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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Panzer I love that shot of Scooter doing the zoomie!!
  2. Naawww thanks guys, they definately suit my activity levels :laugh:
  3. ....and Miss Maddie is very good at....sleepin' :)
  4. Stan doing his favourite activity....chillin' :)
  5. Lucy does look like a classy lady :) I can picture her sipping a Mai Tai in a luxury resort. You're more likely to find Stan with a stubby on XXXX island :laugh: In thongs and a singlet :laugh: Yep...laughing at his own farts. All class my boy :)
  6. Lucy does look like a classy lady :) I can picture her sipping a Mai Tai in a luxury resort. You're more likely to find Stan with a stubby on XXXX island :laugh:
  7. A great friend of mine has a dachshund called Lola...because she is a showgirl :laugh: We bust out a bit of Barry Manilow's Copacabana and she does this funny little dance Minimax Boston is a great name.
  8. I love human names...what's wrong with Stan :D Do you have a favourite city in the world or a town that you love? A girl up the road has a dog called Byron because she loves Byron Bay. Devon just reminds me of devon and tomato sauce sandwiches. I know someone with 3 JRT's, two boys and a girl called Kurt, Leon and Jane...Russell :laugh: ETA Wobbly on DOL's dog is named Jarrah and she is boootiful, I have met her
  9. Christmas 2011 at North Avoca Beach :) Stan still looks a little manic but at least he's not leaping in the air like a loon :laugh:
  10. Kirislin this is my well trained Stan at last years photo shoot. Stan: I don't want to!!!!!
  11. ...so then my human says to me...no more sleeping on the lounge Bosco
  12. Put it in the photo section with caption this.
  13. :laugh: He is actually mid sneeze - I had the camera on that multi shot setting and was lucky enough to get this one. It does look like he is laughing. It's a brilliant shot. He even looks like he's slapping his paw on the lounge he's laughing that hard. It needs a caption :)
  14. lokelani Bosco looks like he's just heard the funniest joke ever in that second pic :laugh: I love the Xmas smiles too. Wonderful smiley faces in this thread :)
  15. :laugh: that's really very clever. :laugh: I can just imagine him saying to himself, good, she's gone! I'll see what she's left for me. Haha, that's awesome. Some dogs get left with a kong, Stan thinks he gets left with a whole oven :laugh: I know. I have to board them soon when I go away for a couple of days. I might turn up with Maddie and her stuffed kangaroo...oh and do you mind if Stan brings his oven.
  16. Ooohh love Deanna Haven't seen pics of her for ages, how is she after her teeth removal Kitt?
  17. I am very happy with a decent poo from Stan...ah the simple things :laugh:
  18. Just quickly, we are not going blindly into this, neither is she. We are effectively workshopping an idea at the moment, and I was trying to get some ideas about suitable breeds. I will personally be looking at getting an older dog for her, but may have to negioate with a large family. ;) Oh no don't get me wrong I'm not having a go at you I was just thinking maybe at her age she my not be up for a puppy. I know I'm not and I'm 48 :) I did read it wrong though, I thought it was a surprise...apologies
  19. Agree with Noisy. It's all well and good for the family to want a puppy but it's your mum that will be doing all the hard yards with a pup. Of course I think your choice of a GAP grey is the best :) but whatever breed you choose I would be going an older dog.
  20. I have just seen that you are on the coast like me, if you would like any of Mollys old dog soft beds please let me know and I can drop them to you for your rescues ) That is very kind of you rescue will appreciate the help, I will PM you sheenat.
  21. Not as funny as the Asia beat up. I would post photos of greyhounds in Asia but as this is a public forum I won't. It's easy to see though, just google greyhounds in Asia and see how funny it is. Why would you need to post pics of greyhounds - "every week hundreds of DOGS and CATS are exported worldwide from Australia " Hundreds? No need to bold your statement lilli...amazingly I understand. You are in a thread about GREYHOUNDS...if you have nothing of value to say about greyhounds why don't you toddle off and attack someone else.
  22. Not as funny as the Asia beat up. I would post photos of greyhounds in Asia but as this is a public forum I won't. It's easy to see though, just google greyhounds in Asia and see how funny it is.
  23. This is what can happen when a big dog is sent to ... Asia : Yeah that's funny.
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