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Everything posted by mumtoshelley

  1. Buddy my mum's and I 12 year old golden retriever is going to the vet tommorrow morning, His lost his voice and is also chasing his tail and biting chunks of hair off his tail. I also think Buddy has got another ear infection, I don't know what could be causing his voice to go away or his chewing his tail. He has been coughing don't think its kennel cough as Rascal and Shelley are fine. He has also been throwing up clear/foamy liquid once in a while. It also seems he has gained weight again even tho he is feed less then what he normally use to get, Buddy use to get 2 cups of food a day when he was feed bonnie but now since been on black hawk for 8 weeks give or take. Now he gets only 1 1/2 cups of food a day. Nothing the vets around here they will probably say his got kennel cough and just send him home with antibiotics.
  2. Shelley has got a bad habit of eatting too fast and sometimes coughs cause of it, So I have taught her the command slow when she is eatting. Shelley use to inhale her food when she was younger so what I did was put a tennis ball in the center of her food dish, put the food around the ball, Then when she went to the bowl to eat I would say Slow she soon caught on. If Shelley started eatting too fast I would pick the bowl up, put her back in a sit/wait put bowl back down, Then when she went to eat again I would say slow. She soon caught on that if she ate fast her food got taken away but if she ate slower she got to keep her food.
  3. what about the dachshund there got short legs and a long body.
  4. Too bad you don't like the golden retriever my Shelley would be prefect for hiking she loves to climb up rocks and jump and has alot of energy she could go all day if I could lol.
  5. some dogs do smell more so then others. Buddy my mum and I male golden retriever stinks he produces alot of doggy odourI mean alot. We have tryed changing diets etc but that didn't work, even 5 minutes after a good bath he stinks again. We have just learnt to live with it, Buddy can't help it and we try our best to make him smell nice. We often warn guests when they go to pat him. Shelley my female golden retriever doe2sn't have much a smell not noticable much unless you stink your nose right into her coat. I normally bath Shelley once a month, Buddy not so much as he is prone to ear infections even 1 drop in his ear is enough to trigger a infection, So I normally get Buddy done by a groomer every couple of months. I too thought anal glands, Have you checked your goldens skin as there known to get allergies,skin irritactions,scratching of the skin alot could cause a bad smell. Also does her hair seem thin in that area cause goldens are also known to get hot spots which can smell badly.
  6. He is on cartophen he gets 1 tablet a day half in the morning and half at night.
  7. his weight seems fine, I can feel his ribs but can't see them. Would you believe for a male his the same size as Shelley the female golden,Only buddy has a stockier build.
  8. I would have been a smart bum and said fine I'll go home put a t shirt pair of pants a jumper then a raincoat on my dog, Oh I will also get my dog to walk on 2 legs instand of 4 legs. I hate people that think dogs should be treated like humans and they wander why there dog barks and goes nuts with other dogs and people. I must be a bad owner then as allow my Shelley to swim even when i'm feeling the cold, There could be ice on top of the river and Shelley would still dive in.
  9. I know black hawk holistic dog food has glucosamine in it and emu oil. The vets reckon the pain killers are better then sashas blend. Buddy is also lossing his hearing a bit and his eye sight. I've asked the vets about doing blood work but they said I wouldn't worry about it plus they said they don't want to put a old dog like him through it. He had blood work done couple of years ago and it came back normal. Buddy is even quite sore after swimming, Theres no taking him to the park and suspect him to just potter around, He always trys and wants run around. Buddy trys to keep up with Shelley who is much faster then he is. Even if I just take him on his own his always wanting to run around and find something for me to throw. To Buddy he still thinks his a young dog. Buddy also wouldn't like to be in a trolling etc as he likes to walk, Even as a young puppy he didn't like to be carried or picked up. Buddy also seems to be dragging his back feet when he walks too. I often say to myself once Buddy can't play with his toys anymore thats the time I have to make the hard choice. But then I think that is pretty selfish of me. Buddy loves his toys and is always carry a toy around he also often sleeps with a toy too. Right now I would say he doesn't have much of a life at all. I don't think there is anyone in mildura that does chiro or massage therapy, I'll have to look into it more.
