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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. My Maddie is a nervous girl, those last three lines are her all over. This "texts from the dog" is Maddie to a tee.
  2. That looks great :) and they donate $5 per package to the AWL
  3. Your right T, I told Lacy if she spelled it like that some smartie pants will come along and correct it! She said what do I care I'm a dog, I can't be cute and a good speller!! :laugh: Stan's very handsome but he can't spell.........Stan :laugh:
  4. Do you think A would be a happier dog if he was in a different home? Would you consider re-homing him? Just for me if I was thinking life would be easier for ME when he passes maybe life would be easier for HIM if he lived in a another home. I don't know if I could just co-exist with A if we were both not happy. I am in no way condemning you, my heart goes out to you, just maybe looking for a solution.
  5. No I haven't experienced it but to those who have I understand and think it is a wonderful thing to re-home them and give them the best you can. Having said that I have had a couple of fosters that I couldn't wait till they found their forever homes but maybe that was because they were fosters and I never really tried that hard...I don't know.
  6. That's what ours prefer, too :p There's been a few "walks" that have ended with me staggering slowly towards home, trying to carry a 30+kg dog because he's le tired and doesn't want to walk anymore. Trips in the car though.. best thing ever. Stan is the same. I'm always dragging him home saying "come on Stanley" and he has often tried to get in random peoples cars at the beach carpark
  7. Ams, Chris The Rebel Wolf lives in Townsville, maybe PM her she might be able to help.
  8. I will always have greyhounds. My two are both 4 years old now and all things going well I will hopefully have another 10 years with them which will make ME almost 60. Then I will adopt old greyhounds and we can sit on the porch together and remember the days when we used to live in the fast lane :)
  9. So cute!! That is my favourite pic from your latest whippet fun day photos :)
  10. Given that for many dogs, their pasts will never be known, I think its better to deal with the animal as you observe it and not to wonder or worry about what may have happened. Two dogs with the same genetic make up and the same history can still be quite different in many ways so I think its best to base any behaviour modification on what you see. I guess you have a point. I have always been one to want to know and analyse every situation. It's the same with rescue dogs. I make an educated guess judging on where she was found, the type of vehicle and people she was attracted to, her working style, the way she responded to contact and stimulation and the type of gear she was found wearing. With all this information I was able to deduce with a good degree of certainty, her history and how she was raised. This has helped me personally to help her through some of her less desirable behaviours and she's a beautiful dog because of it. I understand that there is always going to be the dogs whose lineage and past remains a mystery but for me I prefer the approach of educated guessing as it's proven helpful in the past. Of course dogs are very "here and now" creatures, whereas humans tend to be "dwellers", so I acknowledge that either way could work. Interesting post MUP. So you make an educated guess on ALL your rescue dogs do you? No, I was just talking about Maybe. As made clear in my post below that one. :) Oh good I thought you were talking about dogs rescued by you! My bad :)
  11. Given that for many dogs, their pasts will never be known, I think its better to deal with the animal as you observe it and not to wonder or worry about what may have happened. Two dogs with the same genetic make up and the same history can still be quite different in many ways so I think its best to base any behaviour modification on what you see. I guess you have a point. I have always been one to want to know and analyse every situation. It's the same with rescue dogs. I make an educated guess judging on where she was found, the type of vehicle and people she was attracted to, her working style, the way she responded to contact and stimulation and the type of gear she was found wearing. With all this information I was able to deduce with a good degree of certainty, her history and how she was raised. This has helped me personally to help her through some of her less desirable behaviours and she's a beautiful dog because of it. I understand that there is always going to be the dogs whose lineage and past remains a mystery but for me I prefer the approach of educated guessing as it's proven helpful in the past. Of course dogs are very "here and now" creatures, whereas humans tend to be "dwellers", so I acknowledge that either way could work. Interesting post MUP. So you make an educated guess on ALL your rescue dogs do you?
  12. I have rescue Greyhounds, they didn't have much of a life before they came to me. Stan was a Hawksbury pound boy, saved by a rescue group and had a few foster homes before he came to me as my first foster grey. Maddie was taken in for euthanasia to a vet hospital and was saved by the vet nurse as she was such a sweet girl. I hate to think what would have happened to them if not for those that saved them and I hate to think of my life without them.
  13. Please provide the EVIDENCE that small dogs can't bark. ALL dogs, bar one breed (which is an incredibly rare breed) are capable of barking, and well behaved dogs don't bark. Dogs that have been debarked are not capable of yapping, so you can't even defend it on that basis. If your dogs were as well behaved as you claim you would not defend small dogs yappying at every dog they see. They yap as they have been incredibly poorly socialised and trained. And for the record I have owned and lived with both small, median and large size dogs. I have not had giant breeds, and currently have labradors. I am yet to see how a small breed dog NEEDS to bark and yap at a guide dog in harness, but you seem to think it is necessary. I am yet to see where the EVIDENCE is that a fully trained guide dog is a much higher risk to the general public than an out of control small dog?? I have NEVER allowed any of my dogs to bark, yap or do anything else when walking past other dogs on lead. And I don't let them off lead if I am not able to know that I will full and total control of them. Wow what a rude response. Where did nawnim say that small dogs CAN'T bark. You know nothing about her dogs nor do you know what breed of dogs she has had. You've made a lot of assumptions here. I have large dogs, greyhounds, muzzled by law and any dog is a threat to mine because they can't defend themselves and beleive me I have seen a few nasty labradors but unlike you I don't tar them all with the same brush
  14. I also think that dogs should not be dressed up like people. Seriously, I'm not a fan. Coats for warmth (with a little style thrown in) are one thing... Clearly, I have no idea who was responsible for this lapse in judgement, including taking the photo. Agree totally...see sig :)
  15. I just laughed out loud so much at that PS. I usually apologise :laugh:
  16. My two have a boring old stuffed wombat too! Most of their toys are from the op-shop but they have a squeaky rabbit that they love. Maddie has a stuffed crocodile that is a metre and a half long that she curls into at night. It usually stays on the bed but every now and then Stan will drag it out into the hallway and do his best Mick Dundee croc wrestle :laugh: BC Crazy I just chuck the toys in the washing machine when they get slobby. Last time I washed them all I had 14 different stuffed animals hanging by their various body parts on the clothesline :laugh:
  17. :laugh: meanie. Maddie came to me as a foster in December 2010...and that was the last time I went to the loo on my own :laugh:
  18. Aaawww that's so cute with the hand holding :) Wobbly I love the first pic of Jarrah doing the " crumbed cutlet" in the dust bath :laugh: Thank you for the compliment on Stan. He has one of the most stunning blue coats I've seen on a greyhound, we get lots of comments when we're out walking.
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