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Hi I can completely recommend a Mini Snauzer my mum just got one awhile ago and she is great, my mum just turned 70. I also own and would recommend a well bred Aussie terrier, they will bark if someone unknown turns up but will stop with command, well mine does anyway. They are great dogs will take a little exercise, don't really shed much and are quiet intelligent little things. This is my third Aussie now and I would never be without one. Also a Tibetan Spaniel would be good, I don't find them as trainable but great with kids and like to have there own time, not much grooming but shed a little, soft little dogs.
My mother got the puppy at 12 weeks, as she came desexed. Mum was a bit concerned about her being so young getting desexed but she has had no problems and it worked out better that it was all over when she got her. She is salt and pepper and a real stunner!
My mother has a new 6 month old female mini snauzer. She is a great dog, she was toilet trained in a couple of days! She is the most laid back easy dog I have ever met. Not demanding just soo easy, dosent bark hardly at all, if a dog walks past she will let out a bark but that's it. Loves my kids. Her breeder was fantastic and I think the puppy is a real credit to her. So I really recommend them in the right situation.
thanks for all the replys, the pictures of the rotties lying around make them look so placid!! I think it is the head that makes me think the are some massive dog even though they are a similar size to a RR. I will contact some breeders and I let them know my situation, and see what information and recommendations I get back. I will even contact the breeder you guys mentioned. I will also look into the boxer and RR..Any recommendations on breeders for them would be appreciated. One of my friends actually has a maremma, they use to live on acreage but now live in town. He is huge, heaps of shedding!!But wonderful dog just sits outside the door and keeps watch.. I have spoken to hubby about it, lets say he is ok with a boxer, but abit hesitant about a Rottie. He did an electrical job for some people who had two that apparently just guarded the shed and workshop, they weren't very friendly and he was always nervous around them, but I guess that was there job, even though probably not a very nice life. He would like to see one in person that is more family orientated around kids etc, so hopefully we after some research we can maybe take a trip to Brisbane and visit some breeders.
Hi Thanks for all the replys...it is not prone to much crime but just me and the kids will be home a lot without my husband ..The dog will be a family pet , we go to the beach once a week will still walk prob every second day. It is quite hot here in summer was 40 yesterday..I guess I want more of a deterant than a dog to bite, ..I already have a Australian Terrier who is 3 she would bark her head off but then go get a tennis ball to deliver to anyone who was at the gate!!So not very scary...I think I would class myself as strong and proactive in dealing with a new puppy, but then again I have never had a dog bigger than a cocker spaniel.. One of my good friends has a 2 year old Doberman purebred from a breeder in Brisbane she is lovely, and I went to meet and chat to her yesterday about Dobes. The coat also is low maintenance. I have met a few boxers and yes they made me take a step back also when visiting friends, but lovely family pets. Rottweiler and RR sound good as well, ..Rottweiler just seem huge to me, I don't know why but I would love a Rottweiler but am hesitant if I would be, a suitable owner..I always think they should be with really dog savvy people..
Hi grooming isn't a problem, did think about a Rottweiler but have never had a dog of that size, do they mature fast or more slow like a lab. Was quite interested in a Ridgeback have done a little research, how are they with children and training etc? One of my good friends has only ever owned German Shepherds. The one he has now is lovely very placid and quite but looks like she is on the job.. they live on 50 acres. But the 1 he had previously was very flighty and quite aggressive usually with horses, cows other dogs etc..He got him as a pup from a registered breeder but had heaps of trouble with him, I think they ended up putting him down. Any Ridgeback breeders in Qld that anyone could recommend would be great you can PM me. I also want something that will protect if need be, looking the part is a bonus.
Hi We are moving to acreage around March! Great home but abit isolated.. I would love to get another dog but more medium /large great for the family but also good protection. Was thinking maybe a Cattle dog, but have also throught of an Airedale Terrier. Any other recommendations? Will have heaps of space, all fenced well over 2 acres.
