Boxers,Motorbikes,Music and My daughter!!!! <br />I am 22yrs old,own two boxers-Rubi (7yrs) and Cooper (19 months) and have a 20 month old daughter Luka :)
They are spectacular dogs. I own boxers and have always thought a bull mastiff would be my next dog...i do believe you have just confirmed that! Such noble faces.
Giant BULLDOGS!!!!! Lol :D
Ok so Rubi may be very solid for a girl but bulldog? Seriously.
Then the insurance men came yday. Cooper was in his crate and the guy said wow a baby mastiff how cute! Rubi came running around the corner and he said oh cool you have a boxer too!!! WTH?? Some people make me laugh!
I am wanting to invite people to bring their dogs to a central location in Tas for a play date possibly once a month...
I am in Burnie and would travel as far as Smithton-Launceston (and all the bits in between!)
Please let me know if anyone is interested so i can do something about it!!!!
Just wondering if there are any boxer owners in Tas besides me??? I would love to have a play date with some other doggies also,any breed of course!!!! I am on the north west coast of tas and my 19 month old Cooper is just mad about play!