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Everything posted by Casperoz

  1. Thank you all for your opinions! We are in the early stages of research right now. I want to make sure i get the right dog for us! I am not so sure about the drool! I owned German Shepards for a few years and love the heavier dog and i understand about proper training, diet and exercise, I have also read some where that Clumbers can have bad knees if they are not exercised properly or they get too heavy. I have to admit i love the way they look and their general qualities. Perhaps i should make contact with a couple of the breeders and offer to help out and get to know them better. I dont mind pick up poo's, bathing or brushing in return for first hand knowledge!
  2. Hi Everyone, I am new here and found this forum by accident when i was looking for information about one of the top 3 dogs we are looking at. In the next 5 years we are looking at getting a dog, we currently have a poodle cross but she is getting on now. We bought her from the RSPCA 10 years ago and she was an adult then, so her exact age is a mystery. We seem to have decided that a Clumber spaniel would be nice, we are looking for a medium sized active dog, we would like a dog that enjoys walks, playing, but is also happy to lay in front of a fire and snore. We are active people, we do not have children and we have a medium size yard, our home does have stairs. The biggest issue we are having is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of information about Clumber's in Australia and finding a breed is proving to be a challenge. We do not want to show our Clumber but would like a dog with good family lines with none of the hereditary issues they seem to have. I realise this is not full proof that there is still a possibility they will have health issues but i would rather buy a good quality dog from a good breeder than a back yard breeder with no idea. If any one has any information, recommendations or advice i would love to hear from you. This will be our first pedigree dog and we want to do our research first. Thanks Cas
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