Hi ChristineX..she loves the appearance the reasonably low maintenance coat, the I guess the watchdog aspect aswell. Her husband would keep it busy with walks and training, although he goes away every know and then so it might become a bit much for mum on her own by the sounds of it. She is leaning more towards a Westie, Snauzer or Cairn. Although the price difference is huge, Cairns are more affordable with the westies and snauzers about 2000.00 We have spoken to some breeders some very informative and helpful. Can anyone recommend some great breeders in QLd or NSW you can PM me please.!
Hi Thanks for all the responses.. So after reading everything , I guess we've outed the Soft Coated Wheaten. Although she still is keen on the Irish, but we may need to look into that further. Her ideal companion is.. Small/Medium dog, low shedding, like I said exercise in the yard and a small walk a day. It would get heaps of companion time with her and her husband, and they would definetly toilet train and obedience train it. So after doing some research ourselves she likes the Snauzers mini.. and the Westies.. She has had a Australin Terrier growing up. A Question about the Cairns are they low shedding and is the coat heavy do they do well in a hot climate? As she likes the look of them aswell. Not too sure on the Airedale thought they might be abit big? I don't know a lot about them though. The lowchen might be a possibility just the grooming might be too much. Sandra777 a Border Terrier is also another they seem to like although they have never seen one in person before.. She is extremely excited about getting this dog and wants to make the right choice.
Hi everyone, My mother is in the process of looking at getting a dog. She particulary wants one with little to no shedding. It will be an indoors dog, and will travel abit with her and her husband. They have a nice yard not huge but big enough. These are the breeds she is thinking of: Westie Terrier, Irish Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten and a Snauzer. She is 65 but still reasonably fit so the dog will get a small walk a day and play in the yard but plenty of time with her inside. Does anyone have any pros cons on these breeds or owns them? Or any other suggestions Thanks
Hi I am looking at getting a new puppy for our family. It will be a family pet but will also be my walking buddy. So the breeds we like are..Brittany Spaniel. English springer spaniel and border collie. I also like the smooth collies. We are looking for a medium sized dog..not bothered about grooming. If anyone owns these breeds can you give my your experience with them. I have done some research..but would like some feedback from owners. Thanks
hi thanks for all the replys. So I have been crating dusty when its bone time or chicken wing/necks. The problem is Dusty will eat her bone, wing whatever fast. Whereas Millie likes to sit hers in front of her and look at it for an hour before she eats it. Anyway mince and things like that she dosen't seem as bad but millie does eat hers straight away. They are best friends in all other elements, although Dusty gets a tad jealous sometimes. She went well at puppy school and will sit and come on command. She is outgoing and friendly more so than Millie who only likes her family and not very trusting of strangers, although I've heard thats a Tibetan Spaniel thing. I do watch Cesar Milan and am trying to be assertive and I don't take the kids outside when they are being fed anymore. So we'll see how she goes i guess.
Hi I have a just turned one year old Australian Terrier Dusty. I have my mums little dog at my place a lot when they travel she is a Tibetan Spaniel who is 1.5 she is lovely a real gentle dog. Dusty not soo much she is great but bosterious and sometimes jumpy which I am working on. Lately though she is really food dominant and is creating fights with milly. If you feed them seperately she will devour her food then look at eating millys, before she will back off but now she will just charge in and grab it creating a big fight which she always wins. I have been seperating them but want them to be like before and eat together peacefully. Also I would like to get another dog and don't want this behaviour. I have 2 kids who I'm worried will end up in the middle of it and get bitten. yesterday my son dropped a donut outside and I went to pick it up before Dusty could eat it and she growled. I don't think she would ever bite but you never know? Any advice appreciated. She has always been the alpha dog but this food dominance has only just started.
Hi Just wondering if anyone could recommend any Border Collie Breeders in QLD or NSW. Anyone that has had experience with really helpful breeders that breed good family pets. Thanks
Hi Monty Aussie Terrier 11 years PTS after unsuccessful diabetes treatment was extremely sick. Bossy Aussie Terrier 11.5 died vets thought could have been bloat or twisted pancreas don't really know I think she missed her brother too much.