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Everything posted by Jetson

  1. I love this response capanash. You are the type of breeder I would buy a puppy off. Whilst I never have shown dogs, I have shown horses and would always be happy to show them to people and let them have a pat. Isn't that what it's all about to attract people to the breed?
  2. I have great respect for people that love being around children. For me that would be a hard job. I adore my children and I am much better with kids now that I have my own. I am very aware of my friends that do not have children and rarely take my children when I visit them. It is really hard to understand children until you have your own. I love my dogs however they are treated like dogs and I love how I can lock them outside for some peace and quiet.
  3. I think it depends on the serverity of the epilepsy. My first poodle had epilepsy however it wasn't very severe and he only fitted a few times a year. He lived until he was 16.
  4. Jetson gets Jet Jetty Old dog Mongrel Rocket gets Rock rock Rocky Puppy Mongrel Depending on their behavior at the time.
  5. I voted other. My two have access to the yard and the house via dog door. They aren't allowed the whole run of the house when I am out and only a small yard. When I am home they have access to an acre or more.
  6. Neither of my dogs are lickers.. I will occassionally let them when I ask for a kiss but as a general rule no.
  7. I would have thought black in poodles (although I am not s breeder) I love silvers and reds though.
  8. I have two small children and a puppy at the moment, she is big, bouncy and was quite bitey. What I found helped was taking her everywhere on the lead. Helped with toilet training, stopped knocking the children over and has helped with the biting. if she wasn't in her crate/room which has access to the yard outside she was inside on the lead with me. We did have the added strain of needing to keep her separate from our other dog for the first couple of months so also have baby gates. She still only interacts with the kids on the lead, that way I can keep her from hurting them and vice versa. Good luck!
  9. Usually daily sometimes more, occassionally less.
  10. Jetson is gorgeous! Is he a poodle? Love him :D Thanks, and yep he is a mini.
  11. We take ours with us when we go away at Xmas. Otherwise they go into kennels, I really trust the owner and feel safer when they are there than if I had someone look after them from home. They share a run with an indoor area.
  12. Hoping she improves. Poor Amber and poor you.
  13. Sorry to hear it wasn't good news. She looks absolutely gorgeous, hope she improves and you have lots of fun times with her.
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