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Everything posted by Dash

  1. Just had the call from the vet...no good guys, they had to put him to sleep RIP mate xx
  2. It's legs were too long for a crow, did look very similar to that photo kirty but it's beak was black! Maybe a baby one?
  3. Not enough description but I was thinking Ibis. What was the beak like (length and colour) and how big was the bird? It was prob about 20-30cm long, short black beak almost like a magpies beak totally black with midnight blue feathers and longish legs with big long toes! Very cute!
  4. Thanks everyone. Any ideas as to what s/he might be?
  5. I wish there were more people like you in the world! I totally agree, even if he doesn't make it i feel better knowing he didn't suffer too much. that would have been horrible seeing him distressed about his mate! Just proves they have feelings and emotions too! I actually had a bird hit my car not long ago, I thought it was some kids throwing a rock but it was a beautiful Rosella, he was concussed badly and then started biting me ( feisty little bugger) when he came too, but I managed to get him to the vet and he was soon released! I just seem to be always in the right place at the right time! Lucky for the animals
  6. Thanks kirty! keep your fingers crossed for him! Will let you know what the result is.
  7. I need to vent about something that happened today which upset me so much I was shaking! Not exactly dog related but I think everyone will sympathize! I was driving along when I saw a big bird in the middle of the road, people were just swerving around barely missing it, at first I thought it was dead until it moved it's legged, it was such a strange thing that I was even driving down that road because I never take that road and it is very busy and heavily trafficked! I stopped and put my hazard lights on and luckily had a towel in the car which I grabbed and went over to the bird, it was beautiful and black/blue with long legs, I think It was a water bird (if anyone has any idea what it is I'd like ideas!), it didn't look gold but I took it onto the side of the road and rang a vet so I could get him seen straight away, even though I was doubtful he would make it. Everyone just kept driving past at full speed beeping there horns at me and getting annoyed! By this time I was on the verge of tears as the poor little guys head kept lolling over but I could feel a heartbeat so I kept going! Got him into the car and flew (metaphorically speaking) to the vet! By the time I got there I just burst into tears at the counter! Although he was a little brighter when I got him out of the car and he had done 3 big poos on the seat! They said they would call and let me know how he goes as I said to do whatever they could to save him. Still haven't heard anything and they are shut now so I am feeling very anxious! Fingers crossed for the little guy, I really hope he pulled through! The moral of this little story is I totally believe everything happens for a reason as if I hadn't been going that way today for my unknown reason that beautiful bird wouldn't have had a chance! People just don't seem to care about things like that. It makes me so sad to think no one would have stopped for this beautiful bird.
  8. i honestly cant see how it would have raised eyebrows, my small dog is aggressive unprovoked to any dog. i worry she will get hurt. she lives with the other 2 and only just tolerates being in the same room even if the oher 2 arent near her! the post was supposed to be informative about the different breeds living together not a way of saying we let our dogs drive each other crazy! anyway, i do agree with you that people can only go by the words on the page i just believe the tone of the reply was a little accusing and for any dog lover to have someone say the way they treat there dogs isnt good is going to get your back up! i'm sure you would agree with that the thing is that from what you wrote it doesn't sound unprovoked. Well adjusted and socialised dogs will tell rude dogs off. You said one of your dogs tried to herd your little dog and the other one tried to play with her but due to the size difference it is too rough. Most dogs would stand up for themselves in that situation by growling and snapping. She has probably told them before with other body language that she has had enough before she steps it up to the growling and snapping stage. If she had teeth she would give them a nip and it would probably be enough for them to learn their manners with her. I really think it is up to you to stand up for her. Put the other dogs in a time out if they start harrassing her. She is small and old and needs you to be step in for her. I won't comment on the fence fighting it does sound like a frustating situation. If he is on your land you can report him to the police or the counsel. Definitely, she doesnt mind sid rounding her up she normally tells him off and he leaves her alone, normally it is just every other dog she is aggressive with. as for the fence we have definitely thought about ringing council, he seems to get a kick out of it! his dogs have bitten people before also so next time he does it i think i will make the call :D
  9. North Avoca Beach on the central coast is great, there are signs as to which part to stay in but you will see all the other people with there dogs off the leash! beautiful beach and not too heavy surf most of the time, although with the cyclone lately i dont know! good luck
  10. i honestly cant see how it would have raised eyebrows, my small dog is aggressive unprovoked to any dog. i worry she will get hurt. she lives with the other 2 and only just tolerates being in the same room even if the oher 2 arent near her! the post was supposed to be informative about the different breeds living together not a way of saying we let our dogs drive each other crazy! anyway, i do agree with you that people can only go by the words on the page i just believe the tone of the reply was a little accusing and for any dog lover to have someone say the way they treat there dogs isnt good is going to get your back up! i'm sure you would agree with that
  11. So Beautiful. made me cry. wish people wouldnt be so easily led by what the media has made up
  12. Hahaha i know right! couldnt believe it...you try and reply to a friendly post and get assaulted about the way i treat my animals! i wouldnt be on here if i didnt love my dogs! :D Ah no - I meant your post :D well i dont think what they said was exactly polite. my post was standing up for myself. wouldnt you agree?
  13. Hahaha i know right! couldnt believe it...you try and reply to a friendly post and get assaulted about the way i treat my animals! i wouldnt be on here if i didnt love my dogs! :D
  14. Quite clearly you think it is ok, even legal for a stranger to walk there dogs on another persons property. it is not ok for someone to walk there dogs up to another persons fence without permission, this is still our land until where the boundary stops which in our case is well beyond our fence. please dont comment on what you dont know. and do some research, it is NOT instinctive for a dog to be aggressive, it is instinct to be protective, there is a massive difference. where in my post did i state that we allowed the other dogs to hurt her? i dont recall every saying we let her get in harms way and as for the way we look after our old dog, we have rescued countless dogs and other animals over the years and all of our animals are in the best health and state of mind. please dont jump the gun and decide to be the moral voice when you clearly dont know what you are talking about. we love all our animals and have the money, space and time for them and more.
  15. i like this topic! and as being the owner of 3 completely different breeds i am so aware of this! Having first of all the 11 year old TINY white fluffy thing (Maltese terrier), Millie, with no teeth left!, The 2 1/2 year old Australian Cattle, Sid (my baby!) And the newsest arrival, 4 month old dash who is a StaffyX. we face this problem every day! Sid being the big boisterous, crazy boy he is, he rounds poor Millie up without too much aggression from her (i think he thinks she is a mini sheep! until he gets too rough then she goes nuts. Then poor dash comes along, the pup wants to play and Millie (being so small and getting hurt by Dash's bouncy big playing) wont have a bar of it! no excuse for her behaviour but in her defence she has no teeth left! then the neighbouring dogs walk past and Sid casually walks to the fence to say hi, then the furry missile lets loose, charging with lack of teeth bared. it is ridiculous and scary as she is so dumb it would be her own fault if she was to provoke another dog and of course we dont want her getting hurt! i also have a problem with a neighbour of our who walks 2 smallish basenji's past our fence and deliberately lets them up to our fence to provoke the cattle dog, his 2 dogs act with pack mentality and are very aggressive and have actually grabbed Sid through the fence, Sid who wouldnt hurt a fly didnt know what hit him! this man makes me so angry!! he has all this room and even has to walk through trees to get to our fence! :D people with ANY sized dog, particulary small dogs as they are more likely to be aggressive and territorial need to be in control! its for its own benifit not just everyone elses!! Cheers!
  16. i'm going to say definitely staffy cross. possibly even a little husky as the blue eye is very common in husky breeds, especially seeing it is only the one eye!
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