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Everything posted by mumtoshelley
Now i don't know what to do my mum is complaining about what I am feeding Shelley. I weighed her meal and it came to 570grams,Well my mum looked at her meal and then turned and said that isn't enough food. 570grams came to 1 chicken maryland,half a lamb heart and about tablesppon of pet mince.
Hi I went shopping for raw food for Shelley today I cam home with. 7 chicken marylands beef bones 10kgs of pet mince ( has lamb,pork,beef,chicken offcuts) 6 lamb hearts 3 beef hearts 2 beef kidney 2 packs of lamb kidneys 2 lamb livers 2 sardines in oil we get fresh eggs every day from our chickens All that cost me $60, The pet mince will last a while, I think so should the liver and kidneys, But everything else will probably only last a week. I'm not sure if i calculated probably but if i want Shelley to weigh 28kgs i should be feeding her 560grams is that right?
Hi everyone rShelley has been eatting bonnie adult complete but i would like to get her on a more natural diet. I've been doing researching about prey model raw feeding. Today i went to some butchers to have a look i can get lamb which has a fair bit of meat and some bone for $2.80kg,I can also get pet mince,lambs fry,lamb heart,chicken,heart,kidneys,liver and probably more. I also can get pig feet and beef necks for free from 1 butcher. I'm only starting out but Shelley is use to eatting chicken,lamb and beef. The beef necks i got for free don't have much if any meat on them so they probably won't be too good. What i was thinking of doing is feeding pet mince,lamb,chicken,beef,pork bones, hearts from chicken,lamb,liver,kidney,fish and eggs. From what i have read it said you don't need to give organs to them everyday once or twice a week is enough same with fish. I plan on giving 1 egg a week. Shelleys coat has began to start to smell and i think its cause of the diet she is on, plus i want to feed a natural diet like they do in the wild. Also a question for those that feed raw how much a week does it cost to feed? Also what do those people that have limited room coupe? We don't have a big freezer. Any information from those that feed prey model raw feeding will be very helpful. Shelley had a pig foot,pet mince,lamb meat and chicken heart for dinner tonight she absolutely loved it.
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
Ok i didn't think of the eyes thanks for that. Maybe i might keep my distance and allow Shelley who she wants to say hello to or not. She seems fine with the 4 month old male golden puppy and the 13 week old bernese mountain dog and all the adult dogs there. It's just this little 4 month old female golden puppy she doesn't really like. Which is a bummer cause its a cute puppy and just wants to play, She reminds me so much of Shelley when she was younger. -
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
did you read the article he just wants to say hi that was posted for you? Yes i did read the link posted. -
I was thinking of doing obedience trails with my Shelley but now thinking about it i don't think she will be any good at it. Shelley is the type of dog that i would call high energy she can't stay in one place for too long. I read that you are only allowed to say heel once and the dog is meant to stay in that position the whole time. Shelley isn't like that yes she will heel but gets bored easyand then wants to run around.
Hi just wandering if anyone would be interested in a mildura meet up?
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
Sometimes is the manner in which a dog approaches that gets the rebuff. Did you read the article I posted. All I can suggest is that you figure out some manner of separting the two dogs in your house. If you don't I think there's every chance it will end in tears. I didn't realise when I posted that the two dogs lived together. Your other option is a visit by a professional dog expert. If your Aunt won't listen to you, perhaps she'll listen to an expert who'll tell her if the behaviour doesn't stop, her dog may end up seriously injured or dead. If that happens, I'd not be looking to either dog for the blame. Theres the problem my auntie won't listen just says thats what dogs do etc. She doesn't seem to care what happens, niether do my parents. My auntie didn't even take her dog to the vet after she found the wound, Just put betadine on it once and that was it. When she was checking her dog for any wounds Lady was growling and snapping at her. She lets Lady bark non stop which is getting annoying. Its like i am talking to a brick wall with my auntie. To her dogs are meant to bark,dig,chew things up,allowed to do what they want,eat what they want etc. Cause my dog Shelley is so well behaved she accuses me of kicking her to make her behave which is tottally not true. I do give a slight tap on her bottom to get her attention but that is it, The tap is more like a pat anyway. I'm so sick of bad dog owners, In one way i wish there was a licence for owning dogs like there is for reptiles. -
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes our auntie lives with us. Which makes it hard to try and keep her dog away from mine. I can tell the dog off but the little thing doesn't listen. Shelley has already bitten Lady on the face and left a wound on her cheek, But still the dog continues to do what it wants. My dog can't have toys cause of Lady she rips them apart in small tiny pieces or burrys them. My parents won't do anything about the matter just says one day Shelley will really whack into her. If Lady burrys the toy and Shelley goes to go get it Lady runs up to her and barks in her ear. We had to re arange our whole yard cause of her dog. I know its normal for a dog to tell off other dogs if there doing something they don't like but to tell off a dog for just coming up saying hello is a bit wrong. This little female golden was being submissive towards Shelley laying on her belly giving Shelley kisses, Then Shelley went to play with the puppy,then when the puppy went to play back Shelley snapped at her. Shelley has never shown any aggerssion towards other dogs, She has always been friendly and wanting to play. For the last 6 months eg ever since my auntie moved in with her dog is when i had problems with Shelley being like this. She is fine with humans altho keeps her distance from them too mainly cause she almost got stolen as a puppy. -
Shelley only really acts like a tart around Buddy my mums male golden retriever.She allows throws her butt at him waits till he trys to hump her then swings around to play. Both dogs are desexed, Shelley was desexed at 5 months and Buddy was done at 2 years old.
