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Everything posted by mumtoshelley

  1. There aren't any local stockists near me i'm afford for black hawk dog food. I'm in Merbein near Mildura victoria.
  2. I got my Shelley spayed at 5 months old. I would call her lanky or tall. She is 22inches to the withers so is in the breed standard. My mums golden Buddy was desexed at 2 years old and his head is small, his is a bit smaller then my Shelley in height but makes up for it in bulk. Shelley has a larger head then Buddy. I think it has alot to do with there genes not the time there desexed. A dog will only grow as big as it's genes will allow them too. Oh and about the floppy ears and ear infections thats a load of bull my Shelley is always puting her whole head and body under water when i take her swimming and she hasn't had a single ear infection and she is 3 years old. I clean Shelleys ears once a week. I know with golden retrievers they can totally close there ear canal shut when swimming I'm not sure if dogs with erect ears can do the same as i never had a dog with erect ears. I've seen alot of dogs have skin problems too,I don't think it has anything to do with the breed every dog is different some have more problems then others.
  3. Shelley is only offlead at the channel for swimming,oval and out bush near the river, All places where she is allowed offlead.
  4. Gla to hear your dog protected you,. question why hasn't anyone said that this doberman should be onlead why is alright for some members to say they have there dog offlead on trails etc and some other members can targeted for doing the same thing? The only time my Shelley is onlead is when we go to the oval then let offlead as its allowed then put back onlead the way home, Yet i get told i'm breaking the law.
  5. here we can have our dogs offlead at ovals and parks but the ovals and parks do not have fences artound them so does this mean i shouldn't let my dog offlead. Also if you have meet Shelley you would know she doesn't play fetch or self exercise when in the backyard. She will only exercise if taken to a park or oval. I'm not lazy at all, what I am saying is if people can't train there dogs proper recall and can't control them offlead what makes you think they can control them onlead, When and if a dog wants to go there going to try with all there power, Most people i see here can't even walk there maltese onlead without it pulling there arms off so to say. Tell me this how much energy will a dog lose if been kept on lead the whol.e 40-60 minute not much at all cause they have to walk the same pace as there owner does. I don't really trust riding a bike and exercising my dog as that could be dangerous yet people on here do ride bikes and take there dogs. A dog will get more exercise at a park and oval offlead for 40-60 minutes then they would onlead for the same ammount of time. Where i take Shelley isn't public its out bush where not many people walk so i think its safe to have her offlead, She is also offlead at the oval which some people go too. If people are there i go to a different part of the oval where the people aren't. Here they say a dog can be offlead if under effective control which i reckon my dog is under control. I do not allow her to go up to strange dogs or people i understand somepeople do not like dogs going up to them or there dogs. This is why i have trained Shelley to return to me/heel and i also tell her ignore which she obeys 99% of the time. But like i said i also place my hand under her collar so if she did decide to run she couldn't. I wouldn't call myself a bad owner i'm far from it i always clean up after my dog,make sure she doesn't get into peoples or other dogs faces. So i would say i'm quite responable owner. I don't like my dog to be confined to a lead the whole time we go for a walk they desarve some time to run around,play and smell things. I find children more dangerous then i do dogs. Also people around here allow there dogs to roam the streets which i find is totally wrong my dog doesn't wander the streets at all. If you knew my dog and myself you would understand how much time and commitment I have towards Shelley. Shelley looks to me for everything beofre she does anything eg go up to people or other dogs,take food from other people etc she waits for my Ok to do so. Shelley even looks both ways before crossing a road which i took the time to train her. Sorry for wanting to give my dog some freedom outside the backyard,even when the dog is in the backyard there are still dangers so it maybe best to confine them to a foam room for safety.
