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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I never cease to be appalled at the majority of racing greyhounds teeth I have seen. In fact, I cannot think of any who had clean teeth. You would think if trainers knew anything about getting a dog in the peak of health they'd be aware of dental hygiene but in my experience it hasn't been the case. the few of them I've aske about it say they dont give bones because they cant regulate their dogs weight, but my dogs weights are stable. I'm assuming Maddie and Stan are ex racer rescues so I'm guessing they came to you with bad teeth. Yep both ex racers. When I first fostered Maddie she had just turned 2 and her teeth were green Stan's aren't too bad but they are still not fantastic. He will be having a dental soon as well.
  2. Maddie's teeth are terrible I haven't even had her two years yet and she has had two dentals. I bought the doggie toothbrush and chicken flavoured toothpaste (don't smell it when you take the lid off *gag*)from the vets and I try to brush them but I just can't get right up the back. She only eats bones on one side too which doesn't help. She will have to have a dental every 12 months.
  3. Umina Beach is pretty busy and a lot of off leash dogs. The only beach I have taken my two to is Nth Avoca/Avoca in the middle of the day. Although it is an off leash beach that is very busy early morning and afternoon in the middle of the day you won't see many dogs. The best beach IMO on the Coast is Nth Entrance. I don't think I've ever seen another person let alone a dog. It is a very rough beach though and not patrolled by lifesavers so I wouldn't recommend a swim. My beach where I live Terrigal/Wamberal is also dog friendly but forget it in school holidays, millions of tourists and dogs everywhere.
  4. Fantastic photos! I can't pic a fave, love them all. Thanks for sharing. :)
  5. Just joined, two posts, and already an expert I didn't see anywhere in peterlonz's post that said they were an expert. Peterlonz what Pav Lova said. You can also look on sites like Gumtree, Australia wide every day there are greyhounds FTGH and not desexed. There were seven advertised recently all from the same owner in an area near where I live FTGH for pet or race, none were desexed
  6. My old boy Chuck. Given his wings in Nov 2009 at age 16. He was my shadow, my heart dog. When I walked out of the vets I hung his collar on my rearveiw mirror and thats where it stays. We travelled many roads together and he is still riding shotgun every mile I drive.
  7. I've noticed it's usually only the young fosters that do it. Our last girl (Sophie) was a bitey-face monster and if Doug got bored and tried to walk away, Sophie would bitey-leg him and follow him around (she was a few months younger). The ear licking though.. interesting that you mention that because I've only seen it as a habit in one pair of dogs and that's Kiff and our old girl, Sally. They're not "close" (he'd still growl at her over certain things) but we've had both of them for a few years now and the ear licking is something he only does to her. Doug seems interested in ear licking but then.. Doug is the sort of dog who'll try to squeeze himself into bed with any dog that doesn't growl too much at him, he's a bit of a tart :p Gotta love the Dougster :) Maddie loves the ear licking thing. Stan sticks his nose in her ear to make it stand up (she's got pretty big wing nuts that go every which way) and then away he goes. Mads tilts her head to the side and closes her eyes :)
  8. My two never do it. Stan likes to lick Maddie's ears occasionally but that's about it.
  9. I'd love to have about 5 acres in Tasmania, not too far from the Coast with luxury dog runs so I could foster lots of greyhounds for Greyhound Haven Tasmania....if she'd let me :)
  10. Thank you Aphra and dogmad. I called the English Setter Club of NSW and spoke to a lovely lady who was very appreciative of the heads up so hopefully these gorgeous boys will be safely homed soon. Must admit I know nothing about ES but was taken with their photo, beautiful looking dogs. Thanks again guys :)
  11. Is there an English Setter Rescue? There are two males FTGH on Gumtree in the Nth Burnett/Mt Perry area of QLD. Or does anyone know of a rescue group that take this type of breed? Sorry can't do links
  12. My two don't tolerate puppies at all. I have a friend with a rescue grey who doesn't tolerate them either so I don't know if it's a greyhound thing. It's not the fact that they are smaller than them, I have a friend who brings her adult foxie here often and my two are scared of her, she's a tad on the cranky side :laugh:. For my two couch potatoes I think they are just too full on. Any playful puppy that interupts Stan's 20 hours a day of beauty sleep is going to cop a stern talking to.
  13. Bye little Frida, wishing you all the happy tails in the world :) Now KTB...hhmmm...it's a loooong time till the New Year :)
  14. Oh yes I remember that one in the whippet thread MnDM...OUCH!
  15. I have no idea about genetics but I found it interesting when I did a search on my greyhounds which came up with their parents and siblings. Stan is blue. Both parents are blue and he was one of 8 pups that were all blue. Maddie is white with a small brindle patch above her eye and on her bum. Her mum was black and dad was fawn. She is the only white dog in a litter of 6. 4 blacks, 1 blue brindle and 1 white.
  16. I always have leads and collars, a bottle of water, a canvas water bowl and towels in my car. It is scary to see them running through the traffic especially when you live in the city and people are just beeping their horns as the dog keeps frantically running across lanes of speeding cars
  17. I liken greyhound heads to an " anvil ". Made of steel and pointy at one end. Stan ran into one of the supports under my deck doing a zoomie once and shook the foundations so you can imagine the pain of a headbut, which I have had a few. The worst was when I had a tattoo done on my foot earlier this year and Stan leapt of the lounge and his huge kangaroo toes gouged straight through it. I had only had it done that morning, I thought I was going to pass out.
  18. Poor little buggers, they look very healthy and happy now though. There's something quite theraputic about watching chooks peck and scratch around the yard. A friend of mine has a few and when I visit we sit out on the backstep and just watch them. They are all brown though and look the same( isa browns I think they are called ) so he just calls them " the girls " :)
  19. That's fantastic :) I would love to have chooks but not with my two Love how much thought you put into the chooks names :laugh:
  20. OMG that second pic literally made me laugh out loud. You should frame that one.
  21. Ah ok, so they don't do it yet, but hope to start desexing soon. oh no... so chances are she is going to be used for breeding.......this makes me so freaking mad ...and chances are she won't. Not every person that walks into a pound is a BYBer.
  22. Don't worry Jules, Nic.B is very experienced in rescue and would not have made a comment without knowledge.
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