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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I have Mongrel Country by David Darcy. It was given to me as a gift a few years ago and one of my most treasured books :)
  2. Ososwift is in the process of building her boarding kennels and she started a great thread on what people look for in a boarding kennel. I'm not good at finding old threads but hopefully someone will come along and post the link. :)
  3. Love all the stories everyone :) Glad I'm not the only one that doesn't go to the toilet on my own :laugh: Clyde I love your dogs names...Alvin and Esme... classic. BC Crazy our dogs sound very similar. Love the faces sticking through the gate, a bit like this....
  4. Stan is definately on the thick side :laugh: dog love him. There are only two things that really phase him one is thunder the other is poo. He has a poo phobia like I've never seen in a dog. If we are walking along and there is a poo he will do everything he can to avoid it. Most dogs will have a sniff... not my Stanley :laugh:
  5. My two greyhounds are so different in personality they are like chalk and cheese. I always knew they were but since I broke my foot 9 weeks ago and spent the first five weeks with them pretty much 24/7 it became more obvious. I got Stan 4 months before Maddie and he was (and still is) very laid back, not much worries him, loves everyone and wouldn't bother getting off the lounge to say goodbye when I walk out the door. I have often been walking down the main street of my suburb and someone will be getting in their car and Stan will try and get in with them mainly because he would rather get a lift home than walk the rest of the way but I'm sure if they drove off he would drive off into the sunset without a backward glance. Maddie on the other hand is my shadow. She doesn't really like crowds and always sticks her head under Stan if it all becomes too much. She is the last thing I see when I leave the house and her little white face is all I see at the window when I come home and pull in the driveway. I have not gone to the toilet on my own since December 2012 (when I first fostered Maddie)and as soon as I start turning off the lights at night she is curled up on the pillow next to mine before I even get in there. I adore them both and they adore each other but they are definately like chalk and cheese :)
  6. Sorry minimiss you did say that in your OP, I didn't see it I think it depends if you want to go through the puppy stage again or not. My real estate agent adopted a pom cross jap spitz as a friend for exisiting dog as she didn't want to do the puppy stage and she couldn't be happier. He is around 3 years old and he is a dear little boy.
  7. What breed are you looking at getting? I got a second greyhound for me really. Stan was also very happy as an only child and I had quite a few fosters come through before adopting Maddie. They adore each other so I'm happy I did it.
  8. :laugh: at the undies trina...eeewwww.
  9. I chose greyhounds as they suited my lifestyle. I have arthritis in pretty much every joint in my body so I couldn't have a very active breed or a puppy as some days I am in a lot of pain. My greys are happy to lay on the lounge if I'm not up to walking them. They are very low maitenence,require minimal grooming, and are easy going dogs. I fostered rescue greys to see if they would be a good fit for me and now I'm addicted. I doubt I will ever own another breed.
  10. Thanks everyone for the replies. I will let her know everyones suggestions and hopefully she can find something that works for Molly.
  11. Thanks cavnRott. She does give her a firm no which works for everything else but the humping. She is a lovely little dog and has been very trainable but this is just weird. She said today her and her hubby were laying around the pool reading the Sunday papers as they always have and Molly was so bad at humping my friend she had to go inside, when she did Molly just layed down and went to sleep, she never went near her husband.
  12. Well that's the thing Perse, they all work full time, no one spends anymore time with her, they all come home at night and do nothing different.No health changes There is not one particular person that trains her, they take her to the beach and the dog park but my friend does no more than the rest of the family.
  13. Well my greyhounds can't pick anything up as they are muzzled by law but I will never forget walking around our annual food and wine festival proudly with my handsome Stan and people were looking at him smiling and I'm thinking, wow look at all these people looking at(in my opinion) the most handsome dog here until I looked at him and he had a large peice of pizza stuck on the front of his muzzle. He must have tried to eat it and it had wedged into the muzzle and here I am proudly walking along thinking " yep my dog is gorgeous"
  14. A friend of mine has a female Cocker Spaniel that is almost 3 years old. She got her as a pup and she was desexed at 6 months of age. She has recently started humping my friend, not her husband or her two kids aged in their 20's male and female, just her. It is getting to the point where she can't even hold her hand out to pat her as she starts humping the air before she even gets close. She asked me today why and I have no idea so thought I would ask here. She adores her and the rest of the family thinks it's hysterically funny but she doesn't obviously and she said it's getting worse. What could have triggered this behavior? Nothing in Molly's life has changed, my friend doesn't spend any more time with Molly than the rest of the family,so how can she stop this? TIA.
  15. Yes agree. You will find the perfect pup I'm sure.
  16. What's a relationship got to do with it? I'm single, have two greyhounds, would love a few more but I rent so can't have anymore as it's hard enough to rent with two dogs.
  17. Yep fair enough, good luck tomorrow, maybe make a list of questions you want to ask and come back and ask the people in the know here. Just don't make a rash decision based on how cute he is...cause lets face it, he's gunna be cute :)
  18. Donatella don't let your heart rule your head. There is no way I would buy the pup unless I owned it outright. You have had some very good advice from some very knowledgeable breeders in this thread, please read it carefully.
  19. Fifteen... Words fail me. Good on you Ams for taking them.
  20. so do I! They darn well hurt!!! Yes they do. He also screams when you take a non stick bandage off...just in case it MAY hurt.
  21. Hope Elsie is ok. I agree with Perse, Stan gets cramps quite a bit and a massage for a couple of minutes fixes it. Unlike Elsie, Stan screams like a banshee when he gets one. He is a tad on the woosy side my boy
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