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Everything posted by mumtoshelley

  1. Missy my whippet had the same thing when I got her microchipped took about 5-6 weeks for the lump to go away.
  2. I feed my guys twice a day in the morning when I get up which is normally around 11am then I feed them again at 6pm. I go to bed around 11pm then the dogs go out at 8:30am when my boyfriend gets up.
  3. Here my mum grew up with labradors when she was a kid, my dad he had whippets when he was younger. I grew up with a cattle dog which was the biggest sook but in saying that everyone was scared of her. When I was 14 years old my parents brought me my own dog buddy my male golden retriever. I had a list of 3 breeds the lab,dalmatian and golden retriever, My parents said no to the dalmatian so it was either the lab or golden. So I went to library and researched both breeds. I decided on the golden retriever as it said they mature earlier then labs and they weren't as active as a lab well how wrong that book was, Altho Buddy wasn't active even when a puppy he was and still is very laid back. Buddy was a breeze to train basicly he knew what to do before I even said it. When Buddy turned 7 I got Rascal my chihuahua which was impluse buy as he was real cute, I read up on chihuahuas once he was home. His a good little dog but a yapper, I tryed everything to socialize him with other people and dogs but he just wouldn't accept it. He will sometimes go up to a stranger for a pat but most of the time he barks at them same with dogs some dogs he will go up to and sniff others he will bark at. Rascal knows the commands sit/stay and come. When Buddy turned 10 I got Shelley my female golden retriever, Shelley was alot more active and destructive then Buddy ever was. She was fairly easy to train but was more stubborn then Buddy. Shelley also always had sloopy sits and drops her heel was horrible. Shelley would also try and control our walks eg would want to go a different way then me, Shelley would also zig zag in front me and almost rip me over. It took about 2 years for her to actually learn what to do and what not to do. When Shelley was 3 years old I got Missy my whippet from what my dad told me about whippets they sounded like the dog for me. Well I thought Shelley was stubborn Missy is even more stubborn lol. I've had Missy for 3 months 3 weeks. I enrolled her into obedience within 2 weeks of getting her. The obedience trainer said she is a very confident and brave puppy showed no fear. Obedience trainer said after 3 training seasons that Missy is coming along great with training, well on the fourth training season the trainer pulled me aside as Missy would not sit on command not even for food, If I gently pushed her bum she would stiffen up like a rock. The trainer then said to give a firm tap on the bottom while telling her sit which worked great. Now at 6 months old she is sitting real good her heel is good,her stays are alright,her recall is getting there. At the moment she is learning drop which she is being real stubborn about. But in saying that Missy is turning out to be the better obedience dog. I also find Missy is easier when it comes to grooming,exercise. Missy is also easier in the weight management then my other dogs.
  4. Rascal my 6 year old male chihuahua is feed hills prescription w/d as he is prone to putting on weight no matter how less or how much exercise I give him.
  5. black hawk is GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Crude Protein…………. 25.00% (min) Crude Fat……………… 14.00% (min) Crude Fibre……………. 4.50% (max) Crude Ash …………….. 11.00% (max) Phosphorus(P)………. .1.50% (max) Calcium (Ca)…………. .1.45% (min) Moisture…………………10.00% (max)
  6. My parents paid $650 for buddy our male golden retriever limited register in 1998, I paid $600 for Shelley my female golden retriever main register in 2008. Prices I have seen now for golden retrievers are $1000 to $1200 for limited registered puppys.
  7. I found the reason why Shelley and Rascal has put back on the weight they lost its this pet mince. It just looks like I have 2 dogs that can't tolerate high fat foods. I even asked the vets today when I took Missy in to get her sitches taken out, They said if I feed my dogs any less they will not be getting enough nutrience. They reccomend I stop feeding the pet mince and either feed human mince or raw meaty bones or just spilt the kibble in 2 meals. TLC There getting feed a premium kibble unless black hawk isn't considered premium. Missy my whippet is so much easier to maintain weightwise.
