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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. No that's not right Greylvr. I don't get a kick out your misery at all and am concerned about the dogs as everyone is.
  2. maybe, maybe not, who knows. Do greys that are not good with little dogs usually get adopted? I wouldn't adopt out a greyhound that was not tolerant of little dogs. It is too important to the greyhounds to take the chance. This is going to sound really harsh but, for the greater good, I'd PTS any greyhound that is not ok with little dogs. They don't have to live with one but you must be able to walk your greyhound down the street without it wanting to kill the little dog on the oppoiste side. To me, greyhounds are up against it, though GAP, GSN, etc have done an huge job, plus all the other reputable rescues and their foster carers and the owners of these beautiful dogs. As a greyhound owner, even though not of adopted race dogs, I am always aware that my dogs behaviour is most likely being judged and commented on by the general public while we are out and about. I agree with you 100% Rebanne. Great post.
  3. Maybe ask in the Weim thread. Blackjaq may know of something.
  4. Stan ate every cherry tomato in my vegie patch the first year I got him and he was fine. There were random tomato plants popping up all over the back yard, just mowed over them though...I know where they'd been. :laugh: ahh Stan Stan is a funny fella , Stan's the man LOL Yes Stanley the nutter strikes again. It's been suggested by friends that I write a book called "The Adventures Of Stan" :laugh:
  5. Thank you and you too kayla1. Yes I'm having Chrissy lunch with friends and their family so will be lovely. Thank you so much for the Xmas wishes...very kind :)
  6. Stan ate every cherry tomato in my vegie patch the first year I got him and he was fine. There were random tomato plants popping up all over the back yard, just mowed over them though...I know where they'd been.
  7. Might be worse with greyhounds because there isn't much hair to soak it up so the excess moisture causes things to stick to it. Even with Advocate, they have large wet patches on their backs for a few days afterwards. Interestingly, the old dog has the least problems and I suspect this is because his coat is very thick for a greyhound and his skin is fairly oily (which I suppose would help move the product over the rest of the skin). Yes the Advantix is so oily it leaves big oily patches on my two for ages. Never had a problem on my old boy who had a thick coat, it just disappeared. :laugh: at Sally doing the "crumbed cutlet" in the sand pit.
  8. What do you call 'ridiculous hours?' some nights the house dogs get fed at 8;30 ..sometimes 2 in the morning . ..they get fed whenever we go to bed ..whether that's early or late. The working dogs get fed anytime from 5 pm to midnight ..depending on what we're doing ..and sometimes they are fed early in the morning instead :) Perse with all due respect(as always) who walks out at two in the morning and goes...dinner everyone? It takes just a couple of minutes to feed the dogs. Mine eat hours before I do. I understand working dogs are fed late but are they still working at 2am? :) We do keep odd hours here the workers get fed VERY late some nights if it's hot , and we're still up . They often won't eat when it's really hot anyway ..so I like to wait until the temp drops .....then it's a feed & fresh water . If it is still way too warm, then I feed at 6 or so in the morning . They enjoy it much more then. .:) House dogs ..as I said when we go to bed ..they go to bed , and that's when they get their dinner . Yes ok thanks for explaining. As I said not sure on what the deal is with working dogs as I have no experience. Thank dog there are no greyhounds living at your place...........no change that, thank dog MY greyhounds are not living at your house :laugh:
  9. What do you call 'ridiculous hours?' some nights the house dogs get fed at 8;30 ..sometimes 2 in the morning . ..they get fed whenever we go to bed ..whether that's early or late. The working dogs get fed anytime from 5 pm to midnight ..depending on what we're doing ..and sometimes they are fed early in the morning instead :) Perse with all due respect(as always) who walks out at two in the morning and goes...dinner everyone? It takes just a couple of minutes to feed the dogs. Mine eat hours before I do. I understand working dogs are fed late but are they still working at 2am?
  10. Yes she is damn quick and VERY focused. Stan can't be bothered getting off the lounge these days. Just have to say Foxy is stunning! I love your sig :)
  11. Mine do. As racing greyhounds their life has been fairly regimented so they are used to a strict routine. I am up at around 5am and they get brekkie then and they are fed around 4.30pm. They are used to this routine. Stan gets restless around 4pm and to be honest, what's the point of saying to him....nope you will eat when I decide....yay I just beat a dog. I feed them, they are happy and asleep on the lounge As always it's what works for you. Because I am not going to do what they want when they want. I'm not going to live with dogs that whine and whine if dinner or breakfast is 5 mins late.. If you are happy to be ruled by your dogs that is fine, they are after all your dogs. Correct. Mine do not whine and whine, as I said Stan gets restless around the time I feed them. No wingeing, just restless. My dogs don't rule my life, they make me happy. Clover I didn't pick out your post to be nasty it just suited my reply. Apologies if I have offended you.
