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Everything posted by mumtoshelley

  1. your goldie is gorgeous so fit. What does everyone do in rainy weather to exercise there dogs? I've also been told the quailty of the food has a part on the dogs weight. Shelley has been eating bonnie adult complete which is 20% protein and 9% fat. So maybe it could be the food too. Shelley now weighs 37kgs, Here are some pictures of what she looks like now.
  2. Don't get me wrong I blame myself for allowing Shelley and Rascal to get the way they are, I blame myself for allowing my mum and auntie keep giving them food. I have put my foot down but it doesn't stop them from doing it. My mum keeps saying Shelley is straving not thinking she is a golden retriever and will eat if people keep feeding them. I've told her million of times she is a retriever they will continue eating as long as your willing to feed them. Problem being is if I put my foot down my parents crack it and say shes happy leave her alone etc. Then when I say that there are health problems with a dog being overweight eg can have a heart attack etc, My mum then turns around and says at least she died happy. Theres no wining with my parents and theres no point arguing with them.
  3. no it's been diet and exercise I walk her 40 minutes once day or 40 minutes in the morning and then again in the afternoon, It depends how busy I am on the day. I'm also trying to get my chihuahua to lose weight he gets the same amount of exercise, Rascal the chi weighed 4.8kgs when started and now weighs 4.6 so hasn't lost much in a week. I blame my auntie really as she is trying to claim him so she has been feeding him and too much at that.
  4. Hi everyone I have a question I'll be getting my first bag of black hawk this week. Shelley needs to lose weight she was 40kgs she is now 37kgs so she has lost 3kgs in a week, To my Question how much black hawk should i be feeding her? Do I stick with the same amount I'm feeding 1 and half cups? The food she is being fed till I get black hawk is bonnie adult complete 20% protein 9% fat, Where the black hawk is 25% protein 14% fat.
  5. The way I see it if the company used the same bags say as pro plan etc the food wouldn't be afordable for most people. I think its good that they aren't wasting money on packaging as the bag gets thrown away anyway. If people are complaining about where this food is made etc why not complain about pro plan etc i bet they don't have on there packet made at 506 harry street nsw 2680 (example there) The most of read on there packet is made in _____ then the date. If your worried about where it is made etc how about asking your supermarket/butcher where they get there meat from. If your that worried try making your own dog food, I'm only new to black hawk but I find the food very good and i don't care where it is made as the food specks for itself with the dogs eg coat etc.
  6. I'm only new to black hawk and will be buying my first bag this coming week. I don't know why people are complianing so much about the food. I only feed 6 feeds from my sample, mainly cause my auntie feed some to her dog I also gave Rascal and Buddy a bit too.Even tho Shelley has only had 6 meals i already noticed a change. Yet people complain about black hawk but then reccomended hills science diet and sau its the best food. I'm thrilled that black hawk has been made and sold cheaper then hills etc. All i knew is i couldn't afford to spend $120 on 15kgs worth of food plus I didn't like the fact hills etc charge that amount of money for 15kgs. So Sherel i would like to say a big thank you for supply black hawk as you have made a good quailty food I can afford.PLease people don't come back at me saying if I can't spend $100 or more on food I can't afford to own a dog,That isn't the case I wanted to feed a good quailty food but thought #100 or more just for 15kgs wasn't cutting it for me. I'm speaking to people overseas who spend like $70 for 33 pounds for pro plan where here in australia is $120 for 33 pounds so thats $50 more we pay. Shelley was brought up on pro plan at the breeders when she came home i kept her on pro plan for a while and found she had sloopy poos.Her poos aren't sloopy when she is feed bonnie or black hawk. All i gotta say is if your not happy with the food then don't feed it, Just don't go around bad mouthing the people who do like it and the people who sell it.
  7. I can understand you there so many people around my area don't walk there dogs. Theres a couple down the road i haven't seen there dogs leave there yard yet for a walk, Then the owners wander why there dogs keep barking when others walk past. My yard here is plenty big 3/4 acre so big enough for self exercise which i know Shelley won't do. I like to take my girl out and about gives me something to do and gives her plenty of things to do.
  8. This is Shelley's pose to get her to stand i have to do the horrible stack i do lol
  9. true that ness My Shelley won't run around unless i'm with her when i'm not she is sleepinng.
  10. Hi i have a question how much exercise are you willing to give? I own a golden retriever and she requires a min of 40 minutes exercise,Normally she gets about 80 minutes sometimes more sometimes less. Shelleys exercise is mainly offlead at the oval with runing,jumping over things,jumping up to 2 platforms then down the slide. Also on nice weather she goes swimming. Just a warning golden retrievers love water so take it down the beach he/she would love it. My Shelley actually puts her whole body head and all under the water. Also how much shedding/grooming do you want to do? I brush my Shelley every couple of days cause i love that clean coat plus it counts down the shedding. Also goldens love jogging actually there up for anything as long as it involves there owner.
  11. This is my Shelley as you see she is on the porky side
  12. My mum is the same is use to seeing the keg on legs labs and goldens and thinks thats the way there meant to be. I keep telling her if she keeps feeding Shelley more food she could end up dieing from a heart attack, MY mum then says at least she will die happy. I normally just walk away saying my dog my rules. My mum also keeps saying Shelley is straving the food I'm feeding isn't good enough, I keep telling her goldens will continue eatting as much as you will feed them. I even said that they will eat till they end up throwing up and then they will probably eat more if you keep offering food.
