I regularly travel 1-2 hours interstate just to show my neuter bitch. I would prefer to enter her locally, but there is nothing on offer yet. I exhibit both neuter and entire dogs, and they all enjoy going to the show. I will take preference for a show with neuter class over a closer show without neuter class. so the local show misses out on my entire entries as well.
I am happy to keep the line between entire and non entire animals, but I, like a number of others are sure that there are a few neuters still being shown as entire. It is a shame that the area of "potential" reproductive qualities is considered a barrier to dogs being shown in the ring competitively.
There are a lot of well constructed neuters around, and some less than optimal entire dogs around, and I feel it is unjust to discount an animal simply because it is neutered, especially when it may well be more sound, and true to the breeding standard for the breed.
Interesting discussion topic, thank you for raising it.