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  1. I hope his last week is as painless as possible, you've done the right thing for him SF.
  2. Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever as others have pointed out would be good I think, that said the only thing that can truly replace a CKCS is another CKCS Now that I have them in my life I don't think I could ever be without one.
  3. Letting them go is heartbreaking but when they're in pain it's the kindest thing to do - even though it may not seem like it at the time
  4. Hope it all goes well for you, here!
  5. 3 hours each way for our new girl, visited a week ago, visiting again in a week and then picking her up in 3 weeks All up 18 hours of travelling but worth every second.
  6. You'd be surprised what people will do. Not uncommon for people to get a BYB 6wo and put him straight out in the yard on the first night....alone. Not much surprises me these days..........unfortunately. just sad because it was so cold and the grass was wet and he would have had to cross a busy road which im shocked about i dont know how he made it across :S All far too common unfortunately - some people really shouldn't be allowed to have dogs
  7. That's really horrible RIP I really don't understand why someone would do this
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