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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Nah Gecko Tree lurks around all area's...late at night :laugh:
  2. There's a few blokes on here but they are pretty out numbered :)
  3. I didn't read it as she was alone in the factory - they said a number of people were evacuated, and she was found under a dressing table on the second search. I read it as she was at work with her owner Oh I thought she was alone as it said " it was lovely to see the dog improve, especially when her owner turned up".
  4. I wonder why she was alone in a factory. Greyhounds are not often used as guard dogs.
  5. Exactly. All my dogs have killed various lizards, mice, rabbits, birds etc. I don't like it but I'm not going to punish them for doing what comes naturally. Agree. I have greyhounds with high prey drives, one far more than the other. I have seen Maddie kill a bird as it flew out of a tree, it was that quick I didn't even know she was waiting. She would not have a clue what she had done if I gave her the cold shoulder.
  6. Hehe thanks guys they are adorable :) The weird thing about my two is Maddie is a very nervy girl but will sleep through a thunderstorm and not bat an eyelid. Stanley is VERY laid back yet is storm phobic but he still slept through an earth tremor. Lots of things stress little Mads out but Stan is only scared of two things...thunder and poo. If he was running around in a storm and trod in a poo that would be his worst nightmare
  7. We had an earth tremor last week. Not huge but enough to shake my old house and rattle the windows. This was Maddie's reaction
  8. Oh Kirislin, that teddy looked like he was pleading for his life...at least the first Teddy died with a smile on his face :laugh: Kitkatswing that is a classic, the look on her face.
  9. :laugh: I have retreived pink bunny from being buried alive in a purpose built crater, poor lion was not so lucky, he is now a mere shadow of his former self... just a head to be exact
  10. Ooh nice drawing Kirislin. :) It is!! You are very talented Kirislin.
  11. My first rescue group was not a pleasant experience and I pulled the pin, not before foster failing twice :) :) so good did come from it. I don't foster anymore but 6 months ago I did foster a grey for a very reputable group and the difference between the two was huge. I hope you enjoy fostering greyhounds, they are divine.
  12. That is just wonderful news, I'm so happy you have your girl home :)
  13. Yes there is, go on have a look :)
  14. Thanks Tralee for the link Alkhe it's a great site, I love it. I have heaps of stuff off there :)
  15. Go on PM...you know you wanna :D
  16. I agree T. Stan was quite happy being an only dog but I really wanted two, two boys actually. I had seven foster girls before Maddie came along and Stan just loved her. Fostering was a great way for me to find my second dog.
  17. No probs. Check this out for Christmas presents. $14.50 a shirt and quite reasonable cost for shipping :)
  18. Sorry can't do links just google cafepress.
  19. Cafepress are having a 60% of selected t-shirts sale I just saved $50 on two tees, a hoodie and a long sleeve tee :) Offer ends tomorrow.
  20. Me too. So the dogs are just left to roam free, not even seperated? so what happens at dinner time when they're all eating their 'bones'? that's just asking for trouble! It takes alot more than a bit of fenced land, towels and bones to look after dogs. So sorry for your loss Dingbat. Serious concerns for me. So sorry for your loss Dingbat
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