  13. 1/2 cup of food a day sounds quite low to me, I'm trying to get my 3 year old female golden retriever to lose weight She use to get 2 cups a day but now only gets 1 and half cups a day. If I drop her food any lower then that she starts to eat everything she can find. I'm walking Shelley min 40 minutes a day, Some days she gets 80 minutes. Her exercise is mainly offlead runing, I also get her to jump over things and I also got her jumping up on platforms and runing down a slide. On nice weather Shelley also goes for swims.
  14. I really don't see how they could do that i'm just shocked to hear that they can. The chook was in the dogs yard so really to them it was fair game. Sounds to me the ranger is making up his/her own rules.
  15. Your lab looks great in the pictures. Unlike my golden retriever Shelley who is overweight which i'm working on. But then Shelleys sister from the picture i got of her she looks a bit fatter then Shelley,Shelley's mum looks skinnier, But her dad looks just like Shelley. I don't like seeing overweight dogs which is way i hate myself for letting Shelley get on the porky side. I kinda blame my mum in a way she can't stop throwing Shelley food.
  16. Hi Sherel I just finished my sample Shelley loves the new food, I'll be buying a bag on the 26th of may. I have already noticed some improvements with Shelley. Shelleys energy has come up,before feeding black hawk Shelley would only run around a few minutes then walk slow the rest of the time, Now she runs around alot more and instand of walking slow she trots, then she would run around again. I've also noticed her coat seems softer, She seems to not be pooing as much as she did before, The only concern I have is some of the poos look red like blood only a little red not alot. I've been told the red in the poo is nothing to worry about, It's just cause Shelleys body is getting use to a highier protein etc.
  17. My mum got Buddy when I was 14 years old I formed a strong bond with him, I trained him,walked him so he was kinda my dog in a way. The bond with Buddy happened the day my mum brought him home, Buddy would follow me everywhere. Buddy would also wait at the back door at the same time everyday when I came home from school. I spent all my time with Buddy before I went to school and when I came home. Shelley on the other hand took me about a year to form a bond with, Mainly cause i was comparing her to Buddy. Shelley was much more destructive then Buddy ever was. I kept up with spending time with Shelley training,playing and just patting her. There also were times i felt like rehoming her cause i thought i would never form a bond with her. But now I'm glad that I kept her cause now we have such a strong bond even stronger then Buddy and I. Shelley looks at me for everything, She will not go up to strangers or other dogs unless i say its ok. She also will not take food from strangers unless i say its ok, Shelley has turned out to be the most wanderful dog I have trained. Once i stoped comparing her to Buddy It was so much easier to form a bond with her.
  18. My Shelley suffered car sickness when she was a 14 week old puppy, Every dog is different Shelley seemed better ifshe had a bit of food in her stomach its weid. If Shelley didn'y have any food she would get sick only happened in the car. As time went by Shelley out grew the car sickness, Now i can take her in the car without worrying about her throwing up. Also what i found work was having the window down a bit where Shelley could just stick her nose out which seemed to help alot. I've also heard putting ginger in the car helps alot, I've also heard of people feeding ginger biscuit before traveling.
  19. my Shelley does great of purina bonnie adult but i'm trying black hawk on her to see how she is with that food.
  20. I feed Shelley and Rascal dry food mainly, sometimes they get some mince but if they do i give less of the kibble to accommodate for the mince. So my Shelley normally gets 1 and half cup of food a day, If i'm giving mince or anything else i give 1 cup of dry food then half cup of mince or anyother food i want to feed. I also give them bones once a week or fortnightly, and a egg once a week.
  21. My Chinuanua Rascal just had surgery to fix up a abscess in his anal glands, This is his second time with his anal glands. Once all has settled down the vets want to remove his anal glands. My chihuahua Rascal is around 5-6 years old.
  22. Hi Sherel i recieved my sample today they will be getting some for dinner.
  23. Hi Sherel I emailed you about getting a sample of adult black hawk to try with my chihuahua and golden retriever.
  24. Here in this household there are 2 golden retrievers 1 male Buddy my mums golden, Shelley my female golden. Then there are my aunties 2 dogs a male chihuahua and a female jack russell cross fox terrier. The 2 goldens and chihuahua get along very well no isscues at all with them. The jack russell cross fox terrier is alright but shows alot of dominance towards Buddy and Shelley, She shows more dominance towards Shelley more so then Buddy. The problem isn't the JRT cross its the owner she will not tell the dog off or step in at all, If She does step in her JRT cross growls at her which makes her back down. My aunties JRT cross and Shelley have gotten into 2 fights already 1 fight ended up with a punture wound to the JRts cheek, Shelley had a bone and my stupid BF took it off her gave it to the JRt which just went and burried the bone,Shelley went to go grab it and the JRT run up to her barking and snapping. The other fight happened cause the JRT cross wouldn't stop humping Shelley so she snapped at her. If it were me i would always go 1 male 1 female route,But if you already have that combination and looking for a third or fourth dog i would add males not females. I know my Shelley is happy to play and live with other females her size, BUt cause of this JRT cross she now doesn't like small dogs very much.
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