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Everything posted by Dogsrawesome

  1. The Canine Club< link to the website. Opens on the 28th im super excited i get to go see the place on saturday.
  2. Some very cute photos Rebanne. Well thats good thanks guys always had a lil thing for the whippet and borzoi haha
  3. Sounds like my Fox terrier x haha Good to know thought id ask cause many people say they chase everything that moves.
  4. Always wondered if sighthounds would be okay if brought up with a cat or would they still want to chase them?
  5. Look on the dogzonline website plenty of different breeds on it
  6. vizslas need a lot of exercise. just putting that out there i looked on dogzonline and they have the same amount of stars as a Austrailian cattle dog hehe
  7. Hey i was going to ask my dad to take me to watch a show this weekend that is suppose to be at durack but i went on the German shepherd club QLD and they said its moved it to kingston just want to make sure if he says yes we go to the right place . Also it will be the first show i will be watching are the dogs there all day? i just thought this would be the best place to ask :D
  8. poor family hope the kids arent scared of dogs now :D well i guess they have a reason to be ;) And good on the father for looking after his family like that what a hero. Now the Staffords are going to have a really bad name put against them all because of the stupid owners i swear some people just shouldnt have pets
  9. Okay so near where i live is Cattle dog x and a foxie x and they are always out on the road. The man doesnt have a fence and the cattle dog blends in with the road and has almost been hit by a bus and car. When i used to walk to school i could go two different ways and i picked one of the ways i dont normally go cause of no foot paths but i thought why not i will go that way anyway this was the first time i came across them and the cattle dog come running up barking and my thought was crap im going to get attacked but not she just jumps up to say hello and wants pats. ;) then the man comes out and gives me a filthy look i was thinking well if you dont want your dog getting pats dont let it run all over the road and build a fence. I didnt say it because he looked really suspicious? So my point is what do i do? I don't want to call the council cause i worry they will take her and put her down but if i have to i will but could i do anything else? sorry for the long post its just worrying me :D
  10. i done it for my old dog max it was a good survey
  11. maybe i got the last episode of this season or something cause i remember putting it on record haha
  12. Its recorded but i'm waiting for the foxtel haha should be able to get it tonight :D and thanks adza i will put it on record excited to watch it now
  13. Hey never even knew about that show whats it about and what night is it on? going to record it haha
  14. yeah figured out i watched last years one yesterday oops :D so im watching some of this years one today.
  15. if you go to the Westminster Kennel Club website they have videos of this years dog show i watched most of them yesterday. Mind you most of the videos go for more the 10mins haha so i spent most of my day infront the computer screen. Thought i would share just incase people didnt know because i didnt haha well have fun
  16. big cat diary is sometimes on but not often i used to watch that all the time when i was younger it was really good ;) and Yay another vote bahaha ;)
  17. Awwww i love rescue ink too lol but i havent seen any new episodes up ;) but i love how serious they take the job
  18. they have to have markings im pretty sure but this might help you ;) Link
  19. Oh that poor little puppy you have every right to hate it, if i witnessed that i would hate it even more.
  20. Think i might put that on record lol seems interesting thanks
  21. i havent watched the haunted before but it would probs give me the shivers
  22. i have helped a dog on the side of the road before looked like he fell out of a ute cause he had oil stains and a torn rope lead attached to him . He was fine though he got up and was walking fine i observed him to make sure he wasnt in any pain. Then i walked him to the rspca near my house, i never seen him up for adoptions so i just hope his owners found him :D . With the ute thing i almost experienced the same thing a ute was infront of me and my friend while she was driving and a car went down the opposite side of the road and also had a dog on the back. The one in the ute almost jumped to try and attack the other dog. I screamed but luckly his lead was short enough and he couldnt really jump out but jezz it made my heat jump.
  23. i used to watch all of the animal cops but they are repeating D: they need new seasons as much as they episodes make me angry i like watching them
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