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australian dog centr

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Everything posted by australian dog centr

  1. Hi Everyone, Australian Dog Centre and Pets Australia are hosting a Pets First Aid Course Level 1 Pet First Aid is a four hour ‘in-­service’ course for busy pet businesses and breeders, taught by a qualified veterinarian. Attached are all details and registration form. Cheers ADC Flyer & Reg FormADogC.pdf
  2. The 2 head teachers at ADC are both International Certified Master Groomers, (ICMG) and Nicky is the Australian certifier for International Professional Groomers, which is the highest international dog grooming instructors qualification. Is the IMCG recognised as accredited trainers by an Australian government body or is an American business? International Professional Groomers Inc (IPG) are an International Organization which provide international industry standards for professional pet groomers based on their countries breed standards. To call yourself a Master groomer do you have to pay an annaul fee? It appears from their website that you pay an annual fee to be a member but it is not clear if the title of master groomer only applies to members. You have to be a member of IPG inc before you can sit your exams. you need to have been grooming for 2 years. There are written and practical exams on Sporting , Non Sporting, Terrier short and long legged breeds and a salon detail written. All practical exams are to breed standard and are accessed by an IPG Certifier. Culminating in your final written Masters exam which is over 400 questions on any breed and health. You need to achieve 86 % or higher in every exam to be a full certified ICMG. For more info you can visit the IPG website http://ipgcmg.org/ There is an annual membership fee of around $70 .00
  3. The 2 head teachers at ADC are both International Certified Master Groomers, (ICMG) and Nicky is the Australian certifier for International Professional Groomers, which is the highest international dog grooming instructors qualification. Is the IMCG recognised as accredited trainers by an Australian government body or is an American business? International Professional Groomers Inc (IPG) are an International Organization which provide international industry standards for professional pet groomers based on their countries breed standards.
  4. The 2 head teachers at ADC are both International Certified Master Groomers, (ICMG) and Nicky is the Australian certifier for International Professional Groomers, which is the highest international dog grooming instructors qualification.
  5. Hi Everyone, Australian Dog Centre, a grooming school in Melbourne if offering a full time, fully funded 65 day dog grooming Scholarship and also includes over $1000 worth of grooming equipment. Scholarship is open for anyone above the age of 17 to apply and must have had a particular interest in the dog industry and a background in Showing , obedience or boarding is an advantage. Please see attached application form for more info With thanks ADCscholarship_aplication.pdf
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