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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Oh no Hesa I'm so sorry for the loss of your mate Bear A beautiful tribute Run free Hesa Panda Bear...hugs to you Hesa
  2. The wheels are in motion already :) I will keep you posted, thanks again.
  3. Thanks Rainy, I have passed this info on to a couple of greyhound rescue sites on FB
  4. Love it PB, I do hope you know it's just tounge in cheek for me?
  5. It's just the way my stiff upper lip makes it sound. :laugh:
  6. Sorry for your loss Rest easy Molly you were loved.
  7. having spent the fisrt 22 years of my life in the UK, I'd say you were wrong on all counts there. +2. And as a whinging, miserable Pom, I'll be writing a stern letter to someone about you lazy, drunken, kangaroo-riding convicts. I think lazy is a bit harsh :laugh:
  8. Hehehe so did I :) Beautiful garden gapvic.
  9. That's kind of offensive. I laughed out loud Same here :laugh:
  10. Love it yellowgirl and particularly love the gorgeous Raffi is head mascot
  11. :laugh: love the stale dorito. You have to give to give her A for effort Steph.
  12. My ridgyX was my best mate from the day I picked him up as a pup until I gave him his wings at age 16. We went through a lot together and I was so heartbroken when he left I vowed I would never own another dog. Almost a year later a friend started fostering greyhounds. She bought one around (enter Stanley) and after 24 hours of fostering I fell totally in love with these beautiful dogs. I knew Stan wasn't going anywhere :) Seven foster greys later Maddie stole a peice of my heart (and Stan's) and my little family was complete.
  13. There is one FTGH on Gumtree in Cairns at the moment. Says it's purebred.
  14. It's a fairly iggyish thing to do, some whippets do it but not as delicately as this little girl, she is the essence of iggyiness. Her owner is planning a litter from her when she has her next season. I would so love a sable bitch from her, but I dont think I can. I am smitten with this girl. Ah thanks. She sure is beautiful. Is it totally out of the question to get one of her pups? For you??? Not at all! :laugh: For me, it would be madness. No not for me!!!! My greyhounds would squash her they are too rough Never say never Kirislin, she's not even in season yet, plenty of time to weigh up the pros and cons :)
  15. It's a fairly iggyish thing to do, some whippets do it but not as delicately as this little girl, she is the essence of iggyiness. Her owner is planning a litter from her when she has her next season. I would so love a sable bitch from her, but I dont think I can. I am smitten with this girl. Ah thanks. She sure is beautiful. Is it totally out of the question to get one of her pups?
  16. Stan inhales his food. I'm sure I could teach him to do a cartwheel for a liver treat. Maddie on the other hand is soooo slow when she eats. She eats a bone with her eyes closed like she is dreaming about the bone that never ends.
  17. What a sweet little girl :) Is it just me or do iggies tend to have one front leg up a lot? I seem to see it a lot in photos.
  18. They are gorgeous! Love the greyhound three dog running and the first one...the greyhound small.
  19. Plenty of greyhounds live in apartments. They don't really require a yard, just a lounge and a queen size bed would be an added bonus :D
  20. Yes! There were to be No new fosters till the new year!!! Rationale 1. Apparently the Gujarati New Year starts in October :p 2. This was an emergency ... Yes, we are suckers. :laugh: I was a sucker too when I fostered. After each dog I'd say...no I need a break and then another sad greyhound face would appear on the door step and I would *sigh* ooooo-k then. :)
  21. Wern't you taking a break KTB? ;) Gorgeous puppy :)
  22. Yep... some really handsome Blokes, too!! there you go Sabbath you're not alone in this thread.
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