  12. Hhhmm I think he secretly loves it, can't tell by those pics though :p
  13. Maddie doesn't lunge and bark at all. She is the silent assasin. She actually caught a miner bird in mid flight out of a tree and I was just standing on the back deck when this white flash shot out of nowhere and bang.....gone.
  14. Bless :) So glad this boy has a foster home for Chrissy
  15. Greyt Thanks for the update :) My two are not cat friendly in any way, shape or form. Maddie has killed a couple of birds in the backyard. She has a very high prey drive but Stan doesn't anymore, he gets a cramp just getting off the lounge lol
  16. I have no family so no pressies....actually I can't even put the tree up as I got another lounge for the dogs so no room for the tree. I do put up some tinsel and lights, just to get in the spirit :)
  17. Mine do. As racing greyhounds their life has been fairly regimented so they are used to a strict routine. I am up at around 5am and they get brekkie then and they are fed around 4.30pm. They are used to this routine. Stan gets restless around 4pm and to be honest, what's the point of saying to him....nope you will eat when I decide....yay I just beat a dog. I feed them, they are happy and asleep on the lounge As always it's what works for you.
  18. Now she is older I can see Dane in her. I'm not very good at picking breeds though One thing I know for sure......she is beautiful!!
  19. Because they are dogs, that's why. Apparently it's OK to poison our pets in the name of "prevention", because at the end of the day they are dogs not humans Would you worm youself every month ? Would you put 12 months worth of a chemical into your body in one hit ? Would you use headlice shampoo every week just incase ? Would you vaccinate yourself every year for Polia, Hep B, Chicken Pox etc? But they are preventative methods and don't have a long body life. I don't vacc myself for those diseases because the body produces an immunity to them after 1 dose otherwise yes I probably would. I thought the whole idea was prevention and not waiting for the parasite to hit? I certainly don't want my dogs to get worms so I prevent it rather then wait for an if and when and then treat. If you want to compare humans and dogs there are millions of people who are alive everyday because they take truckloads of chemicals (medications) to keep their illness at bay. Just because its chemical doesn't mean its necessarily evil. I'd rather take the advice of my vet when it comes to my dogs health and wellbeing and they have always advised me to worm, and I've never had any ill effects of over chemicalised or poisened dogs. Yes I agree. I trust my vet 100%. I had concerns about giving my greyhounds the heartworm injection which I discussed with him. He was concerned about people trusting everything they read on the net My old boy lived to 16, I must have done something right. My mums 3 dogs are all annually heartworm injected and her oldest is 16 still going on. The best thing you can do is find a good vet and heed their advice. They are the ones who have the vetinary science education and qualifications. I would be careful about the scaremongering that goes on through the internet sometimes. Yep. I have been going to my vet for almost 20 years. He is held in high esteem here on the coast. He has had his practice here for 32 years. He has the bedside manner of a rock BUT damn good vet lol
  20. Because they are dogs, that's why. Apparently it's OK to poison our pets in the name of "prevention", because at the end of the day they are dogs not humans Would you worm youself every month ? Would you put 12 months worth of a chemical into your body in one hit ? Would you use headlice shampoo every week just incase ? Would you vaccinate yourself every year for Polia, Hep B, Chicken Pox etc? But they are preventative methods and don't have a long body life. I don't vacc myself for those diseases because the body produces an immunity to them after 1 dose otherwise yes I probably would. I thought the whole idea was prevention and not waiting for the parasite to hit? I certainly don't want my dogs to get worms so I prevent it rather then wait for an if and when and then treat. If you want to compare humans and dogs there are millions of people who are alive everyday because they take truckloads of chemicals (medications) to keep their illness at bay. Just because its chemical doesn't mean its necessarily evil. I'd rather take the advice of my vet when it comes to my dogs health and wellbeing and they have always advised me to worm, and I've never had any ill effects of over chemicalised or poisened dogs. Yes I agree. I trust my vet 100%. I had concerns about giving my greyhounds the heartworm injection which I discussed with him. He was concerned about people trusting everything they read on the net My old boy lived to 16, I must have done something right.
  21. That's a harsh comment Minimax...I didn't know you were so involved in rescue
  22. Thanks PA, Stan is a special boy :) and your two are just gorgeous!!!!
  23. I'm sure Kirislin takes all precautions with her dogs. Maddie is the worst sunbaker She will lay out on the deck when you can cook an egg on it. Bald as a badger my little Maddie but she's out there baking away, the hotter the better. I smother her in sunscreen(which she hates) but if she wants to bake then thats the deal :)
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