  10. Hi Buddy my mums and I 12 will be 13 year old in august golden retriever back legs seem to shake alot, He seems to have trouble getting up and laying down, He has arthritis in his lower spine. He was getting pain killers everyday,But since feeding him black hawk he hasn't required any pain killers till now. Poor boy so wants to go for walks and play etc but his body just won't allow it. Even after just walking down the backyard and back his back legs shake. His been to the vets plenty of times and they say theres nothing more they can do as he is already getting pain killers. They also don't want to put him through any tests cause of his age. He is still eatting and drinking pretty well, Just can't exercise or play as he wants too. Shelley has also lost interest in him too, He sometimes trys to play with Shelley but she mostly wealks away, sometimes she will play with him. I don't know what too do,or if there is anything I can do. My mum reckons she can feel his hip bones but he weighs 39kgs, I can feel his ribs without really needing to push in. I guess I feel kinda upset taking Shelley and Rascal for a walk and seeing Buddy so upset cause he can't go. At times he trys to follow me out the gate which I then have to get my mum or dad to come get him. He can't even handle 5 minutes of exercise without his back legs shaking at times his back legs give out and he falls into a sitting position. Now his gone back to needing a pain killer everyday just so he can move.
  11. I don't treat Rascal like a human eg don't carry him around,pick him up when I see other dogs, I only pick him up if the other dog doesn't look friendly which I can tell by the way they act with Shelley. I do baby my dogs eg spoil them with love,toys,food and vet care but I do treat them as dogs. I make sure there well trained well know at least sit sit/stay and come, I do get Shelley to sit/wait put her food bowl down return to her she then has to give me eye contact then I tell her ok. With Rascal I got him to sit then let him eat. I basicly do the nothing in life is free with them. Shelley plays with Rascal sometimes eg she loves it when Rascal chases her. Would a toy poodle be able to handle exercise? Rascal my chihuahua can easily walk for 3 hours on days that I like to walk more. Also how are toy poodles like with recall? Rascal has pretty good recall, Shelley has great recall.
  12. Harper won't forget him. Just tell your OH be careful when he comes home lol as harper will be mighty excited to see him. We need new pictures of harper hint
  13. actually Rascal has become good, still likes to cuddle with my auntie but is willing to leave her to come to me. He actually now sleeps in my bedroom. In a way I'm not sure if it was the love of my auntie that made him go the way he did, I think it was Lady her dog Rascal loved the most. Couple of nights ago my auntie wanted to see if Rascal would follow her to her bedroom he didn't move at all.
  14. My auntie is back home. She left her dog with her ex boyfriend so it is no longer here. Shelley and Buddy can finally have there toys back which there happy about.I'm also happier too so is my dad and mum.
  15. can anyone please tell me the difference in temperment/personality of toy poodle and the miniature poodle.
  16. The thing I'm also putting into conseration is my mum is a neat freak and doesn't like hair everywhere. She also doesn't like smelly dogs. Which is why I am looking for a small breed that doesn't shed much. I do brush my dogs often to help with the shedding, But still you get the loose hair coming off just not as much. Rascal my chihuahua looses a fair bit of hair even with the amount of brushing I give him. I have meet a few toy poodles and they were lovely very well socialized kept jumping up at me for pats. They were even pretty good with Shelley wanting to play with her. In saying that I have meet 1 toy poodle that was good with people but not so good with other dogs.
  17. I don't mind taking a poodle to a groomer to be clipped every 4 to 6 weeks. Probably keep a poodle in a lamb trim and brush often. I love the toy poodle so cute my mum loves them too, My boyfriend on the other hand doesn't like them to him they look to girly.
