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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. A soft toy each from the op-shop...I like to go all out at Christmas :laugh:
  2. Hope he improves today, sending lots of positive vibes from me and the hounds xx Bloody evil ticks...I hate them
  3. I really like 'Racing for Love'....the L could also stand for lounge :laugh:
  4. Lol - I thought this had been done recently. It was almost a year ago, I'm using the excuse of new people :D Yep and that's ok... I'm happy to tell all about Maddie's weird boobies nickname again lol
  5. Oh no your not alone, I dress my greyhounds up in all kinds of things....see my sig Christmas just gives me an actual reason :laugh:
  6. Any of the $2 shops sell antlers and doggy hats then I just wrap some tinsel around their neck and your good to go :) The coat Maddie was wearing last year I found at the op-shop for something ridiculous like 50 cents. Check out TLC's Christmas photo thread in the photo section for ideas
  7. Stan's only nickname these days is " fatty " but Maddie....she has heaps Mads Maddie Moo Moo Moo Boob Boobies Boo Boo Chicken Chicken Little, I'll leave it there :laugh: ETA Jules, I love Renatta Frittata :laugh:
  8. No I don't think so. Friends Of The Hound are a greyhound rescue here in NSW.
  9. My bro hates animals inside. I haven't seen him since 2007, I can live with that :)
  10. I recently purchased a Thundershirt for Stan as his fear was escalating to the point where I had discussed medication with my vet. I was very sceptical as they work brilliantly for some and have no effect on others. Well it's brilliant. I can not believe how well it works for him. He's almost dopey with it on, and I don't mean his usual dopey :laugh: We have had a storm everynight for the past five nights and Stan has remained calm, even taking himself off to my bed and sleeping. I'm so glad I tried it as I almost didn't. Smooch I'm sorry the shirt isn't working for you and I hope you find something to help soon.
  11. "Intimate" is not quite the word, Jerry Lee [Lewis??] :laugh: . I read, I listen, I have been in the world a long time. The underworld seems like. :laugh: DD are you gunna pop up in the next series of Underbelly? Back to the topic...gobsmacked...just sickening
  12. Glad he is finally out and safe Well done glemhaith you put in the hard yards from a long way away as did Arcane. Thumbs up to Shmoo and you too Boronia :)
  13. Yes I'm the same Aussielover. Whilst Maddie puts on the Bambi eyes whenever I leave I have often been walking home through the carpark behind my house and have seen her and Stan romping around the backyard with not a care in the world so I know she doesn't suffer from any seperation issues when I'm out. She just likes to stick to me like glue when I'm home.
  14. Nope. Can be 40 degrees and my two piggies are still lined up waiting for dinner :laugh:
  15. They are great photos MM. Stan likes to sleep on my head as well or as long as he is on my pillow he's happy. Although sometimes I do wake in the middle of the night and I no longer have the pointy end on my pillow...and if you know how big a greyhounds butt is there aint much room :laugh:
  16. Maddie is the same. Her little white face is the last thing I see at the window when I drive off and the first thing I see when I come home. She is always following me around. I have trod on her toes a million times and quite often elbow her in the head as I'm pulling the toilet paper off the roll. Stan on the otherhand is not concerned about where I am or where I go. As I type this he is still in my bed with the fan on him :)
  17. Hugs and positive vibes to you and Bella Nic from me and the hounds
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