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Everything posted by ~Storm~

  1. We emailed a couple of dog shelters, but they only had Maltese crosses with shedding mixes. There also doesn't seem to be that many here in Perth.
  2. Thanks. I suppose it is easier for me because the Maltese is a toy sized dog and thus there is pretty much one size available, but we have spare bowls and a spare collar when I my last dog was in her puppy stage so I will use them for the time being. Really? Do you have some links or references to assert this claim?
  3. What size food and water bowl is best for a Maltese puppy and adult? Also, what is the best type of collar to buy for a Maltese? (Due to it's coat) What size? Thanks
  4. Exactly It's not a case of hardening the f**k up, it is about hygiene. Dog waste bags (like most soft plastics) still seep through odour and thus harmful bacteria. If there was a tap and a bin right next to where my dog s**t then using a bag wouldn't be a problem. Now are there any good doggy bags in which it's materials allow for a resilient barrier? (i.e does not allow odour to seep through) ------ Regarding these contraptions, it seems that most are fairly uniform in design and use. So it is just a matter of trying one to see if it works.
  5. Thanks I will consider this as well.
  6. Haha good to know :D Lol I am such a clean freak that I even dig up the ground when using the shovel so as to not get any waste on the shovel Thanks for the suggestion Baby Dragon! Do you use it for yard duty or on walks? Is it bothersome to carry around? Like this? http://www.wormsandgermsblog.com/uploads/i...r%20Scooper.jpg For yard duties they are perfect, but I as I said, I need to use it during walks. No way am I going to drag a device that huge for an hour or so hehe. I am looking for a smaller device or a device suitable to be carried around.
  7. Thanks for that. Though won't the waste get stuck on to the scooper it self? Or do you some how line it with the plastic bag? Nevertheless seems like a good deal and saves having to bend down. (Albeit I'm young, but still )
  8. For when I am out walking the dog. Hmm, I haven't considered anything for yard duty. I have always just used an old shovel/spade haha Thanks for the suggestion. I believe this is what you are referring to? http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/pickapoo#P...;utm_medium=cpc It seems good, but is there a real life picture of it? Have you used it before? How big is it? (The size of the bag and the scoop) Thanks
  9. Heya, I currently in look out for a contraption to pick of dog poop Through Google I have found three that seem quite good (or at least appear to be) 1) SWOOP http://www.pookinuk.com.au/product-selected.asp?productID=416 2) Poopsta http://www.poopsta.com/ 3) Scoopex http://www.scoopex.com/ I am leaning towards the Poopsta, but I don't see Aus in their shipping details? I will give them an email. I must say it would look weird carrying that around (even with a shoulder strap haha) The SWOOP is good, but it essentially does the exact same thing like the Poopsta except it cannot carry the waste (in the compartment) nor can I carry more then one. Though I do like how it is more "lean" (and thus less noticeable). As for the Scoopex, I like the idea but the site is dodgey and old, not to mention that the don't sell to Aus (not even their free samples). However as I said, I love the idea. It is so simple and I prefer it instead of the "normal" way and it could be more of a secondary device or for emergencys (or when the bin is right next to you). Does anyone know where I could find a device like this here? What do you guys think of these devices? And does anyone recommend another device? Thanks Edit - Actually looking more into it, the plus of the SWOOP is that it replicates a human hand motion so that you can pick up the waste from any surface, whilst with the Poopsta, it only works on a flat surface and its contraption is more prone to failing because it is more complex (elastic bands etc)...
  10. Thanks everyone for your best wishes
  11. Thanks for you comment luvsdogs. This is exactly what I am worried about. In fact I wasn't even prepared to buy a puppy from interstate until I came on to this site and read many posts advocating interstate purchases stating how it is "sometimes better to buy from interstate to be able to purchase from a better breeder". However WA seems to have some good breeders so we will see what happens. I'll make sure I follow the tips raineth stated previously regardless.
  12. Thanks for you comment showdog. Your right, I will have to wait to find a good breeder first, especially if I look at purchasing from interstate. I have already contacted some breeders and am awaiting their reply. Grooming is not a not an issue and we will have the dog in a pet clip, but I will first have to find a good groomer.
  13. Thanks raineth for these tips I will make sure to cover this!
  14. Thank you fuzzy82 and luvsdogs. I think the one thing that is synonymous with whatever dog that I get, is that it must be trained, which is seen as a given, but must be noted. I think this is especially important with a breed such as the Maltese which everyone is saying is a bad barker. Whilst it may be true from what I am reading it seems like most people who purchase a Maltese see them as being little white teddy bears and due to their size don't train them or show any dominance over them. And as such the dog is diagnosed with "Small Dog Syndrome". And cheers for you input Jed. Really appreciate it. I will try to get in touch with some breeders here, but it seems like the Maltese is for me Finally the Maltese people! =D And as shown Maltese are good dogs Thank you. Will do. Curious, are the breeders here on DOL (puppy listing page) reputable breeders? Or is it a page where breeders can pay to have their listings shown? Because for example Dogswest's breeders directory is a paid space. Anybody recommend an excellent Maltese breeder?
