't let my dogs eat off my plates or cutlery but each to their own. I find it more disturbing that people sit in cafes on the side of the road sucking in car fumes and paying top dollar for a coffee. I was following a delivery truck today in my beachside suburb when a massive cloud of black deisel fumes spewed out all over people having coffee and they were all madly waving their hands...coffee in hand.
  3. Stan is such a hunk :laugh: He looks like he's modelling them! He is a handsome model isn't he :) That pic was just us mucking around at the beach last Xmas and they were not mine, that was the first time Stan had ever put them on but nothing worries him so he didn't try to get them off. A friend of mine is a bricklayer and his dog ' Russell' travels on the back of his truck every day up and down the freeway and he was getting grit, sand and bugs in his eyes so my mate got him a pair of doggles and Russell wears them no problem. If your dog is happy to wear them they are excellent.
  4. Do you mean like these? My Stan the grommet :laugh:
  5. Ams you will still be very involved I'm sure and don't think of it as what you can't do anymore but what you have achieved. A wonderful friend of mine decided to stop fostering for personal reasons but she had rehomed over 100 greyhounds. That's 100 beautiful greyhounds in 100 loving homes...wow to me that is an awesome achievment You have and still will be invaluable to rescue. Enjoy your new gorgeous family member.
  6. Ah... no just the two. :) I don't own a camera so only have the camera on my cheapy phone so the colour may look different. Stan is blue and Maddie is white. I would dearly love a third but I rent so no go unfortunately
  7. Yep that's my Stan I'm confused too...but I'm easily confused :laugh:
  8. :laugh: he does look like he's saying that. I did keep him...foster failure #1.
  9. Fantastic Love love love Sandy
  10. Thanks everyone he's my " spethal" boy :)
  11. I have Mongrel Country by David Darcy. His photos are fabulous
  12. ...you get to sit on a leather lounge and...chill.
  13. I have a few doggie books about various things but my all time favourite was a gift when I lost my old boy at age 16. It is called " Old Dogs Are The Best Dogs" by Gene Weingarten. You don't have to have owned an old dog to appreciate this beautiful book but if you have it is even more special :)
  14. raineth that photo is simply stunning! Chris I can't beleive how quickly Maya has grown Gorgeous pics as well.
  15. My two are a big fan of the 4legs, 100% preservative free and great for shoving an antibiotic tablet in for my girl at the moment
  16. Wonderful, thanks for posting :)
  17. Lovely views Pers and Marion :) I have a bowling club and a 3 storey carpark behind my house *sigh* one day.
  18. Good luck tomorrow Ollie. You have done an amazing job KTB you should be very proud of Ollie's acheivements. I know it's sad when they go (beleive me I have two foster failures) but there is another Ollie out there waiting for your love and guidance :)
  19. Oh I would so LOVE to come and would be there with bells on if I didn't have a stupid broken foot. My Stanley is a Hawkesbury poundy and my first foster failure. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and the weather is kind :)
  20. Did these people find a whippy dogmad? There is one FTGH on Gumtree, 5years old female in the Baw Baw area of Vic. Listed 2 days ago.
  21. I have done house checks for rescue groups on DOL and as I am no longer fostering for any group I guess that makes me a random forum reader. The greyhound rescue I have done house checks for state clearly that all adoptions will require a houecheck and I don't know one person who has had a problem with it. I recently did a house check for a small dog rescue group with clear instructions for particular things to be checked. I found a small gap in the pool fencing that a little dog could have easily gotten through. This would not have been seen on google earth nor would it have been seen in a photo taken,it was found because I was looking for it. Sure it would be easier to rely on google earth or photos but the rescue groups I've done home checks for are far more thorough than that.
  22. Oh my what a divine little girl actually they all are. Love the pics especially the one all lined up on the lounge :)
  23. That's tragic, surely he could have been homed with someone willing to accept him as a house dog or have a run with a roof so that he would not have been able to escape ???? What a waste of a good dog I know I wouldn't adopt a dog that would go to those measures to escape for it's own safety and the safety of others. I know a pound dog that kept escaping her enclosure and was found on the pound roof by staff one morning with a huge gash on her leg.She was also PTS.
  24. Wow that is pretty amazing. Not much chance of finding him in the backyard when you got home from work though :laugh:
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