  6. maybe i shouldn't have said horrible, maybe i should of said not a breed i am fond of. I have had nothing but problems with jack russells and fox terriers but thats probably due to the owners not training them. There probably are good jack russells and fox terriers but i have yet to meet one. There is no signs on ant oval or parks here saying my dog must be onlead, Most people who see Shelley offlead do not seem worried about her at all. Shelley doesn't even look at the other dogs she looks at me. If i kept Shelley onlead the whole walk i would have to walk 4 hours just so she had enough exercise, Where if she is let off lead she runs around and gets plenty of exercise for 40-60 minutes. Shelley doesn't go near roads and if she did i just got to say halt and she stops/sits and waits. There could be another dog across the road and Shelley will not move if the other dog aproached her she comes back to me. She won't even move if someone calls her. I love golden retrievers but i've seen some bad goldens out there due to the owners not training them or socializing them properly. So i know its not the breeds fault but the owners but i'm just not fond of little dogs much,I like the temperment of bigger dogs personally.
  7. I do agree in some way that maybe you should have had your dog on lead but then i disgree too in a way. I walk my Shelley mainly all off lead walking she isn't walking beside me she walks up front a bit but i still have great control over her, One whistle or call of her name and she is back with me even if there is another dog around. But if i see another dog i call Shelley put her in heel say ignore but have my hand gently on her collar. I only let Shelley greet the other dog if the owners ask or say its ok. I find most of the people who complain about offlead dogs around here are the ones that can't control there dogs. There are no signs here stating if the dogs have to be onlead or off, I had Shelley offlead and was passed by police who didn't care, They have said how well behaved she is and how much control i had over her was amazing, They even said they wished all owners had there dogs under control like my Shelley was. Also i find jack russells and fox terriers horrible little dogs no offense to people who own them but i haven't meet a nice one yet, All the ones i have meet have been very bossy and dominate to other dogs. Ny Shelley hates jack russels and fox terriers cause there the breeds who bully her the most, they bark in her ears which annoy her and they also snap at her too. So when i see these breeds i avoid them.
  8. Thats really sad for the people and sad for the golden retriever too. But in a way there could be a medical reason behind why the dog did this, But also in saying that he could be still shook up from the knife attack. I know in humans can take months to years to get over a trauma such as being held at knife point or gun, So my question is couldn't a dog take a month to a year to get over this trauma aswell? I bet if you were held at gun or knife point you would be completely scared yes humans and dogs do things differently when faced with fear. Normally dogs that are fearful snap/bite and attack, Where humans may shut down completely,some may fight back,some give them what they want. And before jumping on the breed bias look firstly what the breed is breed for pitbulls are bred to fight,gsd are used as guard dogs,police work,rottweilers are also used as guard dogs. Where the golden is used as a hunting dog are are known for there soft jaws. Thats the problem tho theres so many bybs around breeding ill tempered dogs . I'm not against any breeds and reckon they all desearve a chance, But that isn't for us to decided now is it. If this golden is put down so be it, It's the way the council sees it.
  9. If this was me i wouldn't have returned the puppy i would have got tests done first to find the problem, I wouldn't have jumped on the ban wagon and say it must be the puppy. I can understand she was trying to do what was best at the time we all make mistakes we are human after all. I don't think she is going to have much luck getting the puppy back now as the breeder wants to keep the puppy. All i can say is learn from the mistake and move onto finding another puppy, But i also surguest if they have bad asthma is to vist the adult dogs and maybe leave a towel at the breeders for the adult dogs to lay on for a week, Then bring the towel home and see if there allergic that way.
  10. I got Shelley my female golden retriever desexed at 5 months old. I got her desexed this young cause the yard we had back then wasn't very high and another dog could of easly got to her. I didn't feel confident enough to let her go through a season.
  11. I agree 100% to this . Even if the lab cross poodle comes to be classed as a purebred i would never buy one to me there ugly, Everyone i have meet has been aggerssive towards other dogs. I couldn't see myself spending $900-$1000 for a mutt when i can buy a purebred lab or poodle from a registered breeder who does clearances and are breeding to make the breed better. Lab cross poodle breeders to me are only in it for the money. If the lab cross poodle becomes a purebred it won't be long before they try and make the pug cross beagle,rottweiler cross poodle,golden cross poodle etc purebred too.