  15. Haha thats what I am worried about with the bratty Paris Hilton Maltese Nah, I don't care. I just want them to be loyal.
  16. Thanks Mrs Rusty Bucket. I recall skimming past the Lhasa Apso but will look more into it now. I was just reading up on Small Dog Syndrome. Our past dogs were farm dogs and Dad and I trained them quite well and made sure that the humans were the dominate figures, so I am hoping that things will be okay with the dog we are going to get.
  17. Thanks for your reply Paptacular. Haha yes of course I know that. But being low shedding is a must for us since it is going to be an inside dog.
  18. Thanks for you reply Zug Zug. Regarding the size of the Havs. I was a reading a dedicated Havanese forum, and what I read was that they do vary in size (like all dogs), but I guess I have just seen the larger types. Though as you say, both the Bichon Frise and the Havanese have similar excellent temperaments. Mentioning the Maltese, I am actually quite surprised that there isn't a Maltese thread in the "Dog Breeds - 101" sub forum or in the "Breed Sub Forums" Haha it seems to be true that the smaller you go the louder and more frequent is the bark. xD But it seems like the Hav is in front...but I wish there was one available now haha Is there that much of a difference between a female and male Hav? We have always had females and I suppose I didn't have anything to complain about...but I have heard that males are more affectionate?
  19. Oh, I am looking to purchase ASAP. (I have a month before Uni/work starts so like my previous puppies I want to use this time to train etc the puppy) Are all the breeders on this site (http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/puppies.asp) reputable breeders? Or is it just a pay for ad page? Edit - Can anybody recommend a breeder? And will a Maltese puppy be alright from a flight from the East Coast to WA? Also why the discrepancy between pricing? I see some breeders charge ~$600 and others ~$1000 for a male puppy. Is more to do certain breeders selling puppys on the Main register and others being sold on Limited papers? Or that the cheaper puppies don't quite fit the breed standard in terms of looks? Or is mearly that some breeders just like to sell at a cheaper price Oh, this is from this website (as opposed from the community newspaper haha)
  20. Hi, I am a new member to Dogzonline and have spent a while reading various threads about puppy ownership and it is making me quite excited about getting a new puppy And most importantly many of my questions have been answered and I am currently getting the crate etc all ready Essentially, at the beginning of last year our Staffy cross passed away and now we believe that it is time to purchase a new puppy. Compared to the previous dogs we have had, for the first time we are looking at a small lap dog which will be an inside dog. Background: - We are looking to purchase a small lap dog. - It will be an inside dog. - We will be out of the house for around 5-7 hours during weekdays. - We are looking for hypoallergenic/low shedding breed. - Barking is not really a concern. Our old dog used to bark when there was someone at the door or if there was a problem, but like all people we don't want a dog that constantly barks. Whilst it is obvious that training is the main determent of how much or when a dog barks, since I am going to purchase a toy breed (which includes terriers) I am a bit concerned since these breeds are more prone to barking. - We rarely have kids coming over. - We have a fairly quite and calm family (i.e no surprises) - Grooming is not a problem. - We would prefer a dog that is less active (i.e we can walk the dog for ~30 min, excluding play time such as fetch etc) - We want a friendly dog that won't snap at anyone etc. We have owned large dogs in the past and they never demonstrated any aggression to me or my family not matter what, even if you took their food away or put your hand in their mouth. Now I won't deny, this came to be due to good training, but am concerned over the "small dog syndrome" that I am hearing about. - We prefer a male puppy I think the above covers most things. Let me know of any other questions that need to be answered. So from the above I have my eyes set on a Maltese. Now the only problem that I see is that I remember reading all those years back when the RSPCA said that the Maltese was one of the most dumped dogs due to their aggressiveness and excessive barking. Being the statistical minded person that I am (haha) I do recall some errors with that report. These include that I believe that they included Maltese crosses which obviously hamper the results because there are millions of Maltese X's sold by backyard breeders/pet shops, and with the large quantity and poor breeding it isn't surprising that these crosses develop temperament issues and the rest are dumped because the owner is bored of the pet. Can anybody tell me the temperament of a pure bred Maltese? What other breeds should I be looking at? Some other breeds that have come up, are the Havanese and the Shih Tzu. Now the Havanese comes from the same family as the Maltese and the only difference I can find is that they are bigger and from owner recounts on the interwebs are a very friendly breed which does not bark or snap at people. However I do want a small breed (think Chihuahua sized, but not a Chihuahua) and from the looks of it, the Havanese is quite large. With the Shih Tzu, I don't really know the difference between that and the Maltese How do they compare regarding temperment, size etc? Thanks for reading and can't wait for the reponses
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