  8. Heres a video I found on you tube of a 9 week old golden retriever
  9. Cause of the heat here not much as its still to warm to walk even at 9pm on some nights. But when they do get exercise its normally for 40 to 60 minutes at a time. Shelley is very hard dog to exercise as she doesn't run much won't fetch toys much at all, If it were a live duck then Shelley will happliy chase it all day but we all know that can't be done. Even with swimming Shelley won't go in deep and exercise she prefers to dunk her her head under the water. I take Shelley,Missy and Rascal to the oval I let them offlead, Shelley will only run around for 5 minutes then wants to lay down, Rascal quite happy runs to each tree to pee on them and Missy being a whippet loves to run and she does, Missy is the only one that will chase a toy and bring it back the most, Shelley will only fetch 3-4 times then gives up. Shelley has always been a lazy dog even as puppy. Yes she was very destructive like to chew things up and dig holes but when it came to exercise she was lazy. Shelley does chase Missy around the yard throughout the day if its not hot and Missy ends up wearing Shelley out before she is tired, Missy can and will run all day long and loves to exercise. Shelley is that lazy sometimes she won't even run after you if you run. I reckon Shelley has problems with her hips as she never sits properly always sits on the hips, She never runs like a normal dog does she always kicks her back legs out to the side when she runs.
  10. Thats the problem if I feed Shelley and Rascal any less I won't be able to live with them lol, As it is there both acting like there straving. Shelley has began to snatch at the sight of food,she trys to steal other dogs food. Rascal has turned to trying to eat cat poo and cat food which we have solved by putting a baby gate up. Shelley is lucky to get 1 cup of food a day, Rascal only gets about 55 grams of food a day.
  11. My dogs are use to eatting turkey,chicken,beef and lamb there not use to liver,kidney,hearts etc. I just plan on feeding them a raw meal in the morning then at night they will get black hawk kibble.
  12. The butchers said to me this pet mince is chicken frames grounded up with what ever other left overs they had be it lamb,beef,pork etc. 3 of my dogs love bones the other one isn't to fussed with them.
  13. Hi everyone I buy my pet mince from one of the butchers in my town its frozen but once thawed out it smells like vingar does that mean its off? Also I find this pet mince seems quite fatty, Shelley my female golden has gained the weight back she has lost. I still have a fair amount of this pet mince left I was thinking of using it up then feeding something else. Just wandering if feeding raw meaty bones for there morning meal everyday be too much for them? I was thinking of buying turkey wings,chicken wings,frames,legs, beef and lamb meaty bones. The only dogs that seem to have problems with fat food like this pet mince is Shelley,buddy and rascal. When I was feeding human grade mince the dogs weight was easy to maintain but we all know human grade mince can be expensive. If anyone has any ideas of what raw food I can feed to my dogs whould be great?
  14. Are you for real! I'm sorry that my friend didn't have the capacity in a split instance to calcualte the angle and extension of a dogs lead, taking into consideration the length of the owners arm and elasticity of the lead. That's what I do and have had my fair share of dogs lunge at me over the years in that type of situation. The point I am making is that you can't trust people will handle their dogs accordingly and take the initiative myself. It's too late to argue who is right or wrong if perhaps you had a child with you and half his/her face missing? wow, where on earth do you walk that you have been lunged at multiple times while just trying to walk past on lead dogs without a dog yourself. Certainly sounds like a dangerous neighbourhood and one to be avoided at all costs. Nice one, put all the blame on the victim, who did try and avoid the dogs :rolleyes: She may have moved off the footpath but how far from the dog 6 inches? 4 or 5 feet away from a leashed dog and you are pretty safe. I would prefer not to take the chance and give the dog some room is all I am saying, IMHO if you get bitten by a dog on leash you are too close? I have walked out onto the side of the road to avoid small dogs on retractor leads with owners who's dog is all over the place, works for me :D I don't care how far she moved she had every right to walk where she did why should she have to move 4 or 5 feet away, The damn owners of the dog should have had more controll over there dogs and if they damn well knew there dog bites it should have been muzzled. What gives people with dogs the right to hog all the pathway and not move over and leave room for others to walk by. The dog owners should be the ones to move and have there dogs in a sit/stay and show some courtesy to other people. This lady that was bitten showed courtesy by moving so why couldn't the damn owners of that dog do the same.