  12. The origin of the breed did have that in mind - the two breeds were crossed by Wally Conran for a blind woman who lived in Hawaii and wanted a guide dog, but had a husband who was allergic to dogs. Conran's aim was to breed a dog with the size and temprament of a labrador but with the hypoallergenic and non-coat-shedding aspects of a poodle - so all the benefit of a guide dog, but without the sneezes. By definition that would be a dog suitable for a job that neither the purebred lab or purebred poodle would be suitable for. However, BYBs and puppy factories latched onto the concept of the 'large non-shed family dog' and, in spite of the fact that at least half the pups won't be non-shed, the breed took off like a rocketship. But look at them - labradors: even-tempered but potentially single-minded dogs who can show great loyalty to one person but also appear completely oblivious to everyone and anyone as they go about their business during the day, and poodles - highly intelligent dogs who can be like an emotional sponge for negative atmosphere in a household and can also be highly strung and anxious. Get the right cross, you have an even-tempered, highly biddable, medium-large, loyal, highly-trainable non-shedding hypoallergenic dog. Hooray! Get the wrong cross, and you get a medium-large, single-minded, oblivious, intelligent to the point of mischief, anxious, highly strung dog that sheds all over the house and costs a fortune to groom. Both of the people I know in my immediate circle of friends and acquaintances who own labradoodles - well they have the second version. If i read correctly the person who oringally bred the lab cross poodle has said he regrets doing it, The cross should never have been bred. I would never buy a crossbred dog i'm sticking with purebred. At least i know what to expect from a purebred then a cross.
  13. I know that to get the purebreds we have today were crossed with other breeds. But answer this What work can the lab cross poodle do that a purebred poodle or lab can't do? The way i see it why breed a crossbreed that does the same work as the purebred lab or poodle does. Every breed is bred for something. Border collies,cattle dogs etc were bred to herd livestock, Goldens,albs etc were bred to hunt ducks and other birds. For the lab cross poodle to be a purebred would have to do a job that niether the purebred lab or purebred poodle can do thats the way i see it.
  14. there a mutt and should never bee allowed to be called a purebred. The way i see it is why cross breed a lab and poodle together when both breeds do simular work if i'm correct both breeds are known for hunting ducks if i'm wrong i'm sorry as i don't know much about the poodle. All i'm saying is why cross breed these 2 breeds when the purebred lab or purebred poodle will do the same work as the cross breed. The cross breed is a waste of time,money and effort when the lab and poodle are just as good actually better.
  15. I wouldn't blame you for being angry, I too hate it when people let there dogs offlead and they have no control over them. In saying that my Shelley mainly gets walked offlead but i have spent alot of time training her and she listens to me very well. Shelley was bullied by a jack russell once. The owners had no control over the dog at all. The whole time Shelley was sitting beside me or walking around around me trying to get away from the dog. I couldn't keep walking cause the dog kept following me so i had to stop and let the owners come get it.
  16. I just brought the cheap stuff our dog lavendar and tree tree shampoo to try on Shelley. After her bath when she is a bit damp i then spray her with doggy spray. Its been about a month since Shelleys last bath and she still smells of the spray. I do try and brush Shelley every couple of days. Shelley also does alot of swimming in the channel and river. I've heard to really give them a good wash is luke warm water with dawn deteregent pour the dawn deteregent in a bucket fill with luke warm water then pour it over the dog, then put the shampoo your going to use on the dog rub it in throughlymaking sure you get down into the skin. Then rinse throughly. If you want to get rid of doggy smell try adding some bi carb soda to the dawn deteregent. What i do with Shelley is i do the luke warm water and dish deteregent,then i put the shampoo and rub it in throughly i make sure i do a good job eg i use about half a 250ml bottle. I then rub it in eg i will stand there for 10 minutes rubbing it in making sure it gets right down to the skin. I then rinse her throughly, Then towel dry,then spray her with colone and rub her with the towel again. Then when she is dry I brush her again.
