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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. :) I love the name Harry. After I gave my heart dog Chuck his wings I just packed his things away, bowls , blankets, beds, I didn't throw anything out. That was three years ago this month Nine months after he passed I started fostering greyhounds and slowly but surely I started to unpack Chucks things. He would love to know that I had too much love to give to not give another dog the wonderful life he had for 16 years. I still have his blanket with his name embroided on it packed away though :)
  2. Well that was dismissive and rude I already noted that this pattern is also observed in wild and feral dogs, who are in a fight for their lives. More importantly, it's not my definition. It's the definition of researchers studying animal ecology which has been overlaid on a domestic animal situation with all kinds of strange results. While you ONLY own a kelpie or similar... how bloody rude.
  3. :) Yes they do BC Crazy. I don't have a problem with the racing itself either, they do love it. I am against the overbreeding of greyhounds. As I have said many times no-one will stop the racing industry, whether it be greyhounds or horse racing. You only have to look at photos of the Melbourne Cup in the early 30's in the depression, people couldn't afford to eat yet they still flocked in their thousands to the races. Longclaw has a possible "solution" to the problem as did Hardy's Angel in another thread in the news section. For me it's stop wasting valuable time, effort and breath trying to stop racing...it aint gunna happen...ever. Let's try and regulate the overbreeding of all animals in the racing industry.
  4. My last foster was a nightmare for destroying things. Too many to mention but the one that got me was when a few days after he left I went to start the lawnmower and almost dislocated my shoulder as I stood back to pull the cord and the little plastic handle was not actually attatched anymore...cord chewed through. Stan is a master at opening the oven. I made the mistake of hiding (yeah right) two kilos of mince to defrost in the oven whilst I ducked out for a few hours. I came home, oven door open and no mince. Three months later everytime I go out the oven door is open, he still holds out hope that one day he will open the oven and there will be more mince...one can never give up hope according to Stanley :)
  5. Saw this on facebook RIP little Orange...these bastards will pay.
  6. I've just realised after reading this thread that I don't know of any dogs around my area that are in the front yard. There is a kelpie at the end of the street that sits up on the front deck and he gives me a fright every time when he barks at us as we walk past. I know he's there, we have a bit of a stare off as we get closer. I know his name though (the owners are lovely) so I just call out " hello Wonga" and he stops and wags his tail...little bugger.
  7. Maddie had her dew claw removed by the vet almost four months ago. The only thing to stop her licking it was this stuff I got at the vet that you paint around the wound that is bitter. I can't remember what it's called but I've used it on both my chronic lickers and it works a treat. They look like they've sucked a lemon if they lick it. I used betadine as well but it still took a good 6 weeks to heal.
  8. :rofl: We had someone drive past once and yell out "Why don't you get a bigger dog?!" but we get the saddle the most. I don't mind though I just think it's funny. I'd love a dollar for everytime I get " Where's he racing at, can I get a bet on? " followed by laughter. They get a blank face from me and a " Dapto mate, get on him his names Lounge Dog, odds on " followed by me dragging Stan's lazy butt up the road :laugh: ETA I may have mumbled d**ckhead as I walked off. We get that quite a bit. MrLC loves it, gives him an opportunity (like he needs one :laugh: ) to launch into the fact that they are rescue greyhounds and that they make wonderful pets when they're finished on the track. Pretty much anyone who makes any kind of comment at all about the greys is invited to come and have a pat. It's just MrLC's way :p eta: on the scale of rudeness, "no, it's quite easy" is pretty bloody tame, MM. I don't think you have to worry about scarring the man for life ;) I don't say it every time just when I get the wink wink elbow your mate type.
  9. :rofl: We had someone drive past once and yell out "Why don't you get a bigger dog?!" but we get the saddle the most. I don't mind though I just think it's funny. I'd love a dollar for everytime I get " Where's he racing at, can I get a bet on? " followed by laughter. They get a blank face from me and a " Dapto mate, get on him his names Lounge Dog, odds on " followed by me dragging Stan's lazy butt up the road :laugh: ETA I may have mumbled d**ckhead as I walked off.
  10. *nods* OK.. a couple of paintbrushes, a spray can , and some little pots of differently coloured,bright, metallic/glittery paint ! :) rainbow /psychedelic muzzles !!!! You might be onto something there Perse It will change now greencollar has come in in NSW...hopefully. It's just the muzzle. For the people that bother to stop and talk to me they are amazed how gentle these dogs are. I have had some lovely people that end up with their kiddies hugging Stanley ( aka the love sponge :) )who will then walk away and tell others.
