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Everything posted by easyaz

  1. Thanks for the quick replys, his parents were quite large but I don't care if he isn't bulky, if he turns out like that second photo I would be very very happy. Just not to sure if he is getting enough food really and hopefully not stunting his growth by giving him an all raw diet and not feeding him the puppy dry food that promotes growth!
  2. My boy just turned 7 months and a few people said "oh he looks a bit small" just wanted everyone elses opinion. Hopefully I'm feeding him enough, maybe some people could upload a photo of their amstaff at that age or around that. Thanks in advance Aaron. Hopefully the pics work I'm doing this of my iPhone. http://s699.photobucket.com/albums/vv352/hardaz/?action=view&current=photo-1.jpg http://s699.photobucket.com/albums/vv352/hardaz/?action=view&current=photo-2.jpg http://s699.photobucket.com/albums/vv352/hardaz/?action=view&current=photo-3.jpg If that didn't work just copy the link
  3. oh yay, that is so good. he looks like a good boy
  4. Labs and staffys, but im not bias or anything my lab made it to the ripe old age of 17 and passed this feb. Now here's the new cutie!!!
  5. I have a five month old amstaff who gets along good now with my cats, I just make sure they have been hanging out every day when I'm around and if he starts to do something wrong I let him no about it, and that seems to be working well .... So far lol
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