  17. I agree with dogmad on this one,If my Shelley did this to another dog she would be straight down to the vet and put to sleep. But in saying that Shelley is mainly walked offlead as i have full control over her. She ignores other dogs and people, If other people come up to her then yes she is fine will want pats. With other dogs she will not go near and if they come towards her she returns to my side. Shelley is really well behaved, if the other dog is bulling her she puts the bristles up and thats it. She also stays right beside me in those situations. Shelley leaves it up to me to get the other dog away,If it doesn't go away i just keep on walking and it soon loses interest. Couple of days ago Shelley and I were at the oval they had footy training Shelley was offlead happly doing her own thing, Ignoring everyone there. Shelley even had kids runing past her and she didn't move a musscle. I heard 2 adults talking one seemed worried about Shelley being offlead,Then the other said i wouldn't worry the dog seems well trained which she is. I know its a risk having Shelley offlead as anything can happen, But i like to see Shelley runing around and enjoying herself. I don't have any problems keeping Shelley under control offlead she listens to any command i give her. If i see another dog i call Shelley back to me and she comes, I get Shelley to walk in heel while saying ignore. Once the dog has past i let Shelley go off again. All i can say is this lady has no control over her dogs if she did the fight wouldn't have happened. But in saying that both owners are to blame really, The owner of gemma should have calledhis/her dogs. I do not let Shelley go near other dogs i do not know specially offlead. If the other owners what the dogs to greet they meet onlead first to see how they react to one another. If there really good together showing no signs of aggerssion then we let them offlead to play. You can never be totally sure what the other dogs personality is like which is why its best to introduce the dogs onlead at first that way you can control your dog if something did go to happen.
  18. i can see the good point of references required but i can also see the bad view. Good view is that references will stop the irresponable owners,byb breeders and people who buy on impulse. The bad news is what about the new owners that haven't owned a dog before they wouldn't have any references at all. I know breeders can be very picky where there puppy goes but to me references isn't the way to go. I guess i couldn't blame breeders being wary of selling there puppiesas there are alot of people out there that are irresponable and neglect there dogs.
  19. Thanks for the feedback. I haven't had any problems with fleas with SHelley actually She hasn't had any flea products put on her for a year and half.
  20. Does anyone know about the product Sentinel Spectrum I've read it controls heartworm,fleas and all intestinal worms even tapeworm. Has anyone used it? Right now Shelley gets heartgaurd plus. I've heard of some bad things about Sentinel Spectrum like dogs dieing and allergic reactions.
  21. 3 looks a bit like a lab but the others no way.
  22. Thanks for mentioning that i won't bother with lamb shanks anymore then. Shelley has had them before. I just thought cause they had a fair bit of meat on them they would be good. Yep Shelley is a lucky girl, the things we do for our dogs hey lol.
  23. Ok i went shopping again and came home with lamb meat with a bone in the middle 2kgs worth some beef chunks of meat 1 and half kgs worth 2 lamb shanks pack of turkey necks pack of chicken frames All that came up $50 so all up i have spent $110. My mum isn't impressed and reckons it is a waste of money. She reckons i should spend that on myself. So far Shelley seems very happy with her new diet, She actually can't wait till dinner time. I do have a question with feeding eggs should i breck open the egg and crush the shell or should i just put the whole egg in the bowl?
  24. glad your pup is ok, But i do hope she/he learnt from this bees + bad things lol
  25. Shelley is a female golden retriever right now she weighs 35kgs would like to get her down to 28-30kgs. Her exercise varies some days she gets 30 minutes some days an hour or more and some days we don't go for a walk. Most of her exercise tho is offlead runing or swimming.
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