  11. :) Reminds me ('scuse the sidetrack) Kieran was BIG , and brindle ... and he often got looked at thru fearful eyes ... so.. ...bought him a really wide ,bright red collar , painted bright flowers & things all around it , and then bought a good sized metal teddy bear shape , and hung it low off his collar .... so there was a big brindle dog, with flowers & a teddy bear :) The kids adored him ...and their mums weren't as anxious :) edit: OMG. an apostophe catastrophe Perse you could hang a Mr Whippy van off my greyhounds collars and you'd still have kids running away. Not the kids fault...parents I'm afraid
  12. Yay I was only thinking about this the other day I haven't thought of a theme yet so I better get my butt into gear. Yours are gorgeous as usual tlc :) Don't know how I'm going to top the surfing greyhounds we did last year.
  13. :laugh: Or in this case Kane (15 years ago) that would stick his head through the doggy door to bark at people that would scare the crapper outta me :laugh: love it MBS
  14. Yep. The numbers were exposed a long time ago (they're publically available anyway, if you know where to look) and public interest was pretty minimal. There was a bit of armchair activism but for the most part, that achieves nothing but warm, fuzzy feelings of having helped (as opposed to actually helping by fostering, adopting, etc). What was actually needed was legal reform but given the government can't even control the average backyard breeder and their maltipooshitoodles, they have no hope of controlling the breeding of greyhounds. In Australia, it would probably take the banning of the sport to see a real difference in greyhound welfare (both during and after their racing careers). I absolutely agree with you that it will take the banning of the sport in Australia to see any real difference. But surely it would be easier for the govt to control the breeding of Greyhounds, because Greyhounds must be registered to race. If they can't be raced, there's no (or LESS) impetus to breed.. it would be much easier for the govt to control that that BYB oodles. There's just no political will there. The sad reality is, there are plenty of possible solutions to the problem and many of them could actually raise revenue. To give you an exmaple- extending grades so that greyhounds that grade out of higher classes can continue to run. Grade all the way down to the dogs that practically walk around the track. A race is still a race, even if the dogs aren't capable of running as fast. This means a slow dog is no longer a dead dog, just a dog in a lower grade. Run races on straight tracks with fewer dogs- straight tracks are safer, even more so if grass is used instead of sand. For many greyhound tracks (with only one set of stands), this just makes better sense, seeing as the back half of the track of an oval track is hard to see anyway. Limit breeding and in particular, for popular studs, limit the amount of litters they may sire (this is better for the long-term genetic health of the breed). And so on and so forth. The solutions are there, the industry just isn't interested in addressing the problem* or regulating their own behaviour and ultimately, that will be their downfall. *Beyond addressing the bad publicity that comes from a considerable wastage problem. Some excellent ideas there HA.
  15. Yep. The numbers were exposed a long time ago (they're publically available anyway, if you know where to look) and public interest was pretty minimal. There was a bit of armchair activism but for the most part, that achieves nothing but warm, fuzzy feelings of having helped (as opposed to actually helping by fostering, adopting, etc). What was actually needed was legal reform but given the government can't even control the average backyard breeder and their maltipooshitoodles, they have no hope of controlling the breeding of greyhounds. In Australia, it would probably take the banning of the sport to see a real difference in greyhound welfare (both during and after their racing careers). Racing will never be banned in any country:( You only have to see how much was spent on the Melbourne Cup today.
  16. I don't watch the show but obviously know about the dog in the BB house. I think it was great for rescue as well. I would love for them to have a greyhound in the BB house, would be fabulous to promote greyhound rescue but having a grey stretched out on the lounge for 23 hours a day wouldn't make for exciting viewing :laugh:
  17. Glad I didn't listen to that last night!! Hope your ok this morning.My two went ballistic when I played that. I would offer to lend you the greyhounds but nothing runs faster than a frightened greyhound.
  18. Thanks Curly will tune in but I already know the statistics of greys being euthed
  19. A cavvy!! Gorgeous PA, wait till Jules sees your new addition :)
  20. She is sooooo beautiful Her eyes are gorgeous. Blue brindle is my favourite colour in greyhounds.
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