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
Shelley also shows the bristles towards other dogs even when offlead, It mainly happens with dogs smaller then herself. She seems fine with dogs her size or bigger. Shelley has been bullied by 2 little dogs both jack russells. 1 jack russell she can't get away from thats my aunties dog Lady. Lady trys to dominate Shelley, If i try to play with Shelley, Lady always runs up and starts barking in her ears. Shelley ingores her but i can see it annoys her. My auntie won't do anything with her dog. Actually if my auntie goes to tell her do no it growls at her. Lady won't do anything with my mums golden Buddy as he has a go at her if she does. Shelley has way more confidence offlead then she does onlead she actually respons better offlead then she does onlead. I got Shelley from WINTAMIST Contact : Lyn Renn Location : Mangalore VIC She advertises on this forum. -
Need Some Opinions On This Matter
mumtoshelley replied to mumtoshelley's topic in General Dog Discussion
thats the thing She is doing it to most dogs she meets. Normally Shelley is the dog that will get into the other dogs face to play. Its mainly only happened since my aunties dog Lady snapping,barking in her ears. -
I own a 2 year 10 month old old female golden retriever named Shelley when she was younger she was very good with other dogs loved playing etc. But i've noticed since she is getting older she has started putting her bristles up and barking at other dogs. At obedience she actually snapped at a 4 month old female golden retriever puppy. She has gotten a bit worse since she got into a fight with my aunties female jack russell cross fox terrier. My aunties dog Lady keeps jumping up at Shelley and barking in her ears and snaps at her sometimes. Now when another dog goes to play with her she gets all tensei tell her gentle but before i notice it Shelley snaps at them which i then tell her No. I was wandering if theres anything i can do to let her know it is alright to play with other dogs? The trainers at the obedience club where no help they just said keep your distance from other dogs, I don't see how that is going to fix the problem. If anything i think it will make Shelley more aggerssive towards other dogs. Any information on how to break Shelley of this would be very helpful, I do not want her to be aggerssive towards other dogs.
That's odd- I find my GR gets the exact opposite response! I would have thought they are generally considered nice family dogs? (my friend calls them posh dogs-she means they attract a certain middle class family demographic ) Why are they worried do you think? I'm not sure why there worried, I can only guess its her size,colour and possibly she is giving them a look i don't know about. Shelley has always been wary of strangers. She almost got stolen couple of days after i got her ever since then she has been wary of strangers. She also will not allow people near her unless i'm with her if i'm not will her she barks and growls at the person.
Shelley being a golden retriever has got people around here worried. Some people will will do the wide walk around Shelley,others would cross the road. Some just keep walking past her. Very seldom do people stop to pat Shelley. I even find other dog owners give Shelley the cold shoulder.
Breed Specific Characteristics
mumtoshelley replied to silentchild's topic in General Dog Discussion
Shelley isn't much of a retriever lol she will will only fetch things 2 times then walks away. My mum's golden Buddy he will fetch 24/7 if you allow him too. -
Breed Specific Characteristics
mumtoshelley replied to silentchild's topic in General Dog Discussion
My Shelley actually likes to duck dive in the water eg put her whole head and body underwater. She also loves to be brushed,have her ears cleaned. Giving her medication is easy she actually eats the tablet without having to hide it in food. -
Poor Old Staffords Being Dragged Around In The Heat
mumtoshelley replied to jadesamara's topic in General Dog Discussion
I don't like seeing people walk there dogs in hot weather either, I specially hate seeing people go shopping and leaving there poor dog in the car by itself. I'm quite lucky as i have a channel just up the road so if its quite warm and Shelley needs her exercise i take her to the channel. What is also good is there are trees at the channel which shade most of the water so i satnd in the shade while Shelley is swimming in the shade. -
Hi everyone i was looking on the breed pages just cause i like to look at dogs. Can someone explain to me whay the golden retriever has 4 stars for grooming, compared to the newfoundland which has 3 stars for grooming? I thought the newfoundland would be more high maintance then the golden retriever. I love the newfoundlands i always love long haired dogs.
Dry Food That Does Not Contain Wheat, Corn Or Soy?
mumtoshelley replied to Erny's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi how would i go about getting free samples of black hawk,artemis and Canidae. I wouldn't mind trying this food out of my female golden retriever Shelley. She can have problems with some foods eg sloopy poo. Right now She is getting feed bonnie adult complete. Also how long would a 15kg bag last been feed to a golden? I don't any stockest local to me who have these foods so i would have to get it online. -
I'm in merbein close to mildura. So i'm not close to albury at all i'm afraid.
Shelley gets very excited when i'm excited and say Shelley bell to her. She loves to run around and be patted all over. I've never used treats with Shelley even when a puppy, At times Shelley can get too excited will walk out of heel when she does that i stop and say heel and she returns to my left side, I then reward her. I guess i'm going to have to be more exciting to her and have more fun.
There all gorgeous. I wish i could have shown Shelley but i don'r believe she is a great example of the golden retriever breed.
I agree with everyone else. Why own a dog if your not willing to train it yourself. I find it very rewarding training my dog and it has actually brought us closer together. I can't imagine passing my dog to a complete stranger to train, I would feel horibble not knowing how they would train her,how she would respond,how they would treat her etc. Plus when you get your dog back you would basicly have to train it again to listen to you.
I was thinking could it be the way i'm holding my hand and arm down? Should i be walking with my left arm in a crossed position over my chest? I guess i'm also looking at the way i'm walking too maybe holding my arm down like in the clip is what is making her look down. I've noticed alot of people hold there lead in there left hand. I hold with both i hope that made sense.