  15. I would love to feed raw but with 4 dogs I would think it would cost alot. Right now they get pet mince in the morning twice a week instand of mince they will get a bone be it chicken wing,frame or turkey wings. Then at night they get black hawk.
  16. I too move off the path when I see people coming be it behind me or in front, I move off the path and put my dogs in a sit/stay till they have past. I do not like my dogs to annoy strangers but if that stranger comes up baby talking to my dogs then I will allow them to say hi.
  17. Hope your friend will be alright. What low lifes just walking away like that, People like that is what gives us responable owners a bad name. I hope they get caught and coupe a big fine for what there dog has done.
  18. Buddy my 13 year old male golden retriever has alot of lumps on his body the vet said they were just fatty lumps so hopefully thats all your little has.
  19. 3 of my dogs are being feed black hawk my male golden retriever Buddy gets 2-3 tablespoons of raw pet minced meat in the morning and 1 1/4 cup of black hawk at night. My female golden retriever Shelley gets 2-3 tablespoons of pet mince in the morning and 3/4 cup of black hawk at night. My female whippet Missy gets 2-3 tablespoons of pet mince in the morning and 1/4 to 1/2 cup (depending on how much exercise she has had) of black hawk at night.
  20. Every dog is different even littermates are different. My sister and I both got a whippet from the same people yet there completely different, Missy my whippet is great with obedience where Misty my sisters whippet isn't so great. Misty on the other hand is more stocky then my Missy, Misty is also more affectant then Missy. Missy is more hypo wanting to run around and play where Misty is a couch potato. Also the same with Buddy my male golden and Shelley my female golden. Buddy was so much easier to train like he knew what to do before I even said it. Shelley on the other hand was more diffcult and took more time to teach her, Shelley still has sloopy sits,drops her heel is horrible have to keep correcting her, The obedience trainers have said I'll probably never get her out of her sloopy sits/drops. The obedience trainers also said she wouldn't make a good obedience dog cause of this. Missy my whippet will make a great obedience dog as she does sit,drop and heel great with hardly no corrections needed. Most of my training is NILIF (nothing in life is free)when I feed my dogs I put them in sit and say wait then I put there bowl down return to the dog wait a few seconds then say ok. I also call them to me out of the blue so they learn to come when called, I don't just call them when I want them or need to do something with them. I also do short training with my dogs each day eg heel,sit,drop,come,sit/stay but I do mix it up so its not the same everyday. I am the one that feeds/walks and trains my dogs, They will listen to others in the family but with sorten things they will only obey me. With the stealing and runing away with things I have found grabbing one of there squeeky toys and playing with it acting like I am having fun and runing around with it, This normally gets them to drop what they have got and want to join in with what I am doing. I do not stop as soon as she/he has droped the item I continue to play with my dog while someone else picks up the item. Missy my whippet loves shoes and by saying NO and grabbing one of her toys squeeky it then throwing it works great with her as she loves to run. The trigger is to find what your dog loves and use it to reward the behaviour you love and want from your dog.
  21. I was thinking the same thing megan he looks very small. greyseas did you get him from a registered breeder? if not I'm afraid you won't get much help from the person who bred him.
  22. I use down for my dogs when I want them off something etc. I use drop if I want them to lay down. Missy my 6 month old whippet took a while to learn drop but she is getting there now.
  23. That would be homeward bound 2 you have chance the american bulldog,shadow the golden retriever and sassy the himalayan cat. Missy my whippet watched 8 below she loved it, barked at the bit where the seal chased the dog etc.
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