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Everything posted by StarsHollow

  1. Thanks everyone, seems as if its probably most likely teething fit or she over exerted and fainted...typical boxer clown... Thanks again for everyone for their assistance Will continue to monitor her...
  2. thanks, yes heading to the vet now, just wanted to hear peoples thoughts as i know sometimes breeders/exhibitors have more insight than vets sometimes and i work in the vet industry...the things you hear !!!
  3. Hi all, i have a 5 month old boxer puppy who is otherwise fit and healthy, but she just had a small fit..seems ok now anyone else with this breed have any ideas on what may have caused this and her future as a breeding and showing bitch ??? Thanks appreciate anyones help ...
  4. I would like a spot too....please email me at [email protected] Cant wait !!! Thanks Cathy
  6. Hi Kaffy I'm used to the travelling, showing horses for 20 years plus and we used to show to go all over the place !! Geelong was my absolute hate !! but we went as far as sydney and tamworth, even did it with a 6 week old baby LOL Nuts !!! Yes, shame you've moved, i cant wait to meet up with other doggie people !!! Thanks for your message, stay in touch Hi Starshollow, I have just moved from Bairnsdale to QLD and used to show at KCC park and (numerous other places) regularly. I tried to atleast once a fortnight and I have Bullmastiffs(and had dobes also) so was in group 6 too Shame you didnt get your boxer earlier we could have travelled together and I could have helped you out. Good luck with your first show. You do get used to the travelling and it doesnt seem to take that long once you do, its the early mornings that killed me,lol. Worst part ever!
  7. Canine museum show, as there is an open show in the afternoon run by the boxer club, but i didnt get my entry in for that either !!! Where is a schedule for the Ultility club?? Was going to go to Bunyip too, as we used to live there...we live 3.5 hrs east of melb, so whenever we go to show its a BIG day !! thanks again
  8. Fantastic, was planning on coming to that too, unfortunately due to getting my puppy late etc i didnt get my entries in on time...bugger I will try to come and watch anyway, so will come on buy and see if i can find you Thanks again for entry form and all your help !! See you there Take care
  9. Hi Unfortunately the breeder is in NSW and i'm in VIC otherwise i would definitely be tagging along !!! Have shown horses all over the world, usa and sth america, so experienced with presentation etc, confident with the training and presentation, grooming etc, more the actual running of classes, order of classes, how the challenge works etc... Thanks for the advice though !! Wheres the breeder of your boxer? They are the best ones to help as they are already doing it and you can go to shows with them etc.
  10. have been trying unsuccessfully for 2 weeks now to get my hands on a vic conformation entry Have tried to log on to website, contacted Dogsvic and received passwords that dont work and have emailed twice direct to get help or find out how to buy a booklet Can someone PLEASE help me, I need to start doing entries Very frustrating as no one seems to want to help me !!! LOL Thanks
  11. anyone have boxer results ???
  12. Hi there You can follow this link to all the results http://crufts.fossedata.co.uk/Default.asp?ShowYear=2011 Enjoy!!!
  13. Thanks very much, i've only just got my baby at the weekend, she is 11 weeks old and a boxer, i havent shown boxer's before, beagles 12 years ago, so only really know the breeder i bought my baby from, but she is in NSW and i'm in Vic...would love to meet some fellow boxer people !! Thinking of going to the canine museum show and the boxer open show afterwards, but probably wont get my entries in on time now as i've only just sent off my transfer papers....LOl bit keen !!! Hope to go to Pakenham show this saturday as its a bit closer to me.. Unfortuantely I live in Gippsland, near Bairnsdale so all the shows are hours travelling, but i'm used to the drive, usually with horses, so showing dogs is much easier !! Thanks again
  14. CAn anyone email me a conformation entry form, having trouble getting one off of the Dogs Vic website Thanks [email protected]
  15. Thanks all for your great advice, i guess dont want to miss any classes that i may be able to enter also How do general specials work ?? As i have a baby puppy are there any other classes i can enter besides just her age class?? Hopefully there will be people around to guide me LOL I know from experience help can sometimes be hard to come by, but thanks to everyone so far !!!
  16. Hi all, hoping that some experienced showies can help me out. I'm going to be starting out with my baby puppy boxer this year and just wondering if someone can give me the order in which things run, with classes etc and if she wins, where to go from there etc, etc..... I did show beagles many, many years ago, but have been concentrating on my horse show team for 10 years now, so a bit rusty !! Any help would be appreciated Also would like to know what sort of lead I should use, i have a white nylon puppy slip lead i'm using for training at the moment, but what do i need for the ring Can't wait to get out there, she is a very special girl !!! Thanks in Advance for any help and advice
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