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Everything posted by stonecutter

  1. Steer clear of pennisetum (commonly called Foxtail) - the grass heads get caught in coats - my poor Ziva manged to get a seed head stuck down her ear canal
  2. Leave the note taped to your door and ask them to ring your doorbell to talk to them about it :) I've got security cameras recording around the perimeter of my property 24/7 - someone thought they saw Ziva and it was another JS! We could see Z standing at her dog run barking at her friend :)
  3. You can also try approaching a big accounting firm like PwC etc - they encourage employees to spend up to 10% of their time working for good causes :)
  4. The Jap Spitz and GSD in yards 37 and 10 are apparently owned by the same person and their owner is supposed to be coming in. Fingers crossed!
  5. Awww - glad to hear he is settling in well :)
  6. I was also told that Shibas do tend to scream a bit - important if you've got neighbours close by. They're also not recommended as a dog for a first time owner (not sure whether you are or not, you haven't mentioned it). Lots of structure and training required - as for any spitz breed, but extra with the Shiba. I have a JS and we have done a lot of work to keep her well behaved (most of the time) - unlike a lot of labradors and goldens in our neighbourhood who are happy to be left to their own devices and still be well behaved!
  7. My understanding is the Japanese show scene can be very different - eg I have heard Jap Spitzes are not judged on the move - only stacked - which might result in different breeding goals.
  8. I used this when Ziva was desexed. A friend had a JS who was desexed a couple of weeks prior and Ziva's hair has grown back much quicker.
  9. Rysup on the forum has a salon at Castle Hill - she has show keeshonds and lhasas and is also a judge :)
  10. There is usually camping on the grounds - here's the application form. Best to email or call to see if there's any space left. http://dogsnsw.org.au/images/stories/PDFS/Camping_Booking_Form_1_Jul_2010.pdf
  11. I used K9pro, no shock collars were used or mentioned. Me neither. And nothing wrong with negative reinforcement as well as positive (IMHO)
  12. As a researcher, I'm not surprised at the set up of the survey or the questions - if you look at the department supervising her study, it is not animal science related - so it seems like it is lacking the appropriate knowledge specialisations for something so complex as canine health.
  13. Thanks whippetsmum - there have been big shows around there for the last few weekends, so hopefully all the showies see this as well and keep an eye on their dogs :)
  14. When's your first show? Perhaps a vendor at Bulla this weekend? I have a Glamour Show Lead (company started by the Big Show Dog Lead lady) that is a martingale, but it take sa few weeks to get them made. You should be able to find one from a show vendor in silver so that you use different leads to match your mood/what you're wearing.
  15. I've contact Cr Nick Tyrell (Labor) and he has voted for mandatory desexing in the past - hopefully the Labor councillors will not be forced to toe the party line
  16. Hi Demmi! I started out only 8 months ago - but I found reading the Show FAQ was helpful, watching a few shows before I started and also show classes with a Luci Ellem. Remember to have fun! :)
  17. I left at 2pm and they were only up to GSDs - hopefully they're u to Shelties by now :)
  18. I have my golf clubs insured on a separate portable valuables policy with QBE. Are you trying to do it as part of your home contents or a separate policy?
  19. On a side note - does anyone know when the lunch break usually is? Someone is meeting me at the grounds during the break, they asked what time and I don't know! Thanks in advance :)
  20. I'm about to buy one now - thanks Dxenion :) Is your dog about to drink with it on?
  21. I have the ProCollar but it doesn't work as well as the plastic cone Huski - nice idea on the muzzle - just from the pet supply store? My vet only has greyhound size muzzles - way too big for a jap spitz!
  22. A quick question - for the first poll item - are the 2nd & last responses the same thing?
  23. Thanks tibbiesby2 :) our local vet said there was a problem but she seems to gait nicely (except when she decides to chase a bird in the ring - oops!) all the info you've provided on how the genetics works is very interesting (LP is a big issue amongst JS in general and I'm always keen to learn more) :)
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