  18. Not right now might in 12 months or more, I want to do research more and find what breed suits me best etc.
  19. what I want in a small dog friendly towards everyone won't choose just 1 person doesn't shed much size wise something like a cavalier fairly easy to train don't mind playing with a larger dog I don't mind grooming I brush Shelley alot I also brush Rascal often too The breeds that I love the look of are poodles cavalier king charles spaniel papillon A bit about what I love in Shelley my golden retriever She loves everyone she meets she isn't a 1 person dog she is loyal easy to train she obeys me more so then anyone else
  20. Hi Just wandering which small breed dog has the same temperment/personality as a large dog say like a golden retriever. I love the temperment and personality of large dogs, would like to know which small breed dog has the same as a large dog.
  21. So sorry to hear cindy has passed away. RIP cindy
  22. tdierikx your lab is just gorgeous. I took Shelley to the vet tonight,they did the same thing got Shelley walking around and said theres nothing wrong. I said to them you can't tell if she has torn a ligament or luxating patella by seeing how the dog walks. She then said I know you can't but walking does give an inication if there is a problem. She then said we would have to admit her for the day put her under and do x rays. Shelley's limp isn't bad only really happens once in a blue moon specially after exercising. Shelley could be running then she will limp a bit then continue running like it was nothing but then on the way home the limp comes back. Shelley still weighs in at 34kgs the past week she hasn't been exercised as much due to me not feeling well and the cold weather.
  23. so sorry to hear Tango has luxating patella. I hope he gets better soon. I often wander if my Shelley has luxating patella cause every so often she has a limp in her right back leg. Everytime I ask the vet about it they ask to she her walk and run and she happens to walk/run normally at that time.
  24. maybe your auntie has spent more time with your dog than you? as i said earlier, chihuahuas will pick their human and bond straight away with that human. it happens in our family, i share my dogs with my elderly parents. so sometimes a puppy will choose my mother or father over me. but usually it is because they feed the dog spend alot of time with the dog.....how old is rascal? it sounds like his temperament is fear over stangers and other dogs, and yes once its set in its pretty hard to reverse - my experience has been you can't really reverse it, it requires alot of training to what i call "mask" which means they will get use to it all and not be so fazed by it but still be the same dog. i.e. still fearful of other dogs and people. you cant really change a dogs temperament they are what they are through the dogs genes or it could be through the way it was reared. Rascal is 6 years old, He never use to be scared of other dogs he would walk past them and even sometimes go up to them. So scared of other dogs is a new thing, Strange people isn't new his always been like that but again somepeople he will go up to and allow them to pat him. I do spend alot of time with Rascal he is always with me well that was till my auntie showed up. Since she was here Rascal wouldn't come to me when I called him,wouldn't listen to me. The difference between my auntie and I is I treat my dogs like there dogs not like humans. I do not let them do things that I consider is wrong or bad. I allow my dogs to bark but when told they quieten down, My auntie always lays on the floor at the dogs level. Since she has been out of town Rascal has been all over me again,following me,listening to me, He hasn't barked much at all.
  25. Hi as moast of you all know my auntie is out of town and has taken her dog lady with her. I've been working on Rascal getting him to love me again. He sleeps in my room in my bed now, But I do have a question when my auntie comes back will it be likely that Rascal will want her again and no longer want me? When my auntie is here and I try to have Rascal sleep in my room he seems to want out of my room and in hers. Also when she is here I can't get Rascal to go to the toilet cause he wants back with her. I even tryed having him onlead to go to the toilet but that didn't work out. So what do I do if she does come back how can I get Rascal to toilet without wanting her? Since my auntie and her dog have been gone the house has been very quiet, Rascal hasn't barked much at all. Buddy and Shelley seem happier, They can now have there toys back which there happy about. Also if my auntie does come back would it be best if I tell her to completely ignore Rascal and not to pay him any attention at all? Like I said Rascal will not listen to me when my auntie is around. I'm thinking if my auntie completely acts like Rascal isn't there he will no longer want her. Also if I take Rascal to obedience would it help him over come his fear towards strange people and dogs or would it make it worse?
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