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Scarlett Dog

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Everything posted by Scarlett Dog

  1. It was exhausting! I get the feeling it's a package deal though
  2. it's one thing to not pick it up- that's bad. But to intentionally take your dog somewhere else to poo then leave without picking it up- terrible!
  3. We were recently invited to a mutual friend's BBQ. We haven't meet the hosts before but know our mutual friends well. As part of the invite, our pooch was also invited. As we like to get her out and about with us meeting as many new people and dogs as she can. We did ask a few questions about the host's dog and were assured they were dog friendly and regular's at their local dog park (which is neither here not there). Our girl is very well socialised, and has really only been around well socialised dogs supervised by people who know have some idea about dogs and what to look out for. Sadly, when we got to this BBQ it was a nightmare! The two dogs were nervous and consequently aggressive. The owners seemed to make it worse. We ended up asking for the dogs to be separated- we could see our pooch was not enjoying herself and a little on the stressed side. We wanted to leave but thought it a bit rude with all the trouble they went to. When we left they suggested we do it again (they thought having our pooch around their would somehow help their dogs). How do you even begin to explain without offending them? We suggested next time out our place and humans only and they laughing like it was a joke (the people are nice, we're happy to socialise with them, not their dogs). We don't want to make it seem like we're judging them harshly! I just don't want to put our pooch in the situation again. Has anyone had to deal with anything similar? Any words of wisdom?
  4. I have one of those as well. I do not like it that much. It was hard to get the bubbles to work. We use the same one with Scarlett- she tries to stalk them... funny to watch. she seems to enjoy herself
  5. My pooch has always been a bit of a puller- although not to the point of choking herself. We are using an infin8 with her at the moment purely because we can take the nose strap off/on depending on when she's pulling. Whatever you use you need to be consistent and have plenty of patience. One thing I've learnt is you can never be in a hurry to get anywhere with your puppy! Goodluck!
  6. that made me cry! I love that dogs don't hold grudges against people in after being mistreated. They still crave affection. Beautiful
  7. My dog does that but it's more a protest thing if we're not going the way she wants to (aaah how I love bull terriers). One word, patience. I just out wait her and she gets tired of sitting there, then off we go! 10 minute walks have be known to take 30 but she gets better all the time...
  8. Nina Ottosson toys and other boredom busting toys are great! They're something i'm willing to keep purchasing because the pooch doesn't really outgrow them. I have to say I'm a fan of lupine collars & leads - the replacement guarantee makes them well worth the money. I'm surprised how few places sell them
  9. As our puppy has grown we have given her unused things to a local rescue group (collars, leads, bowls, bedding etc). They seem happy to take any donations if they're in good condition
  10. Having a bull terrier we're pretty careful when it comes to sun on her pink nose. We use the pet sunscreen (which like a thick zinc) on her nose. Because it's so thick it stays on a lot longer (I'm not sure about your dog but mine certainly isn't a fan of having it applied!). I have been told baby/toddler sunscreen is ok in small amounts as it is gentler and has less chemicals than regular sunscreen
  11. I think I'd prefer to have someone home with her until she's back to her normal self. I'd hate to have dramas from ripping stitches! I'm not sure how easy it will be to keep her quiet though. She likes her crate but a I can't see her staying there for more than a few hours- she seems to think she'll miss out on something. Thanks for the responses
  12. She's an English Bull Terrier (standard not miniature)
  13. I'm sure this has been asked a million times (I did troll through old posts trying to find an answer). I'm trying to plan around having my (almost) 6 month old girl de-sexed in the next couple of weeks. I know it's more involved for de-sexing females, does anyone have an idea of the recovery time. We're trying to plan around taking time off work etc. She is outside when we are at work so we'd need to be home if she needs to be confined etc (she is crate trained). What have people's experiences been like?
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