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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I have never had two dogs before but now I will always have at least two. Stan would be quite happy to be an only child but he does love Maddie and she adores him. Do it I say :)
  2. Stan will come over for a pat if he feels like it...Maddie is the 'love sponge' :)
  3. I have no doubt she will find the best of homes with you helping her Jess :) Well done for all you have done for this special girl.
  4. I rehomed one of my foster dogs to a lovely lady who knocked out a bedroom wall to fit a king size bed in the bedroom, just so her small dogs could fit comfortably on the bed. :) Now that's the kind of person you want to rehome a dog too!! Brilliant! :laugh: It sure is!!Love it :)
  5. My old SBT girl (RIP) used to always sleep with her smelly bum next to my head so I invented the 'fart pillow'. It was a soft round pillow that wpuld be plonked against her butt in case I rolled over during the night that would buffer the odours. Mind you her snoring was so bad I had to wear ear plugs as well, but there is nothing worse than waking to a hairy arse first thing in the morning! My heart SBT likes to sleep on my legs and sometimes my back. I have had dreams where I was trying to run away from danger but couldn't, like my legs wouldn't work, only to wake up to several tonne of dog lying on top of me. love it PS, especially the 'fart pillow'. As I like to plant a kiss on their gorgeous faces randomly during the night, I have to feel around first to make sure it's the pointy end.
  6. :laugh: I'm loving the bed hoggers in this thread. Does anyone else go to sleep with their dogs head resting on your pillow and wake up with a butt in your face? That ones a regular here.
  7. :laugh: I have asked those same questions myself perygrine. I also wonder why Stan feels the need to fall on me like a felled tree instead of just gently laying down.
  8. Thank you for that! I just need to work out how to work through this guilt I'm feeling. I also need to adjust life without him. I knew it would hurt, but I didn't think it would hurt THIS much! But I know with time it will heal - it will never stop hurting, but I will learn to 'accomodate' it! It's right up there with when I lost my mother to cancer - except I didn't have this kind of guilt to carry around. I also lost my mum to cancer and losing my old boy was right up there as well I'm feeling every step with you MsDani,one at a time.
  9. Yep I get the same. 60 kilos of greyhound that take pillows and doona and I'm perched on the RHS holding on for grim death :laugh: As summer approaches Stan will bail and sleep on the lounge but Maddie will hang in there...after all that's when the fan comes out. Yep me too! Some nights I wake up with a westie in my back, about to go over the edge... Then the 3 am re-arrangement happens... Then we all go back to sleep until the alarm goes off... And then I get up to get Mac his pill ( 30 minutes before breakfast in a little cheese of course), and bring them all a snippet back to the bedroom as three sleepy westie heads emerge from the blankets... Not quite breakfast in bed but close enough.... I then have a shower and dress and then give them breakfast and go to work so I can support them in the style to which they've become far too accustomed... (where's rolly eyes when you need him!).... As I said before... The things we do... :) The rearrangement happens at 2am here! Annie starts out on top of the doona, then at 2am she gets up, has a shake, then taps me on the shoulder so I can lift up the doona so she can crawl under. This is generally when Maxie comes out from under the doona and curls up on a pillow. The other two don't even wake up... :laugh: Yep we have re-arrangement time as well. No set time just usually after I've said out loud for the 10th time...Stanley will you moooove over! I don't know how she does it but Maddie manages to swap her boomerang pillow with my very expensive arthritis pillow. I wake up with a stiff neck and she's snug as a bug with a little smile on her face :)
  10. MsDani I have been following this thread and everytime I went to post I didn't know what to say...I still don't When I gave my old boy his wings it was because I promised him I wouldn't keep him alive for ME. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss, until you meet again
  11. My white greyhound has a particular smell about her. It's weird I can't put my finger on it and no one else can smell it(greyhounds have no odour) but I can smell it and she is a chronic sunbaker. I hope you are putting sunscreen on your sun worshipper though :)
  12. Keep staying positive Destroya, keeping everything crossed for a good outcome
  13. My greyhounds are rescue dogs and they are 100% purebred greyhounds. I have no papers but they are greyhounds. Not having a go at you Aussie just sayin... :)
  14. Yep I get the same. 60 kilos of greyhound that take pillows and doona and I'm perched on the RHS holding on for grim death :laugh: As summer approaches Stan will bail and sleep on the lounge but Maddie will hang in there...after all that's when the fan comes out.
  15. I have no advice but sending lots of positive vibes your way for your gorgeous little boy.
  16. You gave her peace Indigirl Run free Chilli
  17. Agree with this. There was a litter of greyhound puppies advertised FTGH on Gumtree and by the time I contacted rescue and rescue contacted the seller they had been bombarded with abusive emails. They withdrew the ad and then refused to work with rescue. We never knew what happened to those 7 puppies
  18. Great choice - I love iggies too, obviously lol! I'm not a breeder and do not know much about iggy health issues other than epilepsy. Could you please tell me what PRA is. I thought you could explain it to me in plainer english than researching it online. Plus I'm lazy too :laugh: Maybe if I say night blindness would be the closest I could get to. Isn't night blindness only the first stage of PRA? A friend of mine has a greyhound diagnosed with PRA and was told he will eventually be totally blind. Iggy Mum in you google Progressive Retinal Atrophy in dogs it explains it fairly clearly.
  19. ...of the greyhound kind :)
  20. Same for my greyhounds. Maddie has had two dentals in the last 12 months, her teeth are shocking and she is only 3. She will definately need yearly dentals. Stan's were fine last check in May.
  21. HazyWal


    Run free Chalice. I'm sorry for your loss Tralee.
  22. Everything you have done for Ollie from the day he came into your home to the day he goes off into his new home has been truly wonderful. You are a wonderful asset to AWDRI I'm sure. I know you will be sad when Ollie leaves but try and think about the next adventure with your next foster dog :)
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